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LI Open Internacional Villa de Mislata Grupo B (Sub-2100) (FIDE 162846)

Last update 13.08.2017 13:34:18, Creator/Last Upload: IA Vicente Fernando G¢mez Roca

Player overview for alz

Results of the last round for alz

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Roca Cruz Rafael1996 1 - 0 Orosa Martinez Victor1969
Moreno Izquierdo Ismael15823 1 - 0 Porras Boronat German1497
Marco Catala Juan Bautista17133 0 not paired  

Player details for alz

Roca Cruz Rafael 1996 ESP Rp:1991 Pts. 5,5
144Fernandez Garcia Olmo18161799ESP4w 1205,20
246Pallas I Garrido Ernest Josep18121807ESP5s ½20-4,80
3-not paired-- --- ½
427Hill Guell Pau19291925ESP5w ½20-1,80
5-not paired-- --- ½
631Monmeneu Chulia Vicente Juan19161925ESP4,5s 1207,80
743Luque Saiz Andres18251814ESP6,5w 020-14,60
820Costa Grau Adrian19571946ESP6s ½20-1,00
919Orosa Martinez Victor19691958ESP4,5w 1209,20
Porras Boronat German 1497 ESP Rp:1538 Pts. 2,5
131Monmeneu Chulia Vicente Juan19161925ESP4,5s 020-2,20
2-not paired-- --- ½
349Aupi Rifa Francisco17411775ESP3w 12016,00
433Delgado Lozano Jose Manuel19121907ESP4,5s 020-2,20
5-not paired-- --- ½
648Martinez Perez Enrique17691767ESP3,5w 020-3,40
755Fernandez Sanchez Vicente16791681ESP3,5s ½204,80
847Fernandez Garcia Leon17741759ESP3,5w 020-3,40
962Moreno Izquierdo Ismael15821577ESP4s 020-7,60
Marco Catala Juan Bautista 1713 ESP Rp:1340 Pts. 3
189Marin Torres Juan Francisco12471229ESP3,5w 1202,20
2-not paired-- --- ½
354Bosch Jorda Ricard16011597ESP6,5s ½20-3,00
458Bellver Gorshenin Maxim15781579ESP5w 020-13,60
5-not paired-- --- ½
672Pallas Moragues Gerard14771526ESP5,5s 020-16,00
773Esteller Nadal Jose14701484ESP4s ½20-6,00
877Rodriguez Garcia Jose Ii14151361ESP4,5w 020-17,00
9-not paired-- --- 0