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25° Open de Xadrez "Cidade de ITU" 2017

Last update 19.02.2017 22:52:05, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao Paulista de Xadrez (1)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMMekhitarian Krikor Sevag2583BRA132w1 55b1 66w1 9b1 7w1 3b1 8w17030,533,5
2FMProudian Armen2265BRA130b1 49w1 44b1 12w½ 24b1 22w1 11b16,502931,5
3FMLanguidey Simon Alejandro2324ARG 88b1 63w1 25b1 17w1 21b1 1w0 10b16031,535
4Rodrigues Tiago Pereira2205BRA151b1 68w1 46b1 13w½ 30w1 28b1602730
5FMCaldeira Adriano2240BRA149b1 72w½101b1108w1 22b½ 25w1 27b16025,528,5
6Niermann Rainer2115GER169b1 50w½102b1 65w1 23w1 21b16025,527,5
7IMTsuboi Edson Kenji2259BRA184w+ 74b1 42w1 27w1 1b0 31w1 12b½5,503134
8GMCubas Jose Fernando2522PAR128b1 57w1 31b1 33w1 26b1 10w½ 1b05,503134
9FMGuimaraes Wagner Peixoto2253BRA133w1 37b1 73w1 1w0 32b1 69b1 16w½5,5029,532,5
10Awoki Daniel Teidi1935BRA -1153b1 16w1 79w1 23b1 8b½ 3w05,5029,532,5
11Massarioli Felipe Alvarenga2066BRA205b1 50w½100b1 84w1 29b1 15b1 2w05,502930
12Bruce Shannon Hill2158BRA129w1138b1 41w1 2b½ 14w½ 63b1 7w½5,5028,531,5
13Oliveira Silvio Eduardo2298BRA -1 59w1 51b½ 47w1 4b½ 54w½ 43b15,5028,531,5
14FMCadilhac Igor Tokuichi Kikuch2296BRA137b1 45w½126b1 51w1 12b½ 36w1 17b½5,5028,531
15FMRodrigues Edgar2299BRA104b1 65w1 47b½ 43w1 18b1 11w0 54b15,502831,5
16Saito Vinicius2122BRA209b1 86w1 10b0 37w1 57b1 34w1 9b½5,5027,530
17Siqueira Gomes Gustavo2164BRA150w1102b1 67w1 3b0 70w1 64b1 14w½5,5026,529,5
18NMCampelo Leandro Fabricio2207BRA -1 68b½120w1 58b1 15w0 55b1 44w15,5025,528,5
19FMRangel Daniel2165BRA -1 52w1 43b0 72w1105b½ 49w1 46b15,502528
20NMPinto Rendrex Lopes2140BRA139b1101w½103b½ 38w1 43b½105w1 52b15,5024,527,5
21NMGoncalves Ivan Mesquita V2212BRA141b1 30w1 32b1 29w1 3w0 82b1 6w05030,533
22IMVan Riemsdijk Herman C.2380BRA127w1 76b1 28w1 24b½ 5w½ 2b0 63w15029,532,5
23FMMandetta Joao Danilo2313BRA148w1 56b1 48w1 39b1 10w0 6b0 65w1502932
24Mourao Igor A.C.Lofredo2159BRA180b1 83w1 95b1 22w½ 2w0 58b1 35w½502931
25WCMGazola Vanessa Ramos2056BRA 80w1113b1 3w0 75b1 81w1 5b0 71w1502831,5
26NMBispo Leonardo2258BRA168b1 38w1 64b1 36w1 8w0 28b0 74w15027,531
27NMRodrigues Leonardo De Miranda2134BRA115w1 90b1 75w1 7b0 67w1 78b1 5w0502730,5
28Bastos Seixas Pedro Lucas2041BRA152b1142w1 22b0 86w1 45b1 26w1 4w0502730
29FMMendonca Mateus Nakajo2410BRA146w1 87b1 53w1 21b0 11w0 75b1 67w15026,529,5
30Ribeiro Allysson1853BRA143w1 21b0115w1 66b1 48w1 4b0 64w15026,529,5
31Dos Santos Lucas Aparecido2087BRA164w1 96b1 8w0 90b1 74w1 7b0 78w1502629
32Dias Joao Batista1978BRA170w+ 99b1 21w0106b1 9w0 81b1 98w1502629
33FMSega Carlos Alberto2219BRA162w1 77b1 70w1 8b0 73w1 44b½ 41w½502629
34Beraldi Miguel Braga0BRA 66w0171b1 93w1 87b1 62w1 16b0 70w15025,528
35Oliveira Pedro0BRA131w1 45b½ 49w½108b1 47w1 24b½502528
36NMDeus Filho Joaquim De2096BRA188w1122b1106w1 26b0 56w1 14b0 77w1502527
37Almeida Junior Waldomiro Carl1869BRA -1 9w0111b1 16b0130w1129b1 82w15024,527
38AIMLima Eduardo Augusto Fabri1869BRA -1 26b0129w1 20b0134w1115b1 69w1502427
39Zacarias Rodrigo Medeiros2101BRA181b1 40w1136b1 23w0 63b0 94w1 76b1502426
40Andrades Jose Jorge1783BRA107w1 39b0145w1 48b0183w1109b1 73w15023,525,5
41De Souza Cristiano Gomes1940BRA217b1187w1 12b0167w½103b1100w1 33b½5022,524
42Da Silva Junior Sediney Mari1980BRA155b1167w1 7b0119w0146b1178w+ 85w1502224,5
43Horta Marcio Rodrigues1953BRA 85w1207b1 19w1 15b0 20w½107b1 13w04,5028,530
44Minetto Adriano1987BRA177w+121b1 2w0113b1 71w1 33w½ 18b04,5027,530,5
45Abe Nelson1878BRA156w1 14b½ 35w½ 85b1 28w0127b1 48w½4,502730
46Trevisan Rodrigo0BRA131b½175w1 61b1 4w0 84b1 51w1 19w04,502729,5
47Rovai Pedro Henrique2050BRA173w1 81b1 15w½ 13b0 68w1 35b0102w14,502729,5
48Savian Fabio2035BRA220b1 91w1 23b0 40w1 30b0 97w1 45b½4,502729
49Vieira Alexandre Letizio1878BRA -1 2b0183w1 35b½118w1 19b0107w14,5026,528,5
50Federzoni Enzo1737BRA201w1 11b½ 6b½ 64w0135b1 89w½105b14,502628
51NMCatozzo Jr Vinicius2023BRA144w1 78b1 13w½ 14b0114w1 46b0113w14,5025,528
52Contato Cristiano Carlos1827BRA218w1 19b0 80w½143b1 60w1 79b1 20w04,5025,527
53Ferri Orlando Eduardo2052BRA200b1 97w1 29b0 83w0128b1 91w1 59b½4,502426
54Schutt Ricardo De Amorim2118BRA182w1 75b0137w1 77b1 76w1 13b½ 15w04,502425
55Agostinho Albano1927BRA216b1 1w0141b1112w½167b1 18w0103b14,5023,525,5
56De Campos Joao Manuel1893BRA135b1 23w0181b1110w1 36b0104w½100b14,5023,525,5
57Brienza Amalio Coelho1909BRA -1 8b0130w1147b1 16w0106b½114w14,502325,5
58Da Silva Alessandro Bezerra1914BRA100b½214w1114b1 18w0112b1 24w0110b14,5022,525
59WIMIchimura G. Barbosa Larissa Y1883BRA183w1 13b0150w1 71b0137w1132b1 53w½4,502224
60Fernandez Hector Antonio2010BRA145w+136w0 88b1103w½ 52b0167w1104b14,5021,524
61Aoyama Edmundo1862BRA172w½109b1 46w0107b½184w1 80b½106w14,5021,524
62De Lima Valdenicio Marcelino2020BRA175b½100w0214b1131w1 34b0120w1101b14,5020,523
63Godinho Bruno Cesar Ferreira1903BRA -1 3b0184w1146b1 39w1 12w0 22b04027,530
64Dias Andre Luiz Alexandrino1984BRA210w+147b1 26w0 50b1 79w1 17w0 30b0402730
65Ng Paulino1903BRA185w1 15b0133w1127b1 6b0 88w1 23b04026,528,5
66De Moura Sergio Jovelino2091BRA 34b1179w1 1b0 30w0100b0139w1132b14026,528,5
67Da Cunha Danilo Thimoteo1951BRA117b1186w1 17b0126w1 27b0116w1 29b04026,528
68Dairokuno Mitsuru1853BRA194b1 18w½ 4b0168w1 47b0117w1 89b½4026,528
69Goncalves Jorge Roberto2006BRA111b1178w1 79b0 97w1 83b1 9w0 38b04025,528
70Cardoso Evandro Batista1963BRA 92b1208w1 33b0178w1 17b0126w1 34b04025,528
71De Andrade Moises Rodrigues0BRA108b0159w1 94b1 59w1 44b0 83w1 25b0402528
72Freitas Daniel Gomes De1869BRA -1 5b½204w1 19b0107w0118b1 80w½402528
73WCMJardim Daphne Tofano1974BRA221b1112w1 9b0136w1 33b0119w1 40b0402527
74Cirilo Guilherme De Araujo1870BRA157b1 7w0152b1135w1 31b0111w1 26b04024,527,5
75Guimaraes Lucas Dos S Peixoto1778BRA163b1 54w1 27b0 25w0140b1 29w0141w14024,527
76Avgoustopoulos Christian1904BRA -1 22w0209b1 92w1 54b0147b1 39w04024,527
77De Almeida Guilherme Pereira1863BRA -1 33w0208b1 54w0149b1 92w1 36b04024,527
78Dezejacomo Daniel Otavio Silv1659BRA219b1 51w0189b1 95w1 89b1 27w0 31b04024,525
79FMPires Marcos Vinicius Torsani2292BRA134w1 93b1 69w1 10b0 64b0 52w0131b1402427
80Cardi Carlos0BRA 25b0191w1 52b½101w½142b1 61w½ 72b½402425,5
81NMMiranda Rafael Souza1733BRA154b1 47w0125b1174w1 25b0 32w0144b14023,526
82Da Silva Angelo Luiz1985BRA140b1126w0104b1142w1119b1 21w0 37b0402325,5
83Hara Aroldo Hiroiuqui1818BRA222w1 24b0173w1 53b1 69w0 71b0133w1402325,5
84Schwertner Joao Victor Moreir1937BRA215b1118w1 11b0 46w0133b½127w1402325,5
85De Arruda Leandro Formes0BRA 43b0128w1179b1 45w0159b1 86w1 42b0402325
86WFMBonfim Regina Rodrigues1785BRA197w+ 16b0193w1 28b0141w1 85b0150w1402325
87Batezelli Alessandro1906BRA -1 29w0139b1 34w0 88b0182b1134w1402324
88NMDo Valle Cardoso Lucas1533BRA 3w0185b1 60w0192b1 87w1 65b0138w14022,524,5
89Souza Iago Henrique Da Silva2040BRA193w1106b0134w1 96b1 78w0 50b½ 68w½4022,524,5
90Assis Washington Luis Lincoln1787BRA211b1 27w0117b1 31w0111b0155w1130b14022,523,5
91Chang Luis1694BRA190b+ 48b0123w½109b½170w1 53b0156w1402225
92De Andrade Jr Moises Rodrigues0BRA 70w0116b1138w1 76b0 96w1 77b0147w14021,524,5
93De Carvalho Guilherme Michel1879BRA161b1 79w0 34b0152w1104b0140w1128b14021,524
94Cardozo Matheus Santos1772BRA123w0170b1 71w0173b1150w1 39b0129w14021,524
95Desideri Ricardo Maruchi1942BRA198w1123b1 24w0 78b0127w0143b1148w14021,523,5
96Duraes Thiago Nogueira1757BRA212w+ 31w0186b1 89w0 92b0193b1164w1402122,5
97Do Prado Andrielle Souza Brit1723BRA171w1 53b0207w1 69b0182w1 48b0145w1402021
98Miguel Marcelo0BRA101b0149w1142b0180w1178b1146w1 32b04019,521,5
99Fiori Fabio Alvarenga1636BRA195b1 32w0110b0140w0207b1157w1160b14018,520
100Dohani Tales Ogusko0BRA 58w½ 62b1 11w0120b1 66w1 41b0 56w03,502831
101Milanez Eduardo Medeiros1788BRA 98w1 20b½ 5w0 80b½133w½172b1 62w03,502729,5
102Gobbo Junior Jose Arildo1818BRA158b1 17w0140b1 6w0139b1110w½ 47b03,5025,528
103Christofoletti Tulio1772BRA172b1 20w½ 60b½ 41w0151b1 55w03,5025,528
104Dos Santos Eduardo Zeraib Ant1530BRA 15w0156b1 82w0198b1 93w1 56b½ 60w03,502527
105Pontes Ailton1920BRA207w-174w1180b1121b1 19w½ 20b0 50w03,502527
106Teshima Ricardo Yoshida1704BRA191b1 89w1 36b0 32w0154b1 57w½ 61b03,502526,5
107Vendramine Carlos Henrique0BRA 40b0155w1161b1 61w½ 72b1 43w0 49b03,5024,527,5
108NMDa Silva Jr Jose Saravio1972BRA 71w1118b½203w1 5b0 35w0114b0170w13,5024,527
109Miguel Jean Carlos Hochsprung0BRA 61w0175b1 91w½136b1 40w0116b½3,5023,526
110Spirandeli Breno Daniel0BRA147w0144b1 99w1 56b0121w1102b½ 58w03,502326
111Da Silva Daniel Pereira0BRA 69w0165b1 37w0138b1 90w1 74b0121w½3,502325,5
112De Souza Maria Luiza Ferreira1612BRA176b+ 73b0124w1 55b½ 58w0113b0171w13,502325,5
113Caporale Giuseppe Guido1753BRA189b1 25w0158b1 44w0117b½112w1 51b03,502325
114Rangel Felipe Novais1682BRA174b½ -1 58w0204b+ 51b0108w1 57b03,5022,525
115Alonso Paulo Henrique Briante0BRA 27b0163w1 30b0165w1179b1 38w0122b½3,5022,524,5
116Pereira Daniele Costa1638BRA187w- 92w0216b1144b1124w1 67b0109w½3,502224
117De Lima Claudio Fornos0BRA 67w0132b1 90w0148b1113w½ 68b0173w13,5021,524
118Fassis Juliana Maria1625BRA160b1108w½ 84b0125w1 49b0 72w0169b13,5021,523,5
119Silva Sediney Mari1667BRA151w0192b1190w1 42b1 82w0 73b0124w½3,5021,523,5
120Bianchi Angelo Calil0BRA221w1 18b0100w0204b+ 62b0172w13,5021,523,5
121Simao Vasconcellos Pedro Augu1644BRA202b1 44w0154b1105w0110b0135w1111b½3,502122
122Coronado Evandro Jose1770BRA125b1 36w0135b0208w+129w0188b1115w½3,5020,522,5
123Mugnato Thiago Ricardo0BRA 94b1 95w0 91b½179w0168b0174w1167b13,502022
124Silva Liara Blanco0BRA126b0220w1112b0205w1116b0149w1119b½3,501920
125Neto Ademar Clemente0BRA122w0182b1 81w0118b0173w½205b1179w13,501617
126Beltran Matheus Peixoto1642BRA124w1 82b1 14w0 67b0190w1 70b0 -0302527,5
127Kikuchi Cadilhac Mariana Sawa1539BRA 22b0216w1160b1 65w0 95b1 45w0 84b03024,526,5
128Do Prado Andressa Souza Brito1591BRA 8w0 85b0156w1145b1 53w0158b1 93w0302427
129Aladic Gregory0BRA 12b0197w1 38b0195w1122b1 37w0 94b0302426
130Tomaziello Rodrigo Pinheiro1470BRA 2w0 -1 57b0163w1 37b0199b1 90w0302425,5
131Sanchez Ivan Roberto1622BRA 46w½ 35b0215w1 62b0151w½192b1 79w03023,525,5
132Fritsch Evans1601BRA 1b0117w0185b1210w1176b1 59w0 66w03023,525
133NMGomes Jeferson Dionisio1438BRA 9b0194w1 65b0189w1101b½ 84w½ 83b0302324,5
134Sobral Juliana Maranduba1482BRA 79b0157w1 89b0158w1 38b0153w1 87b03022,525,5
135Godoy Anthony Ferreira0BRA 56w0148b1122w1 74b0 50w0121b0178w13022,525
136Agrela Joao Paulo Amorim1659BRA192w1 60b1 39w0 73b0109w0170b½143w½3022,524,5
137Kojima Rodrigo Yosuke1488BRA 14w0 -1 54b0186w1 59b0171b½151w½3022,524
138Andor Jorge1810BRA213b1 12w0 92b0111w0174b1152w1 88b03022,523,5
139Aladic Jose Roberto0BRA 20w0166b1 87w0171b1102w0 66b0190w1302224,5
140Da Silva Tales Daniel Balbino0BRA 82w0176b1102w0 99b1 75w0 93b0199w+302224
141Queiroz Maria Becker1429BRA 21w0218b1 55w0207b+ 86b0165w1 75b0302223,5
142De Resende Sidnei1702BRA206w1 28b0 98w1 82b0 80w0144b0192w1302223
143Lazaro Lais0BRA 30b0168w½205b1 52w0169b1 95w0136b½302223
144Crivelaro Matheus0BRA 51b0110w0197b1116w0189b1142w1 81w03021,523,5
145Da Costa Cassio Henrique0BRA 60b- -1 40b0128w0201b1159w1 97b03021,523,5
146Silva Cicero Tavares1579BRA 29b0217w1195b1 63w0 42w0 98b0186w13021,523
147Hopka Matheus Marchesi1638BRA110b1 64w0187b1 57w0160b1 76w0 92b03021,523
148Bicalho Rafael Cury1533BRA 23b0135w0157b1117w0186b1154w1 95b03021,523
149Akaishi Renan0BRA 5w0 98b0218w1166b1 77w0124b0191w13021,523
150Bispo Marcia De Lima1167BRA 17b0211w1 59b0187w1 94b0176w1 86b03021,522,5

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Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)