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XII Obert Escacs d' Igualada i de l' Anoia

Darrera actualització04.03.2017 20:45:45, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Bernat Matinez Gutierrez

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 8 rondes

OrdreNomEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Martinez Ferrer Albert1835CAT 41b1 27w1 34b1 25w1 4b1 2w½ 5b½ 9w1732,53526,5
2De Paz Sanmartin Jose Angel1964CAT 22w½ 43w1 29b1 8w1 26b+ 1b½ 4b½ 5w16,535,538,528,5
3Vilella Bertran Joan1974CAT 21b0 47w+ 31w1 26w0 27b1 35w1 8b1 4w1629,532,524
4Marimon Torrens Jordi1838CAT 28w1 37b1 7w1 5b1 1w0 6b1 2w½ 3b05,5394232
5Santiago Abril Narcis J.1894CAT 47b1 21w1 12b1 4w0 10b1 25w1 1w½ 2b05,536,539,529,5
6Llacuna Fabregat Josep Maria1750CAT 35b1 -0 36w1 14w1 13b½ 4w0 16b1 12w15,532,535,527
7Algarte Cortes Serafin Ramon1704CAT 44w1 23b1 4b0 34w1 25b½ 9w½ 14b1 8w½5,532,534,527
8Prat Rabell Josep M.1926CAT 31w1 29b½ 9w1 2b0 15w1 13b1 3w0 7b½53538,529
9Rosich Guberna Pascual1699CAT 45w1 26w½ 8b0 28b1 17w1 7b½ 15w1 1b053536,528
10Cots Valls Jordi1710CAT 39b1 34w0 43b1 27w1 5w0 15b0 20w1 24b1527,53022
11Soidan Parcerisas Manel1851CAT 34b0 35w1 27b0 41w1 43b1 14w0 30b1 22w152426,519,5
12Pla Carulla Joaquim1745CAT 19w1 32b1 5w0 15b0 22w1 20b½ 13w1 6b04,5343728
13Diaz Soro Josep Lluis1700CAT -0 19b1 37w1 18b1 6w½ 8w0 12b0 31b14,532,535,526,5
14Rovira Morancho Miquel1683CAT 32w0 40b1 42w1 6b0 36w1 11b1 7w0 18b½4,530,533,524,5
15Pujol Pina Ramon Manel1693CAT 46b1 25w0 45b1 12w1 8b0 10w1 9b0 17w½4,53031,525
16Meyer Kuno1577CAT 25b0 18w- 19w1 42b½ 28w1 37b1 6w0 29b14,529,532,523,5
17Sole Balaguer Josep M.1711CAT 40w1 42b+ 25b0 21w½ 9b0 30w½ 35b1 15b½4,528,531,523,5
18Valarezzo Ricard Pedro1891CAT -0 16b+ 30b1 13w0 34b½ 21w1 22b½ 14w½4,528,531,523,5
19Valls Anton Lluis Felip1513CAT 12b0 13w0 16b0 39w1 46b1 27w½ 34b1 38w14,526,528,521,5
20Jimenez Sanchez Juan Rafael1740CAT 43b0 39w1 41b½ 38w1 21b½ 12w½ 10b0 27w14,525,52820,5
21Vilalta Carrera Antoni1657CAT 3w1 5b0 23w1 17b½ 20w½ 18b0 24w0 36b14333627,5
22Moreno Oller Victor1651CAT 2b½ 48w1 26b0 29w1 12b0 34w1 18w½ 11b04323326
23Clotet Torrelles Ramon1942CAT 30b1 7w0 21b0 -0 -0 49w1 40b1 35w1426,52921
24Granados Tellos Roman1916CAT 27b0 41w0 39b1 35w0 49b1 43w1 21b1 10w042325,518
25Gultresa Boada Isaac1856CAT 16w1 15b1 17w1 1b0 7w½ 5b0 -0 -03,5374130
26Hernando Rodrigo Inmaculada1894CAT 36w1 9b½ 22w1 3b1 2w- -0 -0 -03,535,538,529,5
27Arcas Rodriguez Jordi1613CAT 24w1 1b0 11w1 10b0 3w0 19b½ 42w+ 20b03,535,538,528,5
28Riera Escayola Josep1558CAT 4b0 33w½ 48b1 9w0 16b0 42b½ 44w1 30w½3,529,530,524
29Clanchet Olle Josep1701CAT 49b1 8w½ 2w0 22b0 35b0 41w1 32b1 16w03,528,53122,5
30Llacuna Roca Josep1621CAT 23w0 44b1 18w0 32b1 37w½ 17b½ 11w0 28b½3,5283023
31Llorens Rubio Joan1616CAT 8b0 49w1 3b0 43w0 45b1 32w½ 37b1 13w03,52728,521,5
32Mestre Costas Jordi1289CAT 14b1 12w0 38b0 30w0 44b+ 31b½ 29w0 41w13,525,52821
33Sola Sendra Francesc1790CAT 37w0 28b½ -0 46w1 41b1 -0 36w1 -03,5252720,5
34Torres Palau Jordi1560CAT 11w1 10b1 1w0 7b0 18w½ 22b0 19w0 37w½335,538,528,5
35Febrero Perez Lluis1525CAT 6w0 11b0 40w1 24b1 29w1 3b0 17w0 23b03333627
36Gil Fernandez Lluis Antoni1702CAT 26b0 46w1 6b0 44w1 14b0 38w1 33b0 21w0330,532,524,5
37Tarifa Garcia Jose1527CAT 33b1 4w0 13b0 45w1 30b½ 16w0 31w0 34b½330,53225
38Mateu Vives Marcel1659CAT 48b½ -0 32w1 20b0 42w½ 36b0 39w1 19b0325,526,521
39Roma Alsina Jaume1434CAT 10w0 20b0 24w0 19b0 -1 46w1 38b0 45w132526,520
40Vilaprinyo Fornell Lluis1459CAT 17b0 14w0 35b0 49w0 48b1 45w1 23w0 44b1322,523,517,5
41Farell Duran Josep1539CAT 1w0 24b1 20w½ 11b0 33w0 29b0 48w1 32b02,5323325
42Aguilera Diaz Jose Manuel1146CAT -1 17w- 14b0 16w½ 38b½ 28w½ 27b- -02,52932,524
43Torres Janer Marc1482CAT 20w1 2b0 10w0 31b1 11w0 24b0 -0 -0231,534,525,5
44Davila Cos Pedro1384CAT 7b0 30w0 -1 36b0 32w- 47w1 28b0 40w022527,519,5
45Gendre Diez Virginia1344CAT 9b0 -1 15w0 37b0 31w0 40b0 46w1 39b0224,526,519,5
46Mollet Soldevila Eva1336CAT 15w0 36b0 47w1 33b0 19w0 39b0 45b0 48w12242519
47Huguet Queralto David1700CAT 5w0 3b- 46b0 48w1 -0 44b0 -0 -1220,521,515
48Claramunt Junjent Maria1220CAT 38w½ 22b0 28w0 47b0 40w0 -1 41b0 46b01,521,52317,5
49Moreno Lopez Maximiliano1368CAT 29w0 31b0 -0 40b1 24w0 23b0 -0 -01252720

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)