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XXIX Internacional Vila de Sant Boi - Memorial Mateu Chalmeta - Grup C Code 157980

Darrera actualització17.06.2017 01:29:27, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Manuel Navarro Perez

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 9 rondes

OrdreNom1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Fernandez Lopez Mario 24w1 29b1 4w1 19b0 2w0 10b1 14w1 5b1 6b174235,543,5
2Salvador Munoz Jose Maria 9b1 3w1 5b½ 22w½ 1b1 14w½ 6b0 7w1 4w16,5484151,5
3Altemir Gubankov Sebastian 22w1 2b0 15w1 13b1 16w1 19b1 5w½ 4b0 11w16,542,53646
4Marcer Casas Joan Anton 17b1 7w1 1b0 11w1 6b1 5b0 15w1 3w1 2b0647,540,552
5Ros Gorne Ramon 30w1 15b1 2w½ 16b0 22b1 4w1 3b½ 1w0 17b1643,536,546,5
6Olmo Cantillo Jose 21w1 8b1 19w0 12b1 4w0 26b1 2w1 14b1 1w06413444
7Casasampera Boada Joaquim 12w½ 4b0 20w1 23b1 10w1 15b0 22w1 2b0 14w15,53932,542,5
8Miquel Grasses Josep 32b+ 6w0 21b0 27b1 24w+ 11w0 18b½ 12w+ 15w15,535,529,538,5
9Telleria García Alvaro 2w0 22b- -0 20b½ 29b1 28w1 24b1 22w1 16b15,534,52836
10Buitrago Cepeda Marco Antonio 13w1 -0 25b1 18w1 7b0 1w0 12b0 24w+ 22b+5413444,5
11Bautista Calatayud Josep 26w1 14b½ 12w½ 4b0 21w1 8b1 -0 19w1 3b054033,543
12Cabanillas Amboades Rafael 7b½ 20w1 11b½ 6w0 15w0 21b1 10w1 8b- 19b15393342,5
13Gonzalez De Pedro Juan Javier 10b0 28w1 23b½ 3w0 17b½ 24w0 27b1 21w1 20b153427,537
14Palomero Galvez Antonio 31b1 11w½ 16w½ 21b1 19w1 2b½ 1b0 6w0 7b04,5433644,5
15Ninerola Junyent Ernest 23b1 5w0 3b0 31w1 12b1 7w1 4b0 16w½ 8b04,542,53644
16Gonzalez Pedraza Africa 20b½ 17w1 14b½ 5w1 3b0 -0 26w1 15b½ 9w04,541,53544,5
17Vidal Matos Ricardo 4w0 16b0 24w0 28b1 13w½ 27b1 23b1 18w1 5w04,537,531,540,5
18Andrino Cubino Simon 27w1 19b0 29w1 10b0 26w0 20b1 8w½ 17b0 25w+4,53025,531,5
19Archs Garriga Ignasi 33w+ 18w1 6b1 1w1 14b0 3w0 -0 11b0 12w04453849
20Rodriguez Ramirez Alfonso 16w½ 12b0 7b0 9w½ 31b1 18w0 -1 26b1 13w0437,53139
21Morral Esteve Salvador 6b0 33w+ 8w1 14w0 11b0 12w0 31b1 13b0 26w14373138,5
22Hornos Garcia Bernabe 3b0 9w+ 26w1 2b½ 5w0 23w1 7b0 9b0 10w-3,54336,546
23Herrerias Gonzalez Andreu 15w0 24b1 13w½ 7w0 25b1 22b0 17w0 -0 27b13,53630,539
24Rincon Ortiz Juan David 1b0 23w0 17b1 25w1 8b- 13b1 9w0 10b- -03413445
25Bastida Perez Joan -0 27b1 10w0 24b0 23w0 30b1 29w1 -0 18b-332,527,534
26Ferre Navarro Joaquim 11b0 31w1 22b0 29w1 18b1 6w0 16b0 20w0 21b0332,526,534
27Lorenzo Marfil Jorge 18b0 25w0 28b1 8w0 30b1 17w0 13w0 29b1 23w03322733,5
28Sananton Sanchez Alberto -0 13b0 27w0 17w0 -1 9b0 30w0 31b1 29w1330,52432
29Martinez Martinez Rosa -1 1w0 18b0 26b0 9w0 31w1 25b0 27w0 28b02352836,5
30Marquez Marquez Javier 5b0 -1 -0 -0 27w0 25w0 28b1 -0 31w02332734,5
31Munoz Santillana Manuel 14w0 26b0 -1 15b0 20w0 29b0 21w0 28w0 30b122823,529,5
32Carpi Segui Josep Maria 8w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00262127
Hidalgo Munoz Jose 19b- 21b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00262127

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)