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Fase Prèvia del Campionat de Catalunya d'Edats del 2017 Zona del Vallès Occidental Sub-14

Darrera actualització18.02.2017 22:51:54, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Gabino Exposito Avila

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Taula creuada pel rànquing inicial

Núm.NomEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts.Ordre Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Garcia Ramos Anais1907ESP 15w1 8b1 6w1 3b0 26w1 7w½4,531522,51695
2Lari Ranim1824ESP 16b1 7w0 29b1 10w1 27b0 -031013,5211599
3Sierra Macias Adan1821ESP 17w1 10b1 12w1 1w1 7b0 4b04516,524,51744
4Villodres Rubio Adrian1802ESP 18b1 9w1 7b0 12w1 19b1 3w1521420,51700
5Egea Pascual Guillem1762ESP 19w1 12b0 17w1 -0 6b0 -02211421,51678
6Guerrero Prieto Arnau1755ESP 20b1 13w1 1b0 7w½ 5w1 27b14,541420,51694
7Cruz Medina Julia1729ESP 21w1 2b1 4w1 6b½ 3w1 1b½5116,5231779
8Ponsa Alcubierre Gemma1700ESP 22b1 1w0 16b1 27w0 29b0 15w131511,5171617
9Casanellas Agosto Erik1697ESP 24w1 4b0 19w½ 26b0 -0 21b12,5181218,51599
10Bautista Sarmiento Joel1694ESP 25b1 3w0 24b1 2b0 16w1 23w031212,5191641
11Mohino Blanch Gerard1694ESP 26w½ 14b0 18w1 19b0 25w- 24w01,52511,516,51573
12Lysenko Alexiy1689ESP 27b1 5w1 3b0 4b0 17w1 29w1461421,51659
13Lajarin Rallo Marc1681ESP 28w+ 6b0 26w0 29w½ 20b1 19w½31411,517,51568
14Quinones Gomez Valentina Xime1673ESP 29b- 11w1 27w0 23b0 24b½ 22w12,5191217,51538
15Lasmarias Torres David1670ESP 1b0 22w1 28b1 -0 23w0 8b02221318,51635
16Capilla Urbano Alvaro1647ESP 2w0 21b1 8w0 24w1 10b0 -022311,516,51659
17Buerba Paniego Pau1644ESP 3b0 23w1 5b0 28w1 12b0 20w131312,518,51650
18Lorenzo Perez Miquel1640ESP 4w0 24b0 11b0 21w- 21w0 28b1129814,51601
19Garcia Marquez Carlos1625ESP 5b0 25w1 9b½ 11w1 4w0 13b½31610,517,51689
20De la Muñoza Llopis Quer1614ESP 6w0 27b0 22w1 25b½ 13w0 17b01,52411,5171600
21Rodriguez Fenoy Didac1564ESP 7b0 16w0 23b0 18b- 18b1 9w01281218,51650
22Martinez Ootervink Sergio1554ESP 8w0 15b0 20b0 -1 28w½ 14b01,5278,512,51521
23Garcia Gallardo Victor1546ESP -0 17b0 21w1 14w1 15b1 10b14811,516,51649
24Lopez Cedo Pau1512ESP 9b0 18w1 10w0 16b0 14w½ 11b12,52010,5151674
25Lajarin Rallo Oscar1496ESP 10w0 19b0 -1 20w½ 11b+ 26b½3179,514,51520
26Feria Prust Ethan Wade1492ESP 11b½ 29w½ 13b1 9w1 1b0 25w½3,591016,51655
27Segarra Garrido Arnau1469ESP 12w0 20w1 14b1 8b1 2w1 6w04713,519,51709
28Valentin Hernandez Adrian1469ESP 13b- -1 15w0 17b0 22b½ 18w01,526913,51532
29Casassas Diaz Oriol1454ESP 14w+ 26b½ 2w0 13b½ 8w1 12b031112,5191677

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: rating average of the opponents (variabel with parameters)