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6ta Edicion Abierto Internacional 2 Orillas 14 al 16 de Julio - Santa Fe 20.000 en premios - Tambien clasifica a la Final Argentina 2300/2000/1700

Última actualización16.07.2017 23:51:03, Propietario/Última carga: AI Leandro

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Rk.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1IMServat Roberto2435ARG 47w1 12b1 4w1 6b1 2w½ 9b15,5022,525
2IMTempone Marcelo2404ARG 51b1 32w1 14b1 11w1 1b½ 3w½5021,523,5
3Lares Agustin Jose2151ARG 28w1 35b1 8w½ 24b1 7w1 2b½5020,523,5
4Alvarez Leandro2048ARG 25b1 30w1 1b0 44w1 21b1 8w15019,522
5IMQuiroga Facundo2244ARG 40w1 13b1 9w½ 7b0 31w1 12b14,5019,522,5
6Caro Esteban2154ARG 46b1 33w1 16b1 1w0 22b½ 23w14,5019,522
7Fontanini Jorge2011ARG 49b½ 36w1 56b1 5w1 3b0 22w14,5018,520,5
8Mizzau Pablo1834ARG 60b1 15w1 3b½ 14w1 9w½ 4b0402223,5
9Perez Daniel2027ARG 62b1 31w1 5b½ 10w1 8b½ 1w0402123
10Fernandez Gaston1591ARG 18b1 27w1 9b0 24w1 11b½4019,523
11Pesuto Ivan2138ARG 34b1 44w1 22b1 2b0 13w½ 10w½4019,522
12Benitez Fernando1872ARG 67b1 1w0 46b1 45w1 15b1 5w0401920
13Pesuto Nicolas1816ARG 42b1 5w0 34b1 54w1 11b½ 16w½401820
14CMLeto Enzo2020ARG 58w1 26b1 2w0 8b0 47w1 30b1401820
15IMLlanos Guillermo2320ARG 37w1 8b0 40w1 35b1 12w0 33b1401720
16Abdenur Luciano1926ARG 69w1 59b1 6w0 55b1 23w½ 13b½401718
17Horisch Juan Pablo0ARG 21b0 25w1 30b0 34w1 44b1 32w1401618,5
18Acosta Raul2036ARG 10w0 48b1 45w1 43b14014,517
19Magallan Gaston2071ARG 64w1 24b½ 21w0 58b½ 55w+ 31w14014,516,5
20WIMZuriel Marisa2251ARG 61b1 22w0 45b0 64w1 57b1 38w14013,515,5
21Orono Luciano1765ARG 17w1 19b1 4w0 29b½3,502023,5
22Gutierrez Gomez Nicolas1825CHI 39w1 20b1 11w0 37b1 6w½ 7b03,502023
23Rios Emiliano1641ARG 52b1 33w1 16b½ 6b03,501820
24Laorden Gustavo1766ARG 50b1 19w½ 54b1 3w0 10b0 46w13,5017,519,5
25Gomez Reyes Solana1602ARG 4w0 17b0 41w½ 71b1 36b1 50w13,5017,519
26Kulmichel Arturo1751ARG 71b1 14w0 39w1 38b½ 27w½3,5016,518
27Morel Oscar2007ARG 48w1 10b0 37w0 66b1 58w1 26b½3,501516,5
28Marin Victor1622ARG 3b0 65w½ 71b1 50w1 30w½ 35b½3,501516
29Landra Augusto1949ARG 68b1 54w0 31b0 62w1 56b1 21w½3,5012,513,5
30Dib Nadir1769ARG 55w1 4b0 17w1 28b½ 14w0302023
31Ferreyra Pablo1738ARG 63w1 9b0 29w1 32w1 5b0 19b03018,520
32Vazquez Sebastian1839ARG 66w1 2b0 48w1 31b0 37w1 17b03017,519
33Barreira Vesco Ulises1814ARG 53w1 6b0 66w1 23b0 42w1 15w0301718,5
34Coriat Leonardo1621ARG 11w0 41b1 13w0 17b0 66w1 59b1301718,5
35Werner Joaquin1809ARG 65b1 3w0 62b1 15w0 46b½ 28w½301718
36Encina Adrian Andres0ARG 57w1 7b0 55w0 40b1 25w0 58b13016,518,5
37Rubattino Jorge1678ARG 15b0 67w1 27b1 22w0 32b0 60w13015,516,5
38Nagel Gaston1785ARG 54b0 70w1 39b½ 49w1 26w½ 20b0301516
39Grospietro Patricio1468ARG 22b0 61w1 38w½ 26b0 52w1 45b½3014,516,5
40Perez Raffo Martin Nicolas1657ARG 5b0 60w1 15b0 36w0 67b1 63w13014,515,5
41Blanco Sebastian0ARG 44b0 34w0 25b½ 51w1 49b½ 56w13013,515,5
42Goyenechea Alvaro1416ARG 13w0 70b1 56w½ 33b0 57w+3013,514,5
43Percincula Lazaro1808ARG 59w0 48b0 69b1 68w1 54b1 18w03011,512,5
44Castrignano Nahuel1779ARG 41w1 11b0 59w1 4b0 17w0 48b½2,5018,520,5
45Hernandez Hector Pablo1755ARG 20w1 12b0 18b0 39w½2,501821
46Rillo Badano Manuel1633ARG 6w0 53b1 12w0 59b1 35w½ 24b02,5017,519,5
47Acosta Carlos Humberto1687ARG 1b0 60w1 14b0 49w½2,501718,5
48Sanchez Peretti Guillermo1575ARG 27b0 43w1 32b0 18w0 70b1 44w½2,501617
49Rebot Alejandro1577ARG 7w½ 56b0 52w1 38b0 41w½ 47b½2,501517
50Galarza Rodrigo0ARG 24w0 64b1 57w½ 28b0 61w1 25b02,501517
51Yujnovsky German1682ARG 2w0 66b0 53w½ 41b0 71w+ 54w12,501415
52Ocampo Gisel0ARG 23w0 49b0 65w1 39b0 64b+2,5013,514,5
53Vignetta Thiago1375ARG 33b0 46w0 51b½ 70w½ 64b½ 68w12,5010,511,5
54Alberdi Luis0ARG 38w1 29b1 24w0 13b0 43w0 51b0201719
55Fiszson Sergio1760ARG 30b0 69w1 36b1 16w0 19b- -02016,517,5
56Mareco Facundo1688ARG 70b½ 49w1 7w0 42b½ 29w0 41b0201617
57Taboada Facundo1778ARG 36b0 68w1 50b½ 20w0 42b-2015,516,5
58Salazar Leovys Erix1580ARG 14b0 71w½ 65b1 19w½ 27b0 36w02015,516,5
59Musso Balkenende Martin1279ARG 43b1 16w0 44b0 46w0 68b1 34w0201516
60Cardozo Teofilo1527ARG 8w0 40b0 -1 47b0 62w1 37b02014,516
61Tsotras Nicolas Daniel1671ARG 20w0 39b0 50b0 67w12013,514,5
62Werner Bruno1582ARG 9w0 63b1 35w0 29b0 60b0 70w12013,514,5
63Svetliza Ignacio Jose0ARG 31b0 62w0 68b0 -1 65w1 40b0201011
64Garcia Santiago1615ARG 19b0 50w0 67b1 20b0 53w½ 52w-1,501516
65Mizzau Hernan1349ARG 35w0 28b½ 58w0 52b0 63b0 -11,501212,5
66Sarla Miyen1542ARG 32b0 51w1 33b0 27w0 34b0 69w-1014,516,5
67Brasca Alejandro Jorge1550ARG 12w0 37b0 64w0 69b1 40w0 61b0101415
68Nardi Hector1572ARG 29w0 57b0 63w1 43b0 59w0 53b01013,515
69Costa Jorge1564ARG 16b0 55b0 43w0 67w0 -1 66b-101313,5
70Tiengo Jeremias0ARG 56w½ 38b0 42w0 53b½ 48w0 62b01012,514,5
71Leitner Federico0ARG 26w0 58b½ 28w0 25w0 51b- -00,5014,516

Desempate 1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)