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Campionat Territorial Individual de Girona Grup B

Last update 23.11.2009 07:48:54, Creator/Last Upload: Gabriel Perez Marco

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Final Ranking crosstable after 8 Rounds

Rk.Name1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Cano Egea Gerard 14b1 28w+ 11w1 2b0 4w½ 7b1 3w1 6b16,5294238,5
2Cantenys Pages Carles 23b1 7w1 9b1 1w1 6b½ 3w0 13w1 4b½630,54037,5
3Paredes Rubio Nicolas 21b1 8w0 16b1 20w1 13w1 2b1 1b0 9w162735,533
4Cano Egea Juan Manuel 16b0 5w1 21b1 18w1 1b½ 10w1 6b½ 2w½5,524,537,535
5Vilanova Pi Josep 10w½ 4b0 19w1 9w½ 15b½ 20b1 21w1 13b15,520,53229,5
6Otones Lopez Josep M. 17b1 12w1 8b1 -0 2w½ 14b1 4w½ 1w052739,536
7Farell Quintana Pol 22w1 2b0 15b1 12w1 8b1 1w0 9b0 14w152437,534,5
8Palmero Castillo Marcelino 26w1 3b1 6w0 11b1 7w0 13b0 18b1 15w152335,534
9Suita Rodriguez Natalia 19w1 18b½ 2w0 5b½ 22w1 21b1 7w1 3b052335,533
10Garcia Castany Jose 5b½ 17w1 18w+ 13b0 11w1 4b0 15b½ 12w½4,522,536,533
11Medina Barbero Pere 24b1 16w1 1b0 8w0 10b0 18w½ 19b1 20w14,519,532,530
12Torres Camps Aleix 27w1 6b0 22w1 7b0 14w0 26b1 20w1 10b½4,519,526,525
13Serra Canals Oriol 20w1 -0 14b1 10w1 3b0 8w1 2b0 5w04223734,5
14Rodriguez Martin Joan 1w0 27b1 13w0 29b+ 12b1 6w0 16b1 7b041834,533
15Arrabal Quetglas Miquel -0 29b1 7w0 25b1 5w½ 22b1 10w½ 8b041831,529,5
16Renart Blanch Angel 4w1 11b0 3w0 22b0 27w1 25b1 14w0 21b141628,527
17Homs Espinosa Alain 6w0 10b0 29w0 19b0 -1 24w1 26w1 22b14102725,5
18Otones Pacheco Juan 25b1 9w½ 10b- 4b0 19w½ 11b½ 8w0 23w13,5163230
19Camps Torrents Josep 9b0 25w0 5b0 17w1 18b½ 23w1 11w0 26b13,51128,527
20Barris Sanchez Adria 13b0 24w+ 25w1 3b0 26w1 5w0 12b0 11b03173129,5
21Capallera Guirado Ferran 3w0 26b1 4w0 28w+ 23b1 9w0 5b0 16w031632,531
22Capallera Guirado Isaac 7b0 23w1 12b0 16w1 9b0 15w0 25b1 17w03143129
23Mallol Descarrega Jordi 2w0 22b0 24w½ 27b1 21w0 19b0 29w1 18b02,51026,525
24Granados Aguilera Cristian 11w0 20b- 23b½ 26w- -0 17b0 27w1 -12,562624,5
25Subiranas Herrera Ot 18w0 19b1 20b0 15w0 29b1 16w0 22w0 27b021125,524
26Salleras Mercader Josep M. 8b0 21w0 27w1 24b+ 20b0 12w0 17b0 19w021124,523
27Mallol Descarrega Gerard 12b0 14w0 26b0 23w0 16b0 -1 24b0 25w1242321,5
28Jaaidi El Bettini Anass 29w1 1b- -0 21b- -0 -0 -0 -0183431,5
29Pinsach Gelabert Gerard 28b0 15w0 17b1 14w- 25w0 -0 23b0 -01624,522,5

Tie Break1: Fide Tie-Break
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)