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Obert de la Delegacio de Tarragona. Memorial Calbet 2017 Grup B (code 160264)

Darrera actualització10.06.2017 21:06:05, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Josep M. Camell Jane

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 8 rondes

OrdreNom1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Girones Batiste Jesus 40b1 2w1 7w1 16b0 8w1 6w1 3b1 5w½6,536380
2Pino Munoz Francisca 20w1 1b0 15w1 18b+ 3b½ 4w1 11b1 6w16,535,539,50
3Guasch Guasch Ferran 30w1 4b½ 6w½ 9b1 2w½ 8b1 1w0 12b15,537400
4Trenchs Agullet Magi 31b1 3w½ 10b1 -0 13w1 2b0 25w1 11w15,534,537,50
5Alfonso Pellisa Aaron 23w0 36b1 20w1 11b0 21w1 9b1 7w1 1b½5,533,5360
6Diaz Diaz Dario 19b½ 32w1 3b½ 14w1 16w1 1b0 17w1 2b0537400
7Villaden Isern Joaquim 37w+ 27w1 1b0 19w1 12b1 11w½ 5b0 10w½53437,50
8Cabanillas Roca Christian 45b+ 11b1 16w½ 12w½ 1b0 3w0 21b1 20w1533,5370
9Sendra Mazuela Oscar 39b1 29w½ 19b½ 3w0 20b1 5w0 24b1 18w153335,50
10Ferrer Birbe Aleix 24w1 17b½ 4w0 31b1 34w1 16b½ 12w½ 7b½531340
11Saladie Prats Salvador 28b1 8w0 23b1 5w1 17w1 7b½ 2w0 4b04,53639,50
12Ribes Cabrera Daniel 15w1 22b½ 13w1 8b½ 7w0 23b+ 10b½ 3w04,533370
13Bondia Sedo Daniel 38b1 25w½ 12b0 37w1 4b0 29w0 36b1 26w14,529,5320
14Miquel Brull Jaume 41w1 16b0 30w1 6b0 36w1 -0 23b½ 24w14,529,5310
15De La Torre Regadera Pol 12b0 35w1 2b0 42w1 18b0 33w½ 37b+ 25b14,527,5300
16Sola Sendra Jaume 21b1 14w1 8b½ 1w1 6b0 10w½ -0 -0436,540,50
17Mercade Dolcet Juan Maria 33b1 10w½ 29b½ 25w1 11b0 18w1 6b0 -0432,535,50
18Puigarnau Castello Joan Ramon 36w1 -0 32b1 2w- 15w1 17b0 19w1 9b043133,50
19Marcas Vila Luis 6w½ 34b1 9w½ 7b0 38w1 -0 18b0 31w1430,533,50
20Velasco Morros Amadeo 2b0 40w1 5b0 39w1 9w0 38b1 34w1 8b0429,531,50
21Bondia Borras Josep M 16w0 30b0 28b1 35w1 5b0 32w1 8w0 34b1427,530,50
22Solsona Manonelles Josep 35b1 12w½ 25b0 24b½ -0 -0 30w1 32w1426290
23Llompart Capsie Adria 5b1 -0 11w0 30b1 29w1 12w- 14w½ -03,534370
24Altes Rull Marc 10b0 33w1 27b1 22w½ 25b1 -0 9w0 14b03,533360
25Bellido Gonzalez Santiago 43w1 13b½ 22w1 17b0 24w0 27b1 4b0 15w03,53234,50
26Ibarz Guasch Maria -0 41b1 31w½ -0 37b1 -0 33w1 13b03,527,5290
27Fernandez Gonzalez Fernando 42w1 7b0 24w0 -0 41b1 25w0 39b½ 36b13,523,5250
28Folch Boix Miquel 11w0 37b½ 21w0 38b0 40b1 -0 43w+ 39w13,523250
29Brusco Paris Judith 46w1 9b½ 17w½ -0 23b0 13b1 -0 -0332,535,50
30Recio Martinez Manuel 3b0 21w1 14b0 23w0 33b0 42w1 22b0 41w133031,50
31Llorach Gracia Tomas 4w0 44b1 26b½ 10w0 32b0 36w½ 38w1 19b0329310
32Andreu Farres Pau 34w1 6b0 18w0 36b0 31w1 21b0 35w1 22b032830,50
33Huerta Llorens Aleix 17w0 24b0 41w1 34b0 30w1 15b½ 26b0 38w½326,5280
34Greenaway Paul Christopher 32b0 19w0 40b1 33w1 10b0 39w1 20b0 21w0326280
35Daroca Prats Josep Maria 22w0 15b0 43w1 21b0 39b0 41w1 32b0 42w1323,5250
36De La Torre Gallart Jordi 18b0 5w0 46b1 32w1 14b0 31b½ 13w0 27w02,530330
37Busquets Galofre Joan 7b- 28w½ 38b+ 13b0 26w0 43b1 15w- -02,52830,50
38Tomas Garcia Salvador 13w0 43b1 37w- 28w1 19b0 20w0 31b0 33b½2,52729,50
39Girona Canelles Adria 9w0 42b0 44w1 20b0 35w1 34b0 27w½ 28b02,525270
40De Tomas Ros Roge 1w0 20b0 34w0 43b½ 28w0 -1 41b0 44b12,52324,50
41Rozas Bellido Marc 14b0 26w0 33b0 -1 27w0 35b0 40w1 30b0225270
42Sero Angles Nil 27b0 39w1 -0 15b0 43w0 30b0 44w1 35b0223,525,50
43Huerta Llorens Oriol 25b0 38w0 35b0 40w½ 42b1 37w0 28b- -01,521230
44Ibarz Guasch Jan -0 31w0 39b0 -0 -1 -0 42b0 40w0120,5220
45Rull Salles David 8w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0021220
46Tardiu Guillen Marcel 29b0 -0 36w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0020210

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempat3: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)