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VI Obert Escacs Vall del Tenes 2017 (156315)

Darrera actualització17.06.2017 01:09:18, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Escola d'Escacs d'Osona

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Taula creuada pel rànquing inicial

Núm.NomElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Ordre Des1  Des2  Des3  Des4  Des5 
1MKBosch Porta David2254 33w1 19b1 8w½ 17b½ 7w1 3w1 2b½ 15b16,5135,5223529,505
2MKFabre Massana Miquel2225 34b1 18w0 22b1 29w1 9b1 5w½ 1w½ 12b05836,5202425,504
3Soler Colome Valenti2157 35w1 21b1 12w1 7b1 15w1 1b0 17w1 4b0623821623206
4Mas Recorda Pere2148 36b1 20w1 15b½ 9w½ 11b½ 31w1 5b½ 3w16337214927,504
5Simon Del Sol Jaume2107 37w1 26b1 17w½ 8b½ 18w1 2b½ 4w½ 10w16533,520602804
6Sanz Ogaya Mario2100 38b1 22w½ 31b1 11w½ 20b+ -0 7b1 -0593520612603
7Costa Trave Jaume2099 39w1 28b1 18w1 3w0 1b0 19b1 6w0 -042436,519862404
8Abreu Flores Daniel2092 40b1 27w1 1b½ 5w½ 31b½ 15b0 12w0 26w½42536,518992302
9Centelles Vives Aleix2084 41w1 30b½ 32w1 4b½ 2w0 18b½ -0 -03,53534190121,502
10Cordomi Forns Francesc2081 42b0 13w½ 46b½ 52w1 32w1 28b½ 40w1 5b04,52030,517531903
11Turon Mora Joan2061 44w1 32b½ 30w1 6b½ 4w½ 17b0 -0 51b14,51233,519352303
12Urena Casacuberta Lluis2044 45b1 29w1 3b0 15w0 36b1 23w1 8b1 2w1643520642506
13Sola Lluch Miquel2032 46w½ 10b½ 35w½ 30b1 17w½ 41b½ 28w1 19b04,51930,517602102
14Valero Soler Jaume2024 47b1 31w0 36b1 34w½ 24b0 40w- -0 -02,55330,5173316,502
15Reyes Menendez Antonio2014 48w1 59b1 4w½ 12b1 3b0 8w1 33b1 1w05,563620642805
16Rius Soler Benjami2005 -0 46b1 37w1 31w0 45b1 33w0 36b0 28b½3,54028,5164117,503
17Bouzas Arcos Juan Manuel2001 50b1 42w1 5b½ 1w½ 13b½ 11w1 3b0 31w15,5736201326,504
18Ruiz Planas Adelito1984 51w1 2b1 7b0 42w1 5b0 9w½ 31b0 44w14,51531,5189022,504
19Martin Ares Miguel Angel1956 52b1 1w0 38b½ 27w1 26b1 7w0 34b½ 13w15113218862204
20Ramos Aguayo Josep Joan1952 53w1 4b0 39w1 28b1 6w- -0 45w1 -04263319012104
21Flores Munoz Daniel1935 54b1 3w0 -0 44b1 41w0 -0 56w½ 55b+3,54128,515891502
22Abreu Guerrero J.Antoni1922 55w1 6b½ 2w0 32b0 44w1 51b1 41w½ 33b½4,51830,517872003
23Roquet Estrada Albert1922 56b1 -0 41w1 47w1 -0 12b0 46w1 34b151032,519252205
24Vicente Soriano Josep1917 59w0 51b½ 62w1 35b1 14w1 -0 -0 -03,53829174718,503
25Melich Martinez Josep1916 -0 50w1 42b0 51b0 56w1 43b1 53w1 41b½4,52227162516,504
26Barea Serra Josep1908 61b1 5w0 43b½ 38w1 19w0 32b½ 51w½ 8b½4283117171902
27Mas Sayos Lluis1900 62w1 8b0 44w½ 19b0 43w0 37b1 42w½ 46b14342716261603
28Ruiz Rodriguez Ferran1888 63b1 7w0 45b1 20w0 47b1 10w½ 13b0 16w½43029,516522003
29Saborit Verdaguer Roger1882 64w1 12b0 49w1 2b0 51w0 53b0 59w1 42b143228,516421704
30Argemi Camp Jaume1870 65b1 9w½ 11b0 13w0 38b1 34w0 44b0 50w13,54327,5157216,503
31Lucena Perianez Jordi1868 66w1 14b1 6w0 16b1 8w½ 4b0 18w1 17b04,51333,518042404
32Perez Roses Sergi1868 68b1 11w½ 9b0 22w1 10b0 26w½ 39b1 36w½4,51731174120,503
33Yanguas Martinez Hermogenes1848 1b0 52w1 47b0 54w+ 59w1 16b1 15w0 22w½4,51631178519,503
34Puigdueta Xalabarder Antoni1840 2w0 53b1 59w1 14b½ -0 30b1 19w½ 23w042732179319,503
35Ribas Baraldes Arnau1837 3b0 54w1 13b½ 24w0 60b½ 47w½ 52b½ 49w+42930,5159815,501
36Barcons Gallach Alfons1835 4w0 55b1 14w0 57b1 12w0 59b1 16w1 32b½4,51432176317,504
37Martinez Navaro Josep M1835 5b0 56w1 16b0 60w½ 40b0 27w0 68w1 63b13,54427144112,503
38Nicomedes Carmona Jose1817 6w0 58b1 19w½ 26b0 30w0 49b- -0 61b12,55527,515571102
39Garcia Cachinero Jesus1815 7b0 60w1 20b0 61w1 -0 55b1 32w0 53b+43129,516201603
40Soler Colome Juan1811 8w0 62b0 51w½ 58b1 37w1 14b+ 10b0 43b14,52326,515631603
41Barcons Rovira Jordi1809 9b0 63w1 23b0 68w1 21b1 13w½ 22b½ 25w½4,52130,516501903
42Lopez Torralba Oscar1809 10w1 17b0 25w1 18b0 -0 52w½ 27b½ 29w034532169216,502
43Marso Anglada Oriol1808 -0 64b1 26w½ -0 27b1 25w0 47b1 40w03,53729,516061603
44Bellpuig Mencos Gerard1804 11b0 65w1 27b½ 21w0 22b0 60w+ 30w1 18b03,5422815471502
45Riera Mestres Josep1801 12w0 66b1 28w0 55b1 16w0 61b1 20b0 52w03482914351503
46Garcia Torres Adolfo1786 13b½ 16w0 10w½ -0 62b1 64w1 23b0 27w034729,515601402
47Martinez Medina Jose Juan1783 14w0 67b1 33w1 23b0 28w0 35b½ 43w0 56b13,53929152315,503
48Chavero Falero Alfonso1762 15b0 -0 58w½ -0 61b- 63w- -0 -00,56823,51433300
49Castells Garriga Pere1760 -0 68w1 29b0 59b0 64w- 38w+ 61w1 35b-3522313881202
50Salinas Perez Gonzalo1743 17w0 25b0 61w0 64b0 65w1 62b1 63w½ 30b02,558231268802
51Viaplana Puigdomenech Santi1739 18b0 24w½ 40b½ 25w1 29b1 22w0 26b½ 11w03,53632170216,502
52Cregut David Jean Louis1736 19w0 33b0 64w1 10b0 57w1 42b½ 35w½ 45b143327,5159813,503
53Barcons Gallach Salvador1734 20b0 34w0 60b0 63w1 66b1 29w1 25b0 39w-3492914141203
54Lopez Sanchez Pedro1712 21w0 35b0 66w1 33b- -0 68b½ 60w1 59b02,55623,512709,502
55Amoros Carafi Marc1706 22b0 36w0 63b1 45w0 68b1 39w0 64b1 21w-35123,513881203
56Carvajal Rodriguez Juan1702 23w0 37b0 67w1 -0 25b0 66w1 21b½ 47w02,5542812821002
57Vilalta Noguera Laura1700 -0 -0 65b1 36w0 52b0 -0 58w- 68w1260251385702
58Xofra Lopez Eduard1700 -0 38w0 48b½ 40w0 -0 67b½ 57b- 65w-1662311744,500
59Salinas Duffo Gaspar1695 24b1 15w0 34b0 49w1 33b0 36w0 29b0 54w134631,516011403
60Romano Cases Jordi1682 -0 39b0 53w1 37b½ 35w½ 44b- 54b0 64w135026,5143011,502
61Masclans Badia Xavier1681 26w0 -0 50b1 39b0 48w+ 45w0 49b0 38w02612512321001
62Genis Traveria Ferran1656 27b0 40w1 24b0 -0 46w0 50w0 -0 -016525,51320701
63Perez Ronquillo Santi1654 28w0 41b0 55w0 53b0 67w1 48b+ 50b½ 37w02,55723,51163801
64Castano Sanchez Tomas1652 29b0 43w0 52b0 50w1 49b+ 46b0 55w0 60b0259261197901
65Valls Matheu Albert1609 30w0 44b0 57w0 -0 50b0 -0 67w1 58b+262201099301
66Barres Roca Francesc1550 31b0 45w0 54b0 -1 53w0 56b0 -0 -016722648500
67Espanol Bada Nuria1549 -0 47w0 56b0 -0 63b0 58w½ 65b0 -11,56421,58892,500
68Izquierdo Fuster Joan1544 32w0 49b0 -1 41b0 55w0 54w½ 37b0 57b01,56327,510517,500

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Recursive Ratingperformance
Desempat3: Fide Tie-Break
Desempat4: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Desempat5: The greater number of victories (variable)