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Campionatul Naţional de şah rapid-senioare-ediţia 2016 National Rapid Chess Championship 2016 - W

Ultima actualizare03.12.2016 19:35:22, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 9)

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Diagrama finala dupa 9 runde

LocNumeleFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPct. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
1IMBulmaga IrinaROU 23w1 13b1 11w1 2b½ 9w½ 12b1 8w1 10b1 3w½7,5235836,5037,50
2WFMCosman Andreea-MarioaraROU 28w1 30b1 5w1 1w½ 8b1 10w1 3b0 7b0 9w16,5228835027,25
3WGMCosma Elena-LuminitaROU 15b½ 7w1 6b1 8w0 24b1 9b½ 2w1 5w1 1b½6,5227438035,50
4WCMMorea Georgiana-StelutaROU 19w1 5b0 26w0 28b1 23w1 11b1 9w½ 16b1 7w16,5200931027,50
5WGMIonescu IrinaROU 22b+ 4w1 2b0 9b½ 14w½ 13b1 12w1 3b0 10w16212738032,00
6WCMAciu Malina-AndreeaROU 7w1 14b½ 3w0 16b0 27w1 18b1 13w1 9b½ 8w16206834028,00
7WGMSandu MihaelaROU 6b0 3b0 25w1 20w1 15b1 8w½ 11b1 2w1 4b05,5208637,5026,00
8WIMSgircea Silvia-RalucaROU 17w1 18b1 9w½ 3b1 2w0 7b½ 1b0 12w1 6b05209339025,75
9WNMAnusca Madalina-MariaROU 20w1 16b1 8b½ 5w½ 1b½ 3w½ 4b½ 6w½ 2b05205840026,50
10WIMJicman Ligia-LetitiaROU 26w0 28b1 23w1 13b1 11w1 2b0 16b1 1w0 5b05199833020,00
11WIMMarin Irina-LuizaROU 24b1 12w1 1b0 15w1 10b0 4w0 7w0 26b1 21w15197434020,50
12WCMNastase Andreea-CristinaROU 27w1 11b0 30w1 26b1 16w1 1w0 5b0 8b0 14w15196631016,00
13AIMDobre Ana-Margareta-AlexandraROU 25b1 1w0 17b1 10w0 26b1 5w0 6b0 22w1 20b15184633020,00
14WFMBaciu Anca-OtiliaROU 21b1 6w½ 15b½ 24w½ 5b½ 16w0 17b1 20w1 12b05179031,5022,25
15WCMCiungan Diana-AlexandraROU 3w½ 26b1 14w½ 11b0 7w0 24w1 22b½ 18b½ 16w½4,5187132019,25
16WCMDidiliuc Dariana-GabrielaROU 31b+ 9w0 20b1 6w1 12b0 14b1 10w0 4w0 15b½4,5180334,5021,25
17WCMBucur Denisa-AndreeaROU 8b0 25w1 13w0 19b1 18w0 21b1 14w0 23b½ 26w14,5166830017,25
18WCMAnton Ana-RoxanaROU 29b1 8w0 24b0 21w1 17b1 6w0 20b0 15w½ 23b14,5162629015,75
19IIApostu Milena-MariaROU 4b0 22w1 21b0 17w0 20b0 29w1 25b½ 24w1 27w14,5140227014,25
20IPuia Alexia-TeodoraROU 9b0 29w1 16w0 7b0 19w1 28b1 18w1 14b0 13w04159330,5013,00
21IIBencze NoemiROU 14w0 23b0 19w1 18b0 30b1 17w0 27b1 25w1 11b04143328,5011,50
22IPorcoleanu Doina-OlgaROU 5w- 19b0 27w½ 25b½ 28w½ 30b1 15w½ 13b0 29w14139224,508,75
23WCMComan Emilia-FlorentinaROU 1b0 21w1 10b0 30w1 4b0 26w0 24b1 17w½ 18w03,5159731,5010,25
24IIStan Luciana-GabrielaROU 11w0 27b1 18w1 14b½ 3w0 15b0 23w0 19b0 30b13,5154030010,50
25WCMMaria Lia-AlexandraROU 13w0 17b0 7b0 22w½ 29b1 27w½ 19w½ 21b0 28w13,5136228010,00
26IPelin Ana-MariaROU 10b1 15w0 4b1 12w0 13w0 23b1 -0 11w0 17b03174334015,00
27Timis ClaraROU 12b0 24w0 22b½ 29w1 6b0 25b½ 21w0 28w1 19b03129527,508,00
28IIBira Andrada-ParaschivaROU 2b0 10w0 29b1 4w0 22b½ 20w0 30w1 27b0 25b02,511902804,25
29Ciobotaru SofiaROU 18w0 20b0 28w0 27b0 25w0 19b0 -1 30w1 22b026632302,00
30Toma Daria-IoanaROU -1 2w0 12b0 23b0 21w0 22w0 28b0 29b0 24w018162700,50
31IMPeptan Corina-IsabelaROU 16w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002100,00

Tie Break1: Performance (variable with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable