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Balta Albastra Cup - Rapid

Last update 19.02.2017 13:55:30, Creator/Last Upload: Sebastian Volcinsche

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Luca Ionel2150ROU 34w1 20b1 13w1 4b0 14w1 12b1 2w1 42b1 3w07442,554,538
2IMRomcovici Victor2075MDA 35b1 21w1 15b1 5w1 4b½ 7w1 1b0 11w1 6b17,524253,539,5
3FMScripcaru George-Daniel2072ROU 36w1 22b1 14w1 7b0 15w1 13b1 26w1 4b½ 1b17,5340,55238
4Vasile Marian2059ROU 37b1 23w1 17b1 1w1 2w½ 6b½ 7b1 3w½ 8w17,51445639,5
5Ifrim Silviu2030ROU 38w1 24b1 16w1 2b0 20w1 8b½ 6w½ 29b½ 42w½673950,534
6Arghirescu Andrei2027ROU 39b0 49w1 11b1 24w1 17b1 4w½ 5b½ 34w1 2w06639,55131,5
7Budur Costel2021ROU 40w1 25b1 28w1 3w1 10b1 2b0 4w0 59b1 29w17540,55238
8Hanga Wylly2001ROU 41b1 27w1 19b½ 29w½ 22b½ 5w½ 28b1 46w1 4b061134,54633
9Anitei Ion1912ROU 42w1 28b0 36w1 26b0 34w0 47w1 30b1 22w1 10b161233,543,526
10Necula Iulian1860ROU 43b1 29w½ 59b1 19w1 7w0 42b0 21b1 26w1 9w05,51536,547,531
11Verciuc Nicolae1856ROU 44w1 30b½ 6w0 32b1 26w½ 33b1 39w1 2b0 16w½5,51436,54829
12Axinte Aurel1810ROU 45b0 50w1 35b1 25w1 29b1 1w0 42w0 39b½ 32w15,5193444,528
13Arghirescu Marius1809ROU 46w1 31b1 1b0 33w1 37b1 3w0 34b0 25w1 59b168374831
14Palade Marian1757ROU 47b1 33w1 3b0 31w1 1b0 22w½ 37b½ 27w1 46b0525354628,5
15Groapa Aurelian1730ROU 48w1 32b1 2w0 28b+ 3b0 27w1 46b0 28w1 34b16103646,530
16Calcea Ioan1729ROU 49b1 39w1 5b0 37w0 35b1 28w- 31w1 38w1 11b½5,52033,54327,5
17Pirici Gheorghe1691ROU 50w1 45b1 4w0 34b1 6w0 39b0 33w1 24b½ 20w15,51834,545,528
18Wunder Tamas-Gabor1676ROU 51b1 59w0 37b0 49w1 38b1 29w- 36w½ 47w1 39b04,535334023,5
19Iorga Corneliu1675ROU 52w1 67b1 8w½ 10b0 42w0 66b1 59w0 32b0 31b14,53630,53825,5
20Nicolau Gigi1675ROU 53b1 1w0 38b1 45w1 5b0 46w0 35b1 37w1 17b052734,54327
21Turcan Gheorghe1674ROU 54w1 2b0 40w1 42b½ 30w1 26b0 10w0 36b½ 35w152933,54526
22IINegrut Janica1627ROU 55b1 3w0 39b1 59w1 8w½ 14b½ 29w0 9b0 36w043937,548,526,5
23Laszlo Jozsef-Attila1620ROU 56w1 4b0 42w0 48b1 36w1 34b- 38b0 45w1 37b044032,54322
24Beuran Liviu1613ROU 57b1 5w0 41b1 6b0 39w0 45w1 43b1 17w½ 26b½528344324,5
25Pop Vasile1604ROU 58w1 7w0 43b1 12b0 41w1 59b0 44w1 13b0 38w153033,543,525
26Tablan Matei-Christian1595ROU 59b0 51w1 44b1 9w1 11b½ 21w1 3b0 10b0 24w½521374628
27Adam Ioan1594ROU 60w1 8b0 45w0 56b1 43w1 15b0 62w1 14b0 44w044529,53823
28Gurguiatu Sandu1594ROU 61b1 9w1 7b0 15w- 44w1 16b+ 8w0 15b0 43b152336,54727
29Spoiala Gheorghe1594FRA 62w1 10b½ 30w1 8b½ 12w0 18b+ 22b1 5w½ 7b05,51735,54531
30Durac Eugen1559ROU 63b1 11w½ 29b0 47w1 21b0 37w½ 9w0 49b0 61w144132,541,522
31Ranceanu Ilie1540ROU 64w1 13w0 46b1 14b0 59w0 49w1 16b0 50b½ 19w03,5513440,521
32IIStan Ioan1537ROU 65b1 15w0 47b½ 11w0 46b0 40w1 41b1 19w1 12b04,53433,54221,5
33Marmureanu Gheorghe-Claudiu1515ROU 66w1 14b0 67w1 13b0 45b1 11w0 17b0 61w+ 49w15323139,524
34Lupusoru Costica1489ROU 1b0 52w1 66b1 17w0 9b1 23w+ 13w1 6b0 15w05223745,527
35Pascu Mihai1469ROU 2w0 54b1 12w0 57b1 16w0 55b1 20w0 62b1 21b0442324220
36Tablan Corneliu-Victor1451ROU 3b0 53w1 9b0 55w1 23b0 58w1 18b½ 21w½ 22b1531314021,5
37Kirtiloglu Salih Aydin1440ROU 4w0 56b1 18w1 16b1 13w0 30b½ 14w½ 20b0 23w152435,54625,5
38Vasai Alexandru-Nicusor1439ROU 5b0 55w1 20w0 58b1 18w0 56b1 23w1 16b0 25b0443324121
39Ienasoaie Rafael1436ROU 6w1 16b0 22w0 60b1 24b1 17w1 11b0 12w½ 18w15,51636,545,526
40Serban Luca-Nicolae1394ROU 7b0 57w1 21b0 66w½ 47b0 32b0 -1 53w1 50w14,53826,53517
41IIVarga Ferenc1319ROU 8w0 58b1 24w0 61b1 25b0 62w- 32w0 56b+ 57b144728,53717
42Tablan Andrei-Damian1317ROU 9b0 60w1 23b1 21w½ 19b1 10w1 12b1 1w0 5b½69374730,5
43Toma Adrian1294ROU 10w0 62b1 25w0 65b1 27b0 61w1 24w0 63b1 28w0448283620
44Constandache Maria-Alexandra1290ROU 11b0 61w1 26w0 62b1 28b0 63w1 25b0 58w1 27b153328,536,521
45Otetea Victor-Marian1267ROU 12w1 17w0 27b1 20b0 33w0 24b0 56w1 23b0 62w144431,539,520
46Ienasoaie Gabriel1259ROU 13b0 63w1 31w0 67b1 32w1 20b1 15w1 8b0 14w161332,54127
47Husaru Remus-George1191ROU 14w0 64b1 32w½ 30b0 40w1 9b0 66w1 18b0 48w14,5372935,520,5
48Satco Rares-Mihai1082ROU 15b0 65w1 49b0 23w0 66b0 64w1 58b0 60w1 47b0360253114
49Mazilu Stefan-Fabian1062ROU 16w0 6b0 48w1 18b0 60w1 31b0 57w1 30w1 33b0446293817
50IIICretu Mihaela-Gabriela1010ROU 17b0 12b0 57w0 53w1 61b0 65w1 60b1 31w½ 40b03,553253214
51Andrei Stephan-Daniel1001ROU 18w0 26b0 58w0 54b0 52w1 57b0 65b0 -1 60w02652228,57
52Astancai Alexandru-Stefanut1001ROU 19b0 34b0 61w0 63w0 51b0 -1 67b0 57w0 64b126619,524,55
53Dumbrava Darius-Stefan1001ROU 20w0 36b0 62w0 50b0 -1 60b0 64w1 40b0 65w026422,5288
54Floristeanu Teodora1001ROU 21b0 35w0 60b0 51w1 62b0 67w1 61b0 65w1 58b14502127,513
55Ghimpu Mihai-Stefan1001ROU 22w0 38b0 64w1 36b0 65w1 35w0 63b0 66b+ 67b144922,52815
56Mutu Alexandra-Stefania1001ROU 23b0 37w0 63b1 27w0 64b1 38w0 45b0 41w- -13612530,513
57Nicuta Daniel-Andrei1001ROU 24w0 40b0 50b1 35w0 63b0 51w1 49b0 52b1 41w03622430,513
58Nicuta Oana-Camelia1001ROU 25b0 41w0 51b1 38w0 67w1 36b0 48w1 44b0 54w035627,53415
59Popovici Ioan1001ROU 26w1 18b1 10w0 22b0 31b1 25w1 19b1 7w0 13w05263545,529
60Rusu George-Adelin1001ROU 27b0 42b0 54w1 39w0 49b0 53w1 50w0 48b0 51b135825,53312
61Sachilaru Constntin1001ROU 28w0 44b0 52b1 41w0 50w1 43b0 54w1 33b- 30b03542935,515
62Stafie Andreea-Ioana1001ROU 29b0 43w0 53b1 44w0 54w1 41b+ 27b0 35w0 45b035528,53516
63Stefanescu Maria1001ROU 30w0 46b0 56w0 52b1 57w1 44b0 55w1 43w0 66b03572633,514
64Stefanescu Stefan1001ROU 31b0 47w0 55b0 -1 56w0 48b0 53b0 67w0 52w016719,525,56
65Stoleru Denis-Raul1001ROU 32w0 48b0 -1 43w0 55b0 50b0 51w1 54b0 53b136322,528,511
66FCSachilaru Alexandru1001ROU 33b0 -1 34w0 40b½ 48w1 19w0 47b0 55w- 63w13,5522835,517
67FCSova-Gatu George-Christian1001ROU -1 19w0 33b0 46w0 58b0 54b0 52w1 64b1 55w03592531,514

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break