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Campionat de Catalunya d'edats 2017 Categoria S18

Darrera actualització13.04.2017 13:56:01, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Daniel Leiro Giralt

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 9 rondes

OrdreNomEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3 
1MKGarcia Ramos Daniel2313CAT 18w½ 19b1 9w1 8b½ 3w½ 17w½ 12b1 4b1 7w17374347,5
2Salagran Ferragut Guillem2290CAT 29b½ 21w1 7b½ 17w½ 9b1 8w1 6b½ 14w1 5b17364246
3MKPovill Claros Xavier2314CAT 25b1 16w1 8b½ 6w1 1b½ 4w1 14b½ 5w0 9b½638,545,549,5
4Martinez Lopez Carlos2181CAT 28b1 22w1 6b0 12w1 11b1 3b0 15w1 1w0 14b16374448
5MKPorta Tovar Guillem2318CAT 19w½ 18b½ 23w1 15b1 14w0 7w1 16b1 3b1 2w0635,542,547
6MKMartinez Pla Xavier2281CAT 30w1 15b1 4w1 3b0 18w1 14b½ 2w½ 7b0 8w½5,537,544,548,5
7Perez Garcia Adria2205CAT 27w1 23b½ 2w½ 22b½ 10w1 5b0 17w1 6w1 1b05,537,544,548,5
8Orteu Capdevila Max2211CAT 34w1 20b1 3w½ 1w½ 17b½ 2b0 18w1 13w½ 6b½5,537,544,547,5
9Serra Canals Oriol2210CAT 24b1 11w½ 1b0 19w1 2w0 20b½ 25w1 15b1 3w½5,5374448
10Ventura Bolet Alexandre2259CAT 21b½ 29w1 11b0 23w1 7b0 22w1 13b½ 12w½ 16b15,53540,544,5
11Riu Lopez Daniel2150CAT 36w1 9b½ 10w1 14b½ 4w0 15b0 19w½ 32b1 21w15,533,539,542
12Alves Garcia Eric2167CAT 38w1 14b0 27w1 4b0 34w1 26b1 1w0 10b½ 20w15,5323941,5
13Ros Alonso Jaume2241CAT 26w1 17b0 30w1 20b½ 22w½ 18b½ 10w½ 8b½ 19w15,53237,541,5
14Jimenez Ruano Adrian2221CAT 33b1 12w1 17b½ 11w½ 5b1 6w½ 3w½ 2b0 4w05394649,5
15Gonzalez Saguillo Oriol2171CAT 37b1 6w0 33b1 5w0 24b1 11w1 4b0 9w0 18w15354143,5
16Pulido Leon Manuel2173CAT 32w1 3b0 26w1 18b0 20w1 21b1 5w0 17b1 10w0533,539,543
17Boixader Arbo Xavier2163CAT 40b1 13w1 14w½ 2b½ 8w½ 1b½ 7b0 16w0 24b½4,5384547
18Rovira Vila Jaume2067CAT 1b½ 5w½ 28b1 16w1 6b0 13w½ 8b0 22w1 15b04,5374448
19Sole Gonzalez Edgar2096CAT 5b½ 1w0 31b1 9b0 29w1 23w½ 11b½ 28w1 13b04,5354246
20Nunez Colome David2106CAT 31b1 8w0 24b1 13w½ 16b0 9w½ 28b½ 33w1 12b04,53439,543
21Gonzalez Cominelli Alejo Gabr2041CAT 10w½ 2b0 29b1 25w½ 33b1 16w0 22b½ 30w1 11b04,532,539,543
22Panades Catarineu Oriol2101CAT 39w1 4b0 32w1 7w½ 13b½ 10b0 21w½ 18b0 33w14,532,538,541
23Masalias Mira Marc2100CAT 35b1 7w½ 5b0 10b0 25w½ 19b½ 30w½ 26b½ 32w14,5313740
24Clua Guardia Mariona1948CAT 9w0 36b1 20w0 32b1 15w0 25b0 34w1 29b1 17w½4,528,53436,5
25Cosialls Ris Ramon2068CAT 3w0 32b0 36w1 21b½ 23b½ 24w1 9b0 27w½ 28b½430,536,539
26Olivas Montoya Albert2032CAT 13b0 40w1 16b0 31w1 28b1 12w0 33b0 23w½ 27b½430,53638
27Cartanya Caro Pau1945CAT 7b0 35w1 12b0 33w0 31b1 30b½ 29w½ 25b½ 26w½42934,537,5
28Pallas Ferrando Arnau1935CAT 4w0 39b1 18w0 30b1 26w0 34b1 20w½ 19b0 25w½428,534,537
29Juan Bartroli Marc2064CAT 2w½ 10b0 21w0 38b1 19b0 37w1 27b½ 24w0 36b14283537,5
30Catala Ulied Bernat2044CAT 6b0 37w1 13b0 28w0 38b1 27w½ 23b½ 21b0 39w1427,53335,5
31Forte Esparza Miguel1758CAT 20w0 34b1 19w0 26b0 27w0 40b1 32w0 35b1 37w1424,52931
32Torras Coloma Pau1900CAT 16b0 25w1 22b0 24w0 39b1 33w½ 31b1 11w0 23b03,53035,538
33Llados Clos Jaume2030CAT 14w0 38b1 15w0 27b1 21w0 32b½ 26w1 20b0 22b03,5303537,5
34Castano Jimenez Andreu1975CAT 8b0 31w0 40b1 37w1 12b0 28w0 24b0 38w1 35b032631,533,5
35Vinolas Anglada Jude Biel1714CAT 23w0 27b0 38w0 36b0 40b½ 39w½ 37b1 31w0 34w132125,527,5
36Ovejero Torres Laura1778CAT 11b0 24w0 25b0 35w1 37b½ 38w0 40w0 39b1 29w02,52328,530,5
37Fernandez Rebollo Irene1871CAT 15w0 30b0 39w1 34b0 36w½ 29b0 35w0 40b1 31b02,5232830
38Cros Garcia Marc1849CAT 12b0 33w0 35b1 29w0 30w0 36b1 39w0 34b0 40w½2,522,52830
39Moreno Martinez Edgar1757CAT 22b0 28w0 37b0 40w1 32w0 35b½ 38b1 36w0 30b02,52226,528,5
40Guasch Guasch Ferran1849CAT 17w0 26b0 34w0 39b0 35w½ 31w0 36b1 37w0 38b½221,52628,5

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)