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Latgale Spring Cup chess blitz-2017

Last update 20.05.2017 17:42:19, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMTihonov Jurij2377BLR 24b1 14w1 8b½ 7w0 22b1 6w0 19w1 9b1 3w05,584851,52044
2FMKononenko Dmitry2364UKR 25w1 15b1 9w1 3b0 6b1 7w1 8b1 5w1 17w18148,552,52374
3FMVlassow Valentin2258RUS 26b1 16w1 12b1 2w1 8b1 4w1 6b0 13w1 1b18246,5512393
4NMIndricans Olgerts2205LAT 27w0 10w1 28b1 19b1 17w1 3b0 15w0 18w1 13b16544,5481916
5NMStepanov Timofej2198LAT 28b1 17w0 13w1 21b1 12b1 10w½ 7b½ 2b0 19w05144649,51935
6MKDr Agafonov Yuri2192LAT 29w1 21b1 11w½ 17b1 2w0 1b1 3w1 15b1 7w17,5349532254
7NMJankovskis Guntis2188LAT 30b1 18w1 17b0 1b1 13w1 2b0 5w½ 8w1 6b05,594750,52074
8WGMEidelson Rakhil2114BLR 31w1 23b1 1w½ 11b1 3w0 9b1 2w0 7b0 21w½51347512041
9MKMetreveli Sergejs2112LAT 32b1 20w1 2b0 18w1 14b½ 8w0 24b1 1w0 16b15,51043,546,51957
10MKZhukov Nikolai2078BLR 33w½ 4b0 41w1 26b1 11w1 5b½ 17w0 19b0 25w15174144,51769
11MKMelderis Uldis1986LAT 34b1 22w1 6b½ 8w0 10b0 24w0 28b1 26w1 14b04,5234043,51766
12MKSarbay Aleksandr1971BLR 35w1 27b1 3w0 23b1 5w0 19b0 25w1 20b1 15w05154346,51791
13ISilich Yahor1849BLR 36b1 42w1 5b0 20w1 7b0 33w1 14b1 3b0 4w051643451853
14MKAlipovs Anatoljs1847LAT 37w1 1b0 27w1 29b1 9w½ 15b½ 13w0 21b0 11w151839,5431827
15CMNavumenka Mikhei1805BLR 38b1 2w0 32b1 22w½ 18b1 14w½ 4b1 6w0 12b16643461970
16MKHorobrijs Daniils1770LAT 39w1 3b0 29w0 24w1 32b1 23b½ 27w1 17b0 9w04,52241441662
17MKSpizharny Mikhail1732BLR 40b1 5b1 7w1 6w0 4b0 20w1 10b1 16w1 2b06446,549,52113
18IDombrovska Stefanija1731LAT 41w1 7b0 31w1 9b0 15w0 32b1 33w1 4b0 39w151939,542,51699
19IKirilin Dmitrij1690BLR 42b0 36w1 34b1 4w0 29b1 12w1 1b0 10w1 5b16738401922
20ILeonova Ameliya1677BLR 43w1 9b0 33w1 13b0 38w1 17b0 23w1 12w0 31b152038411729
21IPapunidi Matvey1677BLR 44b1 6w0 38b1 5w0 33b0 26w1 30b1 14w1 8b½5,51138,540,51821
22ITsesler Yakau1646BLR 45w1 11b0 35w1 15b½ 1w0 27b½ 31w½ 23b0 33w03,5333841,51594
23IMatskevich Maksim1642BLR 46b1 8w0 42b1 12w0 34b1 16w½ 20b0 22w1 24b04,52534,534,51659
24IKuleba Ivan1633BLR 1w0 33b½ 37w1 16b0 35w1 11b1 9w0 27b1 23w15,51237,5411794
25IPetrova Vita1612LAT 2b0 38w0 26b0 45w1 42b1 34w1 12b0 32w1 10b042836,538,51603
26IIKorshakova Tatiana1539RUS 3w0 37b½ 25w1 10w0 28b1 21b0 35w1 11b0 27w14,52438,5421695
27ILeitans Daniels1501LAT 4b1 12w0 14b0 36w1 40b1 22w½ 16b0 24w0 26b03,53437,540,51606
28IVasilkovs Aleksandrs1478LAT 5w0 39b1 4w0 35b½ 26w0 41b1 11w0 37b1 29w03,5353639,51530
29IITitov Kirill1438RUS 6b0 40w1 16b1 14w0 19w0 31b0 45w1 39b0 28b142738,541,51567
30IIBenediktov Pavel1390RUS 7w0 41b0 43w1 38b0 39w1 40b1 21w0 31b½ 35w03,53633361409
31IMakarau Yauheni1380BLR 8b0 44w1 18b0 40w0 43b1 29w1 22b½ 30w½ 20w043032341604
32ITabors Emils1380LAT 9w0 43b1 15w0 39b1 16w0 18w0 36b1 25b0 45w034136,539,51556
33IKazachenka Maryia1372BLR 10b½ 24w½ 20b0 42w1 21w1 13b0 18b0 38w1 22b152137,539,51683
34ILeonovs Jegors1368LAT 11w0 45b1 19w0 41b1 23w0 25b0 37w0 42b1 38b142933351464
35IIKarasevics Aleksandrs1353LAT 12b0 46w1 22b0 28w½ 24b0 38w1 26b0 36w1 30b14,52632321536
36IITaraikovski Mikhail1343BLR 13w0 19b0 44w1 27b0 41w½ 37b1 32w0 35b0 46w13,53831311430
37IShaida Gennadi1311BLR 14b0 26w½ 24b0 43w0 44b1 36w0 34b1 28w0 40b13,53732341479
38IIKazmerika Anna1270LAT 15w0 25b1 21w0 30w1 20b0 35b0 40w1 33b0 34w034037,540,51372
39IIAleidzans Vadims1259LAT 16b0 28w0 46b1 32w0 30b0 44w1 43b1 29w1 18b043128,528,51550
40IMarstupa Rodions1223LAT 17w0 29b0 45w1 31b1 27w0 30w0 38b0 43b1 37w034231,534,51377
41IFreibergs Andrejs1203LAT 18b0 30w1 10b0 34w0 36b½ 28w0 44b0 46b1 42w13,53928,528,51463
42ITer-Avetisjana Agnesa Stepani1198LAT 19w1 13b0 23w0 33b0 25w0 45b0 46w1 34w0 41b024436361328
43ISulcs Edvins1850LAT 20b0 32w0 30b0 37b1 31w0 46b1 39w0 40w0 44b134328281311
44IIParhomenko Igors1750LAT 21w0 31b0 36b0 46w1 37w0 39b0 41w1 45b0 43w024531311249
45IIIKundyshev Roman1650BLR 22b0 34w0 40b0 25b0 46w1 42w1 29b0 44w1 32b143225,525,51420
46IVAndrejeva Jekaterina1550LAT 23w0 35b0 39w0 44b0 45b0 43w0 42b0 41w0 36b00462931672

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable with parameter)