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Última actualización08.06.2017 11:02:22, Propietario/Última carga: Federación Navarra de Ajedrez

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Cuadro cruzado por ranking inicial

No.NombreElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1Jimenez Almeida Luis David2252 21b1 14w½ 28b1 11w1 3b1 6w½ 7b161031,523,5
2Roldan Marques Daniel2199 41b1 40w1 20b1 4w1 -0 3b½56027,520
3Urriza Iricibar Pablo2174 22w1 18b1 10w1 4b1 1w0 8b1 2w½5,52029,521
4Leranoz Zabalza Adrian2106 23b1 15w1 7b1 3w0 2b0 31w1 17b½4,5703122,5
5Ortin Blanco Inigo2062 24w1 20b0 14b½ 25w1 27b1 7w0 10w14,5802921
6Vinal Gutierrez Pedro2007 25b1 33w1 11b½ 10w1 1b½ 8w½54029,521,5
7Cinza Lopez Javier2001 26w1 30b1 4w0 16b1 14w1 5b1 1w055028,521,5
8Ortin Blanco Ainhoa1992 29b1 37w1 -0 40b1 30w1 3w0 6b½4,5902921
9Aguinaga Ruiz Jesus Luis1952 30w0 37b1 27w0 -0 36b0 -01,53902417
10Lizuain Toni Javier1943 31b1 44w1 3b0 21w1 6b0 17w½ 5b03,516027,519,5
11Lerendegui Lasa Odei1929 32w1 38b1 6w½ 1b0 19w½ 40b- -032002820
12Arrese-Igor Sanchez Cesareo1928 33b0 29w1 23b0 37w1 -0 -02,53202216
13Cemborain Oricain Alfonso1927 34w1 40b0 24w½ 30b0 29w½ 33b1 44w141502114,5
14Argaya Urdaniz Miguel1922 35b1 1b½ 5w½ 23w1 7b0 15w1 40b15303020,5
15Martinez Bernardo Aitor1917 36w1 4b0 30w0 44b1 33w1 14b0 31w1414024,517,5
16Hernandez Barricarte Miguel A1913 37b0 31w1 33b1 7w0 23b½ 25w0 -02,530024,517,5
17Ruiz Escobar Rafael1911 38w0 26b1 35w½ 24b1 20w1 10b½ 4w½4,51102216,5
18Roviralta Montero Axel1888 39b1 3w0 44b½ 28w0 31b0 42w0 26w12,53302215,5
19Sola Plaza Gregorio1866 40w0 32b½ 41w1 35b+ 11b½ -0 -0324022,516,5
20Malon Insausti Andres1852 42b1 5w1 2w0 17b0 -0 30b02,52703022
21Alfonso Abrego Santiago1829 1w0 34b1 38w1 10b0 40w0 24b0 37w½2,52802516,5
22Laseca Arana Irati1823 3b0 35w0 42w½ 41b1 38w0 -0 -01,542021,514,5
23Alfaro Pinero Asier1797 4w0 36b1 12w1 14b0 16w½ -0 35b½321026,518,5
24Huarte Zozaya Aitor1789 5b0 39w1 13b½ 17w0 35b1 21w1 25b03,517026,519,5
25Martinez Zazo Jesus1789 6w0 42b½ 32w1 5b0 39w1 16b1 24w14,510023,516,5
26Silvestre Escorza Angel Maria1763 7b0 17w0 39b½ 33w0 41w0 -1 18b01,543019,513,5
27Galvan Perez-Ilzarbe Alejandro1751 -0 43w1 9b1 5w0 -0 38b13,51902317
28Blanco De La Rosa Diego1751 43b1 1w0 18b1 -0 -0 42b13,518024,517
29Ochoa Aldaz Mikel1731 8w0 12b0 34w1 38b½ 13b½ 44w0 -0237023,516
30Garralda Ruiz Ander1726 9b1 7w0 15b1 13w1 8b0 -0 20w141302820,5
31Zaratiegui Cardesa Jose1694 10w0 16b0 36w1 42b1 18w1 4b0 15b032302316
32Donazar Garayoa Miguel1688 11b0 19w½ 25b0 -0 34w0 43b-14402215,5
33Sancinena Arpide Juan1663 12w1 6b0 16w0 26b1 15b0 13w0 34b023802317
34Ortega Villa Alex1614 13b0 21w0 29b0 36w0 -1 32b1 33w132601712
35Martin Fito Angel Luis1607 14w0 22b1 17b½ 19w- 24w0 41b1 23w½322024,518
36Salvatierra Alzorriz Haizea1598 15b0 23w0 31b0 34b1 42w½ 9w1 -02,534021,515
37Abrisqueta Zudaire Leyre1570 16w1 8b0 9w0 12b0 -0 43w1 21b½2,53502114,5
38Atipov Hadzhiev Cristian1566 17b1 11w0 21b0 29w½ 22b1 -0 27w02,529024,517,5
39Roldan Marques Marta1536 18w0 24b0 26w½ 43b1 25b0 -0 41w12,536017,512
40Urbiola Martinez Jesus1467 19b1 13w1 2b0 8w0 21b1 11w+ 14w041202921
41Rosa Gamez Nerea1465 2w0 19b0 22w0 26b1 35w0 39b01,540022,516
42Labiano Hernandez Juan1452 20w0 25w½ 22b½ 31w0 36b½ 18b1 28w02,53102316
43Fuertes Cirauqui Pablo1442 28w0 27b0 39w0 -0 37b0 32w+1,541021,516,5
44Andres Iniguez Iker0 -1 10b0 18w½ 15w0 29b1 13b0325022,516

Desempate 1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)