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23. Offene Ansfeldner Stadtmeisterschaft 2017

Last update 24.04.2017 17:05:27, Creator: ÖS Johann Daxinger, ASK Nettingsdorf,Last Upload: Dipl.Ing.Heinz Herzog

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMHiermann Dietmar2278 33w1 20b1 14w1 4b0 18w1 3b½ 5w15,5531,523,002179
2MKWiesinger Robert2169 34b1 21w1 11b1 6w1 3w½ 4b½ 8b16135,529,752314
3CMMostbauer Florian2129 35w1 22b1 18w1 8w1 2b½ 1w½ 9b1623226,252274
4Hajdarevic Dino2086 36b1 25w1 26b1 1w1 24b1 2w½ 6b05,543223,002195
5MKSteigerstorfer Erich2068 37w1 24b½ 55w½ 22b0 30w1 39b1 1b04192713,501746
6Mostbauer Maximilian2060 38b1 27w1 31w1 2b0 20w1 10b1 4w1633125,002179
7Gaertner Markus2018 39w1 26b0 24w0 45b1 33w1 22b1 18w151025,516,501846
8Kreischer Georg2013 40b1 29w1 44w1 3b0 22w1 13b1 2w05630,518,502003
9Mitterhuemer Guenter1985 41w1 28b1 48w0 55b1 25w1 27b1 3w0582717,501849
10Gruber Gernot Ing.1921 42b0 46w1 32b1 23w1 15b1 6w0 17b041827,514,501846
11MKKoller Hubert1915 43w1 30b1 2w0 25b0 44b1 26w½ 34b14,51327,516,001853
12Fugger Christian1908 44b0 47w0 52b1 21w1 31b1 25w½ 26b½4262414,251606
13Zimmermann Curt1873 45w1 31b0 33w1 28b1 39w1 8w0 24b04232612,001717
14Reith Lorenz Dr.1861 46b1 42w1 1b0 26w1 48b½ 24w½ 29b1592616,251912
15Juricevic Ante1860 47w1 44b0 37w1 30b1 10w0 41b1 27w15122316,001761
16Hubner Harald1851 48b0 49w1 38b1 27w0 32b½ 34w0 44w½343249,251465
17Haas Gerald1843 49w1 48b0 39w0 47b1 37w1 43b1 10w15112316,501736
18Dumancic Stanko1831 50b1 64w1 3b0 29w1 1b0 48w1 7b041628,512,001836
19Mujevic Sabahudin1798 51w1 55b0 41w1 39b0 43w0 45b1 37w14282211,001479
20Haudum Alois Ing.1756 52b1 1w0 42b1 31w1 6b0 29w0 48b14202711,501730
21Hoelzl Bernhard Ing.1745 53w1 2b0 43w½ 12b0 46w1 44b1 25b14,51425,513,501826
22Bauer Sebastian1725 54b1 3w0 47b1 5w1 8b0 7w0 38b½3,53229,511,751767
23Kuran Wilfried Mag.1725 55w0 51b1 45w1 10b0 41w0 47b1 39w14292211,001473
24Modric Milos1724 56b1 5w½ 7b1 48w1 4w0 14b½ 13w1572818,001971
25Ziegler Alfons1719 57w1 4b0 53w1 11w1 9b0 12b½ 21w03,53328,511,501758
26Wimmer Herbert1717 58b1 7w1 4w0 14b0 61w1 11b½ 12w½4152914,251802
27Fleckenstein Karl1709 59w1 6b0 61w1 16b1 55w1 9w0 15b042126,510,501679
28Seebacher Gottfried1708 60b1 9w0 54b1 13w0 34b0 32w1 40b0341258,001564
29Ringer Sebastian1677 61w1 8b0 57w1 18b0 53w1 20b1 14w04242612,001685
30Huemer Gerald1656 62b1 11w0 64b1 15w0 5b0 38w0 52b1346236,001609
31Baresch Guenter1614 63w1 13w1 6b0 20b0 12w0 53b1 41w14222612,001818
32Sturmberger Andreas Di(fh)1612 64b0 50w1 10w0 49b1 16w½ 28b0 61w13,535209,001561
33Kalkbrenner Oswald1519 1b0 52w1 13b0 42w1 7b0 62w1 43b0345245,501640
34Moerzinger Christian Jun.1461 2w0 53b0 51w1 50b1 28w1 16b1 11w042723,510,001744
35Lang Erwin1425 3b0 54w0 56b1 46w½ 40b½ 42w1 55b0348226,001366
36Pfeffer Werner1420 4w0 57b0 58w1 53b0 60w1 61b0 54w0257203,501164
37Knezevic Josip1417 5b0 56w1 15b0 54w1 17b0 64w1 19b034224,56,501555
38Rauscher Erwin1402 6w0 59b1 16w0 61b0 57w1 30b1 22w½3,534217,251541
39Hersel Richard1370 7b0 58w1 17b1 19w1 13b0 5w0 23b03372811,001750
40Simon Christopher1346 8w0 61b0 59w1 57b1 35w½ 55b½ 28w143020,59,001414
41Auinger Marcel1341 9b0 60w1 19b0 64w1 23b1 15w0 31b0339268,001682
42Grasser Rudolf1339 10w1 14b0 20w0 33b0 58w1 35b0 53w0253246,001442
43Simon Alexander1307 11b0 62w1 21b½ 44w½ 19b1 17w0 33w142525,512,251742
44Pilic Leonardo1292 12w1 15w1 8b0 43b½ 11w0 21w0 16b½3363012,501863
45Tasdemir Muhammed1272 13b0 63w1 23b0 7w0 52b1 19w0 57b1347236,001538
46König Gerhard1268 14w0 10b0 60w1 35b½ 21b0 49w0 64b½254234,251441
47Stolz Julius1256 15b0 12b1 22w0 17w0 54b1 23w0 62b1338268,501668
48Binder Christopher1230 16w1 17w1 9b1 24b0 14w½ 18b0 20w03,5313115,501898
49Hundertpfund Bruno1193 17b0 16b0 62w1 32w0 64b0 46b1 63w½2,55119,54,501527
50Jank Martin1185 18w0 32b0 63b1 34w0 62b0 57w0 59b126017,52,501210
51Winklbauer Walter1166 19b0 23w0 34b0 -0 -0 -0 -0064260,00947
52Hundertpfund Nikolaus1137 20w0 33b0 12w0 59b1 45w0 58b1 30w025819,52,501277
53Seebacher Sarah1088 21b0 34w1 25b0 36w1 29b0 31w0 42b1344248,001600
54Hofstadler Mario1085 22w0 35b1 28w0 37b0 47w0 60b1 36b1349196,501552
55Lehner Benjamin1015 23b1 19w1 5b½ 9w0 27b0 40w½ 35w14172815,001847
56Seebacher Elias920 24w0 37b0 35w0 60b0 59w1 63b0 58w0163170,501035
57Stadlbauer Maximilian892 25b0 36w1 29b0 40w0 38b0 50b1 45w0255224,001373
58Ustaalioglu Ibrahim869 26w0 39b0 36b0 63w1 42b0 52w0 56b1261163,001292
59Hersel Harald862 27b0 38w0 40b0 52w0 56b0 -1 50w0162203,50537
60Gruber Florian0 28w0 41b0 46b0 56w1 36b0 54w0 -125917,54,501199
61Keserovic Sefik0 29b0 40w1 27b0 38w1 26b0 36w1 32b0340259,501628
62Ringer Michaela0 30w0 43b0 49b0 -1 50w1 33b0 47w0256215,501148
63Schwendtbauer Stephan0 31b0 45b0 50w0 58b0 -1 56w1 49b½2,552185,75983
64Szolga Ludwig0 32w1 18b0 30w0 41b0 49w1 37b0 46w½2,550217,001504

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Sonneborn-Berger Tie-Break (with modified points, analogous to Buchholz Tie-Break)
Tie Break3: Performance