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XV Obert d Escacs Actius Vila de Santa Coloma de Queralt

Última actualización04.06.2017 19:50:52, Propietario/Última carga: Josep M. Camell Jane

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 8 rondas

Rk.Nombre1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1IMCruz Jonathan 42b+ 50w1 36b1 14w1 2b1 4b1 13w1 3w½7,53242,50
2GMVila Gazquez Xavier 54w1 22b1 24w1 7b1 1w0 9b1 4w1 12b1733,544,50
3GMMunoz Miguel 94w1 34b1 37w1 6b1 4w0 11b1 7w1 1b½6,532,5420
4IMGual Pascual Antonio 78b1 19w1 16b1 8w1 3b1 1w0 2b0 14w1636460
5IMCruz Filemon 88w1 17b1 38w1 12b½ 11w0 24b1 8b1 6w½632410
6IMMellado Trivino Juan 56w1 53b1 25w1 3w0 16b1 12b½ 11w1 5b½631,5420
7FMZurano Lopez Pedro 33b1 62w1 40b1 2w0 50b1 29w1 3b0 21w1630410
8FMChalmeta Ugas Ramon 47w1 52b1 39w1 4b0 34w1 35b1 5w0 22b1629390
9IMGonzalez Rodriguez Jorge A. 60w1 77b1 51w1 11b0 22w1 2w0 34b1 30b1628380
10IMPerpinya Rofes Lluis Maria 66w1 39b0 82w1 77b1 17b1 13w0 50b1 23w1626340
11mkAyza Leon David 21b½ 26w1 48b1 9w1 5b1 3w0 6b0 27w15,533440
12FMEsplugas Esteve Vicenc 90b1 46w1 18b1 5w½ 14b½ 6w½ 36b1 2w05,532420
13FMTrepat Herranz Joan 97b1 28w0 15w1 68b1 25w1 10b1 1b0 18w½5,530,5400
14FMBarbero Sendic Alejandro 55w1 68b1 43w1 1b0 12w½ 38b1 15w1 4b05,53040,50
15mkMenac Comas Joan Ramon 71b½ 21w1 13b0 48w1 75b1 41w1 14b0 40w15,527,536,50
16Vila Cairo Gerard 63w1 57b1 4w0 51b1 6w0 39b½ 72w1 37b15,527370
17Masague Artero Guerau 85w1 5w0 90b1 70b1 10w0 56b1 35w½ 38b15,525,534,50
18mkRafols Albet Josep 84w1 95b1 12w0 54b1 23w0 57b1 52w1 13b½5,525,5330
19Palacios Pena Gerardo100w1 4b0 27w1 99b1 36b0 61w1 40b½ 35w15,524,532,50
20Garcia Espelta Josep107b0 71w1 78b1 44w½ 21b0 75w1 74b1 36w15,522,530,50
21Sama Salinas Alejandro 11w½ 15b0 96w1 49b1 20w1 37b1 23w½ 7b0530,5390
22Sanchez Bernardino Miguel A 81b1 2w0 60b1 76w1 9b0 42w1 29b1 8w0529,539,50
23IMRahal Michael A 74b1 48w½ 28b1 35w½ 18b1 36w½ 21b½ 10b052938,50
24Rodriguez Adell Aaron 87b1 75w1 2b0 28w1 41b½ 5w0 44b1 26w½528,538,50
25Vila Gazquez Jordi 67b1107w1 6b0 45w1 13b0 26w1 27b0 62w1528370
26Martin Barcelo Carles 30w1 11b0 94w1 53b1 38w½ 25b0 43w1 24b½528360
27Garcia Escoda Marc 35b0 98w1 19b0 86w1 28b1 68b1 25w1 11b0526,534,50
28Moreno Robert Eduard101w1 13b1 23w0 24b0 27w0 58b1 69w1 61b1526,5340
29mkFernandez Alonso Miguel Angel 58w1 51b0 56w1 73b1 42w1 7b0 22w0 54b152635,50
30Sole Pijuan Ferran 26b0 92w1 66b1 81w1 35b0 47w1 31b1 9w0526350
31Llerins Bonet Ricardo 99w1 41b0 55w0 58b1 43w1 77b1 30w0 51b1524310
32Argemi Camp Jaume -0 80b1 52w1 34b0 51w0 53b1 79w1 50w1523,5310
33Dosaiguas Bonne Jaime Jose 7w0 96b½ 71w½ 59b1 68w0100b1 77w1 52b1520,528,50
34Puchkov Yury 64b1 3w0 74b1 32w1 8b0 45w1 9w0 42b½4,531410
35FMGomez Jurado Luis Alberto 27w1 44b1 41w½ 23b½ 30w1 8w0 17b½ 19b04,530,5410
36mkFernandez Soriano Ruben 70w1 73b1 1w0 39b1 19w1 23b½ 12w0 20b04,529,5400
37mkPanella Navarro Sergi 65b1 45w1 3b0 41w½ 44b1 21w0 39b1 16w04,528,5390
38Boldu Soto Roger 69w1 79b1 5b0 46w1 26b½ 14w0 41b1 17w04,528,537,50
39ACMLucas Navas Jose Manuel 98b1 10w1 8b0 36w0 65b1 16w½ 37w0 70b14,52836,50
40Chalmeta Torredemer Enric 92w1 82b1 7w0 42b0 55w1 51b1 19w½ 15b04,52735,50
41Sama Salinas Hector108w1 31w1 35b½ 37b½ 24w½ 15b0 38w0 68b14,527330
42Martinez Hernandez Emili 1w- 59b1 95w1 40w1 29b0 22b0 80w1 34w½4,525,532,50
43Masalias Mira Marc 61b1 76w1 14b0 75w½ 31b0 71w1 26b0 64w14,525340
44Aubanell Ber Sergi110w1 35w0 67b1 20b½ 37w0 70b1 24w0 69b14,52531,50
45Sole Gonzalez Edgar 80w1 37b0 69w1 25b0 99w1 34b0 55w1 49b½4,524310
46Vigier Lopez Carlos103w1 12b0 58w1 38b0 70w½ 69b0 59w1 72b14,523,5310
47Vila Lopez Joan 8b0 91w1 50b0 89w1 53w1 30b0 68w½ 73b14,523320
48Espinosa Cebrian Carlos 96w1 23b½ 11w0 15b0100w1 72b0 97w1 74b14,52330,50
49Verdes Nadal Ramon 76b0 63w0 91b1 21w0104b1 65w1 78b1 45w½4,522290
50Prats Alonso Oscar 59w1 1b0 47w1 55b1 7w0 54b1 10w0 32b0430410
51Cespedes Llaverias Llibert 93b1 29w1 9b0 16w0 32b1 40w0 66b1 31w0429,538,50
52Rosell Formosa Jaime 91b1 8w0 32b0 87w1 60b1 64w1 18b0 33w0427360
53Gensana Berzunces Joan 83b1 6w0 65b1 26w0 47b0 32w0 81b1 71w1425,534,50
54Luco Manubens Daniel 2b0 64w1108b1 18w0 83b1 50w0 86b1 29w0424,5320
55Cornejo Vera Danilo 14b0104w1 31b1 50w0 40b0 83w1 45b0 86w142431,50
56Muratet Carmona Alexandra 6b0 83w1 29b0104w1 81b1 17w0 62b0 91w1423,531,50
57Pla Rofes Aleix109b1 16w0 81b0 67w1 76b1 18w0 61b0 87w1423290
58Ibarz Guasch Maria 29b0 93w1 46b0 31w0102b1 28w0101b1 79b1422,529,50
59Palau Barrufet Vinyet 50b0 42w0102b1 33w0108b1 60w1 46b0 78w1422,5280
60Villa Cardenas Jorge 9b0 89w1 22w0 85b1 52w0 59b0 84w1 80b1422310
61Gardner Richard 43w0 94b0105b1 97w1 78b1 19b0 57w1 28w0421,529,50
62Mateu Valentines Josep Antoni106w1 7b0 70w0 69b0 84w1 99b1 56w1 25b0421290
63Ortiz Padro Pol 16b0 49b1 73w0 72w0111b1 78w0 89b1 82w1420,526,50
64Castro Estrella Joan Gabriel 34w0 54b0110w1 94b1 79w1 52b0 82w1 43b0420,5260
65Solsona Manonelles Josep 37w0103b1 53w0 95b1 39w0 49b0100w1 77b142026,50
66De Las Heras Flo Sergio 10b0105w1 30w0109b1 77w0 95b1 51w0 85b1419,5260
67Caixal Pique Jordi 25w0111b1 44w0 57b0109w1 79b0 95w1 88b141722,50
68Ferre Dalmau Roger104b1 14w0 87b1 13w0 33b1 27w0 47b½ 41w03,527,5350
69Bes Alvarez Alex 38b0 86w1 45b0 62w1 72b½ 46w1 28b0 44w03,526340
70Dartmann Aubanell Catriona 36b0102w1 62b1 17w0 46b½ 44w0 75b1 39w03,525,5330
71Estruch Andreu Guim 15w½ 20b0 33b½108w1 73w½ 43b0 94w1 53b03,525310
72Cordomi Forns Francesc -0 84b1 99w0 63b1 69w½ 48w1 16b0 46w03,52431,50
73Amigo Cervello Juan102b1 36w0 63b1 29w0 71b½ 74w0 76b1 47w03,523,530,50
74Valles Soler Jaume 23w0101b1 34w0 84b½ 96w1 73b1 20w0 48w03,52330,50
75Vidal Rosell Jose111w1 24b0100w1 43b½ 15w0 20b0 70w0 96b13,523290
76Alcon Llosada Alex 49w1 43b0 79w1 22b0 57w0 94b½ 73w0 97b13,52229,50
77Parramon Guillaumet Jaime 89b1 9w0107b1 10w0 66b1 31w0 33b0 65w0327360
78Girona Masdeu Joan 4w0 85b1 20w0 92b1 61w0 63b1 49w0 59b0325340
79Navajas Adan Joaquim 86b1 38w0 76b0107w1 64b0 67w1 32b0 58w032331,50
80Gisbert Tomas Roser 45b0 32w0 83b0105w1 87b1 90w1 42b0 60w0322,530,50
81Estruch Andreu Lluc 22w0 88b1 57w1 30b0 56w0 82b0 53w0101b1322,529,50
82Vidal Bermejo Joan Angel112w+ 40w0 10b0 83w0 89b1 81w1 64b0 63b0322310
83Navajas Alvarez Josep 53w0 56b0 80w1 82b1 54w0 55b0 88w0104b1320,526,50
84Gonzalez Avellana Santiago 18b0 72w0 98b1 74w½ 62b0101w½ 60b0103w132027,50
85Creixell Bermudo Robert 17b0 78w0 93b1 60w0 97b0102w1 90b1 66w0319,5270
86Benseny Martinez Guerau 79w0 69b0101w1 27b0 92w1103b1 54w0 55b0319,526,50
87Sanchis Mir Jose Ricardo 24w0110b1 68w0 52b0 80w0 96b1104w1 57b0319250
88Novales Montero Enric 5b0 81w0 89b0 96b0110w1 93w1 83b1 67w0318,525,50
89Gasull Batiste Aran 77w0 60b0 88w1 47b0 82w0109b1 63w0 99b1318,523,50
90Pages Jane Josep 12w0106b1 17w0100b0103w1 80b0 85w0 94b131825,50
91Montserrat Perez Pau 52w0 47b0 49w0110b1 94w0111b1 99w1 56b0318230
92Rovira Chacon M. Merce 40b0 30b0103w1 78w0 86b0 97w½102b½105w1317,524,50
93Montserrat Urpi Josep 51w0 58b0 85w0103b0106w1 88b0109w1100b131620,50
94Ponsarnau Marquilles Jaume 3b0 61w1 26b0 64w0 91b1 76w½ 71b0 90w02,52332,50
95Puchkov Yury Yu. -1 18w0 42b0 65w0 98b1 66w0 67b0102w½2,52330,50
96Gardner Leo 48b0 33w½ 21b0 88w1 74b0 87w0 98b1 75w02,522,5300
97Cots Valls Jordi 13w0100b0106w1 61b0 85w1 92b½ 48b0 76w02,52027,50
98Alcon Beltran Alfred 39w0 27b0 84w0101b½ 95w0106b1 96w0111b12,51621,50
99Cabestany Serra Xavier 31b0109w1 72b1 19w0 45b0 62w0 91b0 89w0223,529,50
100Luco Perez Bernat 19b0 97w1 75b0 90w1 48b0 33w0 65b0 93w0223310
101Andreu Farres Pau 28b0 74w0 86b0 98w½105b1 84b½ 58w0 81w021926,50
102Fortuny Velasco Oscar 73w0 70b0 59w0106b1 58w0 85b0 92w½ 95b½219250
103Claramunt Junjent Maria 46b0 65w0 92b0 93w1 90b0 86w0111w1 84b0219240
104Alcon Llosada Jaume 68w0 55b0111w1 56b0 49w0108b1 87b0 83w0218230
105Izquierdo Fuster Joan -0 66b0 61w0 80b0101w0110b1108w1 92b0217220
106Milla Domenech Bernat 62b0 90w0 97b0102w0 93b0 98w0110b1108w121418,50
107Escur Hereu Joaquim 20w1 25b0 77w0 79b0 -0 -0 -0 -012027,50
108Milla Domenech Laia 41b0 -1 54w0 71b0 59w0104w0105b0106b011925,50
109Luco Perez Guillem 57w0 99b0 -1 66w0 67b0 89w0 93b0110w0118,523,50
110Gendre Diez Virginia 44b0 87w0 64b0 91w0 88b0105w0106w0109b1117,522,50
111Ibarz Guasch Jan 75b0 67w0104b0 -1 63w0 91w0103b0 98w0117230
112GMPerez Mitjans Orelvis 82b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0016,5220

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)