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Richmond Megafinal U8 Boys

Last update 13.06.2017 02:09:07, Creator/Last Upload: paul_mck

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdRk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Thatte Nishchal136ENG 28b1 24w1 12b1 23w1 2b1 11w116210
2Auchi Taymour55ENG 29w1 25b1 13w1 5b1 1w0 23w084180
3Jennings Harry53ENG 30b½ 6w+ 10b0 54w0 19b- -0491,580
4Hillary William50ENG 31w1 27b1 15w1 11b0 25w1 26b135180
5Cestar Conrad43ENG 32b1 26w1 17b1 2w0 11w0 36b0223150
6Rombouts Hugo41ENG 33w0 3b- -0 -0 -0 -054000
7Seth Adhritt41ENG 34b1 33w1 23b0 8w1 27b1 12w½64,516,50,5
8Roets Daniel20ENG 35w1 37b1 45w½ 7b0 33w1 54b½9415,50
9Oppenlander Santiago17ENG 36b0 38w1 30b1 26w0 43w1 45b1184120
10Ozdenoren Deniz14ENG 37w0 35b1 3w1 25b1 32w1 56b0124140
11Auchi Laith1ENG 38b1 36w1 56b1 4w1 5b1 1b025200
12Akhavan Casper0ENG 39w1 41b1 1w0 45b1 36w1 7b½74,516,50,5
13Alam Dawood0ENG 40b1 43w1 2b0 55w1 56b0 27w1104150
14Basirov Maximilian0ENG 41w0 39b1 37w1 27b0 54b0 38w1293100
15Blumberg Samuel0ENG 42b1 46w1 4b0 56w0 38b1 28w1134140
16Bradbury Isaac0ENG 43w0 40b- -0 -0 -0 -055000
17Brandreth-Stroud Cassian0ENG 44b1 55w1 5w0 36b0 42w1 43b0243130
18Buyo Eugenio0ENG 45w0 42b1 40w1 43b0 44w1 49b0273110
19Chamberlain Hugo0ENG 46b0 44w0 39b0 50w1 3w+ 20b047250
20Chandran-Daykin Kamran0ENG 47w1 45b0 41w+ 49b0 48b½ 19w1203,5120
21Chapman Cameron0ENG 48b1 56w0 43b0 40w1 47b1 30w1194120
22Cockell Freddie0ENG 49w0 47b- -0 -0 -0 -056000
23French Raffi0ENG 50b1 57w1 7w1 1b0 49w1 2b145180
24Grillo Alessandro0ENG 51w1 1b0 44w0 33b0 46w1 42b040280
25Hayes Tommaso0ENG 52b1 2w0 46b1 10w0 4b0 39w0372100
26Hipkins Eli0ENG 53w1 5b0 47w1 9b1 52w+ 4w0114150
27Johnson Charlie0ENG 54b1 4w0 52b1 14w1 7w0 13b0253130
28Kamath Ameya0ENG 1w0 48b½ 53w½ 41b+ 55b1 15b03039,50
29Keartland Alistair0ENG 2b0 50w1 55b0 42w0 39b0 53w146260
30Kirkpatrick Emmett0ENG 3w½ 49b1 9w0 44b1 45w½ 21b0263120
31Lucas Ethan0ENG 4b0 52w0 42w- 51b- 50b- -057000
32Mahoney Tomas0ENG 5w0 51b1 49w0 46b1 10b0 40w041280
33Maycock Prime Jacob0ENG 6b1 7b0 54w½ 24w1 8b0 48w1213,5120
34Mekie Thomas0ENG 7w0 53b½ 48w½ 47b- 40b- -05114,50,5
35Mitchell James0ENG 8b0 10w0 50b1 48w0 41b+ 44b134370
36Naser Haris0ENG 9w1 11b0 57b1 17w1 12b0 5w1144140
37Nourouzi James0ENG 10b1 8w0 14b0 52w0 53b+ 47b131390
38Peschiera Max0ENG 11w0 9b0 51w+ 53b1 15w0 14b044270
39Porter Ben0ENG 12b0 14w0 19w1 57b0 29w1 25b135370
40Prasadam-Halls Rafi0ENG 13w0 16w+ 18b0 21b0 34w+ 32b132380
41Punukollu Krish0ENG 14b1 12w0 20b- 28w- 35w- 55w050160
42Reid Charlie0ENG 15w0 18w0 31b+ 29b1 17b0 24w133380
43Robinson Ben0ENG 16b1 13b0 21w1 18w1 9b0 17w1154140
44Rudolph Joseph0ENG 17w0 19b1 24b1 30w0 18b0 35w038290
45Splettstoesser Finian0ENG 18b1 20w1 8b½ 12w0 30b½ 9w0233140
46Tahir Jalil0ENG 19w1 15b0 25w0 32w0 24b0 51b145270
47Thevenot Hugo0ENG 20b0 22w+ 26b0 34w+ 21w0 37w042280
48Thomas Tristan0ENG 21w0 28w½ 34b½ 35b1 20w½ 33b0362,58,50
49Thota Rishan0ENG 22b1 30w0 32b1 20w1 23b0 18w1164140
50Van Eyk Joshua0ENG 23w0 29b0 35w0 19b0 31w+ -148230
51Van Schalkwyk Lukas0ENG 24b0 32w0 38b- 31w- -1 46w053120
52Whiting Archie0ENG 25w0 31b1 27w0 37b1 26b- -043280
53Wilson Freddie0ENG 26b0 34w½ 28b½ 38w0 37w- 29b05214,50,5
54Zal Daniel0ENG 27w0 -1 33b½ 3b1 14w1 8w½17412,50
55Gwiggner Daniel0ENG -1 17b0 29w1 13b0 28w0 41b1283110
56Harris Charles Benjamin0ENG -1 21b1 11w0 15b1 13w1 10w155170
57Fulla Guy0ENG -1 23b0 36w0 39w1 -0 -039290

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Fide Tie-Break
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)