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Cupa RIN Grand Hotel - Sah Rapid Seniori

Last update 22.04.2017 18:44:42, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 58)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMVrencian Lehel2212ROU 54w1 55b1 18w1 17b1 4w1 2b½ 5w½628,523,0026,5
2GMBerescu Alin-Mile2452ROU 12w1 11b1 5w1 16b½ 6w1 1w½ 3b½5,536,528,7524,5
3CMSandor Petrut2246ROU 35b1 13w1 8b1 4w0 16w1 7b1 2w½5,53324,7523,5
4FMHristodorescu Daniel2157ROU 20w1 28b1 19w1 3b1 1b0 17w1 12b½5,532,524,0024,5
5CMLuca Ionel2156ROU 38b1 26w1 2b0 20w1 15b1 8w1 1b½5,53223,5022,5
6IMDoncea Vladimir2346ROU 50b1 21w1 49b½ 30w1 2b0 18b1 16w15,52719,7522,5
7CMAndronescu Madalin2105ROU 31b1 30w0 33b1 26w1 11b1 3w0 22b152920,0020
8FMPetrescu Georgian-Dorin2032ROU 56w1 22b1 3w0 29b1 10w1 5b0 18w152918,0021
9IDobre Radu-Fabian1580ROU 15w1 18b0 27w1 14b1 19w½ 16b½ 29w1528,520,5019,5
10Shishkov Minko2249BUL 14w1 23b1 17w0 49w1 8b0 30b1 24w1528,519,5020
11IStancu Robert-Alexandru1940ROU 42w1 2w0 25b1 40b1 7w0 31w1 17b152817,5019
12IGheorghiu Alexandru-Dan1798ROU 2b0 51w1 62b1 24w½ 49b1 19b1 4w½525,515,2518,5
13FMGeorgescu Gabriel-Ioan1897ROU 44w1 3b0 42w1 39b1 17w0 32b½ 34w14,525,514,2518
14FCBarabancea Adrian1782ROU 10b0 46w1 34b½ 9w0 47b1 50w1 33b14,52513,2514,5
15CMGrigore Gigi1980ROU 9b0 59w1 54b1 41w1 5w0 20b½ 32w14,524,512,0017
16FMDicu Razvan-Stefan2172ROU 25b1 43w1 24b1 2w½ 3b0 9w½ 6b0432,516,2521
17CMLuncasu Raul-Ionut2099ROU 57w1 29b1 10b1 1w0 13b1 4b0 11w0431,515,0021
18FMMitaru Dan2094ROU 59b1 9w1 1b0 38w1 22b1 6w0 8b043013,5020
19CMDone Stefan-Daniel2059ROU 48b1 45w1 4b0 31w1 9b½ 12w0 25b½42914,0019
20IFiraru Roxana-Maria1737ROU 4b0 61w1 23w1 5b0 36w1 15w½ 21b½42812,7515,5
21CMTomoae Marian1919ROU 32w1 6b0 40w0 42b1 39w1 34b½ 20w½425,513,2515,5
22IIIvan Ionut-Madalin1018ROU 47b1 8w0 56b1 43w1 18w0 37b1 7w042511,0018
23CMCernea Radu-Gheorghe1921ROU 46b1 10w0 20b0 51w1 25b½ 35w½ 38w1424,511,7514,5
24AIMDobre Ana-Margareta-Alexandra1949ROU 51w1 53b1 16w0 12b½ 30w½ 38b1 10b0424,511,2518,5
25CMLazarean Colea-Valentin1741ROU 16w0 44b1 11w0 52b1 23w½ 55b1 19w½42411,0014
26Florea Rares-George1843ROU 63w1 5b0 53w1 7b0 32w0 58b1 39w14228,0015
27IMatei Adrian1841ROU 60b1 49w0 9b0 53w1 31b0 44w1 42b14219,0014
28ICimpoiasu Dan1858ROU 61b1 4w0 39b0 62w1 38b0 48w1 40b14197,5014
29IBajenaru Leonard1838ROU 34b1 17w0 45b1 8w0 41b1 33w½ 9b03,52711,2516
30IRadulescu Gabriel1840ROU 62w1 7b1 41w½ 6b0 24b½ 10w0 31b½3,526,510,7517,5
31IIManea Florin1656ROU 7w0 63b1 36w1 19b0 27w1 11b0 30w½3,526,510,7514,5
32IIIDociu Mihai-Alexandru1323ROU 21b0 35w1 43b0 54w1 26b1 13w½ 15b03,525,511,7514
33FMBobu Ionel-Adrian2060ROU 39w1 41b½ 7w0 34b½ 40w1 29b½ 14w03,525,511,0016
34CMNiculae Aurelian1330ROU 29w0 57b1 14w½ 33w½ 43b1 21w½ 13b03,52511,0014,5
35ISarateanu Alexandru-Armand1757ROU 3w0 32b0 58w1 44b1 37w½ 23b½ 36w½3,52510,5012
36IDumitrascu Daniel1896ROU 45b0 48w1 31b0 60w1 20b0 41w1 35b½3,521,59,2512,5
37CMSalcu Laurentiu1945ROU 41b0 39w0 47b1 57w1 35b½ 22w0 50b13,5219,2511,5
38IIGioga Sterie1731ROU 5w0 52b1 55w1 18b0 28w1 24w0 23b0325,58,0014
39ITrancioveanu Robert1606ROU 33b0 37b1 28w1 13w0 21b0 53w1 26b03259,0013
40IVladescu Ovidiu-Viorel1682ROU 49b0 60w1 21b1 11w0 33b0 45w1 28w0324,58,5013
41IIMusteata Darius-Gabriel-Orlan1539ROU 37w1 33w½ 30b½ 15b0 29w0 36b0 55w13249,0013,5
42IICaea Lucas-Daniel1502ROU 11b0 50w1 13b0 21w0 62b1 43w1 27w0323,56,0011
43IParlog Constantin1863ROU 52w1 16b0 32w1 22b0 34w0 42b0 51w1322,58,0013
44IIPopa Andra-Maria1300ROU 13b0 25w0 59b1 35w0 54b1 27b0 57w1321,55,509
45Nachev Grigor1295BUL 36w1 19b0 29w0 55b1 50w0 40b0 59w13207,0012
46IIDumitrescu Daniel1476ROU 23w0 14b0 50b½ 47w½ 53b0 -1 54w13197,257,5
47IRaducu Marcel1824ROU 22w0 56b½ 37w0 46b½ 14w0 61b1 58w13195,008
48IIIstrate Ioan1591ROU 19w0 36b0 52w0 63b1 61w1 28b0 53b1317,54,008
49CMSenetia Teodor2152ROU 40w1 27b1 6w½ 10b0 12w0 -0 -02,5309,7515,5
50CMDobrin Catalin1786ROU 6w0 42b0 46w½ 56w1 45b1 14b0 37w02,523,55,759,5
51CMHlinschi Mihai1572ROU 24b0 12b0 63w1 23b0 52w½ 56w1 43b02,5214,008,5
52IITariceanu Victor1237ROU 43b0 38w0 48b1 25w0 51b½ 54w0 -12,5196,257,5
53Soldan Daniel1001ROU -1 24w0 26b0 27b0 46w1 39b0 48w0223,54,0010
54IIoan Cezar-Octavian1748ROU 1b0 58w1 15w0 32b0 44w0 52b1 46b0223,54,008
55IMitu Petre1916ROU 58b1 1w0 38b0 45w0 60b1 25w0 41b0222,53,5010
56IPopa Catalina-Elena1586ROU 8b0 47w½ 22w0 50b0 63w+ 51b0 61w½219,53,506,5
57IISerbanoiu Constantin1622ROU 17b0 34w0 61b1 37b0 58w0 60w1 44b0218,52,507
58IIFlorea Adrian1308ROU 55w0 54b0 35b0 59w1 57b1 26w0 47b02183,507
59CMGurguiatu Sandu1608ROU 18w0 15b0 44w0 58b0 -1 62w1 45b02182,005
60IICojocaru Vlad-Cristian1131ROU 27w0 40b0 -1 36b0 55w0 57b0 62w12172,006
61FCIonescu Luca1215ROU 28w0 20b0 57w0 -1 48b0 47w0 56b½1,5191,754,5
62FCMircea-Teodorescu Marius-Ionu1111ROU 30b0 -1 12w0 28b0 42w0 59b0 60b01210,506
63FCSoare Ioan1171ROU 26b0 31w0 51b0 48w0 56b- -0 -0017,50,000

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break