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10th open SOP-SMAOK

Last update 22.02.2017 18:31:10, Creator/Last Upload: tkarali

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Grigoriadis MihailGRE 27b1 5w1 20w1 19b1 11w1 3b16,5024,526,5
2Nikolaou SpiridonGRE 24w0 38b1 26w1 4b½ 13w1 10b1 14w15,501926
3Galanos DimitriosGRE 8w½ 31b+ 24b½ 14w1 23b1 7w1 1w0502129
4Sienczewski ZbigniewPOL 33b1 24w½ 8b½ 2w½ 20b1 19w1 7b½502027
5Loukopoulos Panagiotis-AthanaGRE 32w1 1b0 31b1 34w1 12w½ 11b15018,526,5
6Sarakenidis NikolaosGRE 39b1 20w- 16b1 15w½ 25w1 12b1501825
7Ignatiadis KonstantinosGRE 41w1 26b1 13w½ 35b1 10w½ 3b0 4w½4,5021,526,5
8Kouta AntoniaGRE 3b½ 40w1 4w½ 11b0 37b+ 9w½ 19b+4,501725,5
9Stoumbou EleniGRE 42w1 10b0 25w0 38b1 36w1 8b½ 20w14,501617,5
10Nikomanis AndreasGRE 16b1 9w1 19b½ 23w1 7b½ 2w0 -0402131,5
11Panagiotopoulos AlexandrosGRE 18b1 14w1 23b0 8w1 24w1 1b0 5w0402030,5
12Papadimitriou LoukasGRE 15b1 19w0 17b1 25w1 5b½ 6w04018,529,5
13Tsekouras AndreasGRE 25b1 34w1 7b½ 19w0 2b0 28w1 15b½401826
14Janaqi GentianALB 22w1 11b0 27w1 3b0 16w1 24b+ 2b0401727,5
15Zaharatos AndreasGRE 12w0 22b½ 36b1 39w1 6b½ 17w½ 13w½401525
16Panagiotakos PetrosGRE 10w0 29b1 37b1 6w0 14b0 36w1 26b1401424,5
17Konstantinidis Michail NGRE 35w1 23b0 12w0 27b½ 22w1 15b½ 29w1401424
18Banos PolyhronisGRE 11w0 42b1 35w0 36b0 31w1 38b1 25b1401217,5
19Efthimiou GeorgiosGRE 29w1 12b1 10w½ 13b1 1w0 4b0 8w-3,5019,531
20Lemoni Maria - IoannaGRE 28w1 6b+ 1b0 4w0 21b+ 9b03,5016,528,5
21Pramateftakis NikolaosGRE 34b0 33w½ 39b1 20w- 38w13,5012,521,5
22Valoukos EfstathiosGRE 14b0 15w½ 28b1 37w0 17b0 32w1 31b+3,501122,5
23Kondopoulos DimitriosGRE 30b1 17w1 11w1 10b0 3w0 -0 -0301828,5
24Geroukalis AthanasiosGRE 2b1 4b½ 3w½ 34w1 11b0 14w- -03016,530,5
25Gonidis NikolaosGRE 13w0 -1 9b1 12b0 26w1 6b0 18w0301427,5
26Hatzigeorgiou MihailGRE 36b1 7w0 2b0 30w1 25b0 27b1 16w0301324,5
27Kontarinis AndreasGRE 37b1 1w0 14b0 17w½ 32b1 26w0 28b½3012,525,5
28Loukopoulos StefanosGRE 20b0 22w0 41w1 33b+ 13b0 27w½301120,5
29Razelos KonstantinosGRE 19b0 16w0 30b0 42w1 40w1 34b+ 17b030919
30Parras KonstantinosGRE 23w0 35b0 29w1 26b0 38w0 33b1 36b130820
31Tzerbinos KonstantinosGRE 3w- 32b1 5w0 18b0 39w+ 22w-2,5010,524,5
32Makrigiannis KonstantinosGRE 5b0 31w0 40b1 27w0 22b0 42b12,508,519
33Georgiadis PanagiotisGRE 4w0 37w0 41b1 21b½ 28w- 30w0 40b12,50822
34Siamidis DimitriosGRE 38w1 13b0 21w1 24b0 5b0 29w- -0201225,5
35Kokolias KonstantinosGRE 17b0 30w1 18b1 7w0 -0 -0 -0201126
36Soursos PanayotisGRE 26w0 41b1 15w0 18w1 9b0 16b0 30w0201024,5
37Panagiotopoulos VasGRE 27w0 33b1 16w0 22b1 8w- -0 -0201023,5
38Georgiopoulos Har.GRE 34b0 2w0 42b1 9w0 30b1 18w0 21b020824,5
39Kouta VasilikiGRE 6w0 40b1 15b0 21w0 31b- -01,518,523,5
40Roussos TaxiarchisGRE 8b0 39w0 32w0 29b0 41w+ 33w01,505,518,5
41Fanourgakis KonstantinosGRE 7b0 36w0 33w0 28b0 42w1 40b- -011317
42Diatsintos IliasGRE 9b0 18w0 38w0 29b0 41b0 -1 32w010218

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Fide Tie-Break
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)