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U-10 TALENT CHESS ACADEMY Salem District Level Children Chess TMT

Last update 19.02.2017 16:40:53, Creator/Last Upload: Salem District Chess Association

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Aathmika P S0IND 26w1 36b1 38w1 46b1 47w0 23b0 31w15503623,00
2Angu Harikarthick M0IND 27b1 33w1 29b1 47w0 39b0 46b0 41w1414030,513,50
3Anuwin V S0IND 28w0 5w0 35b0 8b- -0 -0 -0051018,50,00
4Arunesh K S0IND 29b0 20w1 27b1 51w0 26b0 21w½ 35b13,52502410,50
5Asmitha SA0IND 30w½ 3b1 46w0 44b- -0 -0 -01,544023,53,50
6Brahat G B0IND 31b0 21w1 33b1 36w1 43b0 28w0 16w032902910,00
7Dhanashri S k0IND 32w0 22b0 30w0 34b1 21w0 8b1 33w02430151,50
8Dharaneshwaran M0IND 33b0 27w0 37b0 3w+ 48w0 7w0 17b0149016,50,50
9Darshan S0IND 34w1 38b0 28w0 30b- 20b- -0 -01450221,00
10Dharsini Priya S P0IND 35b1 39w1 47b0 38w0 27b1 42w1 44b156030,519,00
11Dhiyanshwar S D0IND 36w0 24b1 32w0 25b- 25b- -0 -0146019,52,50
12Dukiloviyan A S0IND 37b1 43w1 49b0 39w0 28b0 25w1 22b1418027,511,50
13Enthra S M0IND 38w0 26b0 24w0 37w1 33b0 34w1 25b0242019,52,00
14Greeshma P S0IND 39b0 35w1 31b0 27w0 37b1 32w1 42b03340236,00
15Harshit Kishan G0IND 40w0 34b1 36w0 24b1 32w1 38b0 48w1423021,58,50
16Janani J0IND 41b1 45w1 51b0 40w½ 30b1 49w0 6b14,513025,514,00
17Kanishka N0IND 42w0 48b1 40w0 26b0 24w½ 41b0 8w12,538020,54,75
18Kavya Sri D K0IND 43b0 37w1 39b0 33w1 36b0 27w0 32b1332023,56,00
19Krishitha J T0IND 44w0 50b1 41w0 35b+ 42b0 33w1 27b½3,527021,510,25
20Krishnav J T0IND 45b- 4b0 34w1 48b0 9w+ 35w½ 30b02,540019,55,00
21Krishwanth S0IND 46w0 6b0 48w0 -1 7b1 4b½ 24w13,5280219,25
22Madhulika G S0IND 47b0 7w1 43b0 50w+ 41w1 45b0 12w03300267,00
23Magizhini M0IND 48w1 40b1 42w1 49b1 51b1 1w1 47b½6,520,53228,75
24Mouresh N0IND 49b0 11w0 13b1 15w0 17b½ 37w1 21b02,537021,54,25
25Naresh Kumar S0IND 50w1 42b0 44w0 11w- 11w+ 12b0 13w1335021,57,50
26Navin J0IND 1b0 13w1 45b0 17w1 4w1 48b1 46w042202511,00
27Naveen Kumar M0IND 2w0 8b1 4w0 14b1 10w0 18b1 19w½3,5260228,00
28Nila Prakash D0IND 3b1 47w0 9b1 43w0 12w1 6b1 40w159027,516,00
29Nishanth G0IND 4w1 44b1 2w0 41b1 46w½ 31b0 51w14,51202715,75
30Oviyah K0IND 5b½ 49w0 7b1 9w+ 16w0 36b0 20w13,524025,59,25
31Bhavin Kumar V0IND 6w1 46b0 14w1 42b1 44b½ 29w1 1b04,511028,516,25
32Porchelvan G0IND 7b1 51w0 11b1 45w0 15b0 14b0 18w02410225,00
33Prathigsha M0IND 8w1 2b0 6w0 18b0 13w1 19b0 7b1336017,54,50
34Pratyush J A0IND 9b0 15w0 20b0 7w0 35w0 13b0 37b1148017,51,00
35Prithiv Kumar S0IND 10w0 14b0 3w1 19w- 34b1 20b½ 4w02,539020,54,25
36Ragul S0IND 11b1 1w0 15b1 6b0 18w1 30w1 39b042002613,00
37Rokith Ragav S0IND 12w0 18b0 8w1 13b0 14w0 24b0 34w01500160,50
38Sachin J0IND 13b1 9w1 1b0 10b1 49w0 15w1 45b158028,517,50
39Sadhana J0IND 14w1 10b0 18w1 12b1 2w1 47b0 36w157029,518,00
40Santha Prakash S0IND 15b1 23w0 17b1 16b½ 45w1 44w½ 28b0415029,514,00
41Sharvesh S0IND 16w0 -1 19b1 29w0 22b0 17w1 2b0331023,58,00
42Sivaram Bharathi C0IND 17b1 25w1 23b0 31w0 19w1 10b0 14w1419027,511,50
43Suhas S0IND 18w1 12b0 22w1 28b1 6w1 51b1 49b051002717,00
44Suyambulingam B0IND 19b1 29w0 25b1 5w+ 31w½ 40b½ 10w0417027,513,75
45Thannya H0IND 20w+ 16b0 26w1 32b1 40b0 22w1 38w042102512,00
46Tharesh S N0IND 21b1 31w1 5b1 1w0 29b½ 2w1 26b15,54028,521,25
47Udayathkiran S0IND 22w1 28b1 10w1 2b1 1b1 39w1 23w½6,510,53329,75
48Vaiduriya M0IND 23b0 17w0 21b1 20w1 8b1 26w0 15b03330236,00
49Vaiebhav Shreevarshan R0IND 24w1 30b1 12w1 23w0 38b1 16b1 43w163030,524,00
50Yalinisri T0IND 25b0 19w0 -1 22b- -0 -0 -01470192,50
51Yesvantha Hari N0IND -1 32b1 16w1 4b1 23w0 43w0 29b041602913,50

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable