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Fase Prèvia del Campionat de Catalunya d'Edats del 2017 Zona del Vallès Occidental Sub-10

Darrera actualització18.02.2017 22:52:34, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Gabino Exposito Avila

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 6 rondes

OrdreNomEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Muntal Corrales Arnau1525ESP 25w1 6b1 3w1 4w1 5b1 7b1616221515
2Fernandez Climent Albert1422ESP 12b+ 9b1 7w0 6b1 12w1 5b1514,5211449
3Carracedo Vicente Alejandro1671ESP 18b1 13w1 1b0 11w½ 23b1 10w14,51422,51462
4Garcia Encinas Nil1726ESP 26w1 14b1 21w1 1b0 10b½ 11w14,512,520,51394
5Iglesias Garcia Biel1386ESP 31b1 23w+ 9w1 7b1 1w0 2w0415,5241621
6Cervello Badia Santi1344ESP 27b1 1w0 8b1 2w0 28b1 15b141522,51535
7Shneyderis Mihael1637ESP 22b1 19w1 2b1 5w0 14b1 1w0412,5201382
8Dominguez Provido Adrian1578ESP 16b1 -0 6w0 29b1 21w1 12b141217,51334
9Contijoch Montpart Roger1689ESP 11b1 2w0 5b0 22w1 19b1 14w1411,517,51359
10Gonzalo Gomez Victor1408ESP 23w- 16w1 13b1 21b1 4w½ 3b03,514,5211518
11Bubuteyshvili Opelya Sergio1389ESP 9w0 25b1 24w1 3b½ 27w1 4b03,512,518,51576
12Martin-Caro Garcia Diego Migu1318ESP 2w- 17w1 20b+ 15b1 2b0 8w0315221441
13Calviño Cueto Alvaro1302ESP 15w1 3b0 10w0 20b1 -0 24b1313,520,51464
14Sanchez Navarro Lorena1363ESP 28b1 4w0 23b+ 27b1 7w0 9b0313,519,51684
15Gil Jimenez David1412ESP 13b0 30w1 19b1 12w0 16b1 6w0311,516,51317
16Salgado Linares Hector1342ESP 8w0 10b0 32w1 24b1 15w0 27b1311171469
17Chantero Solans Arnau1404ESP -0 12b0 25w1 23b- 22b1 21w139,514,51411
18Gongora Alfaro Antonio1367ESP 3w0 24b0 34w- 30w1 33b1 23w+38,5141483
19Artigas Torras Oriol1245ESP -1 7b0 15w0 32b1 9w0 20b½2,512,5181420
20Capilla Urbano Santiago1408ESP 21w0 33b1 12w- 13w0 25b1 19w½2,59141306
21Gonzalez Martinez Anna1285ESP 20b1 31w1 4b0 10w0 8b0 17b0215,522,51533
22Carrizosa Alvarez Victor1348ESP 7w0 35b+ 27b- 9b0 17w0 31w+213,518,51574
23Martinez Oliva Albert1780ESP 10b+ 5b- 14w- 17w+ 3w0 18b-21319,51433
24Busca Esteba Guillem1420ESP -0 18w1 11b0 16w0 29b1 13w0213181356
25Perez Lazaro David1325ESP 1b0 11w0 17b0 -1 20w0 29w1212191351
26Febrero Lopez Jaume1396ESP 4b0 34w+ -0 31w+ -0 -021218,51572
27Sierra Macias Aksel1624ESP 6w0 32b1 22w+ 14w0 11b0 16w0211,5171360
28Egea Pascual Marti1649ESP 14w0 29b1 -0 -0 6w0 30b1210,515,51359
29Alexandre Vallribera Mateu1382ESP -0 28w0 30b1 8w0 24w0 25b0110,5161464
30Oro Perez Valentin1348ESP -0 15b0 29w0 18b0 32w+ 28w0110,514,51436
31Borrueco Cabrera Gabriel1674ESP 5w0 21b0 33w1 26b- -0 22b-19,514,51355
32Escolar Felip Irina1372ESP -0 27w0 16b0 19w0 30b- 33b+1811,51384
33Almecija Martinez Oscar1360ESP -0 20w0 31b0 34w- 18w0 32w-010,5151428
34Coroiu Alegre Raimon1317ESP 35b- 26b- 18b- 33b- -0 -00913,51384
35Chmyr Maksym1414ESP 34w- 22w- -0 -0 -0 -00913,51333

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: rating average of the opponents (variabel with parameters)