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Torneio Aberto de Xadrez - Mearas Escola de Xadrez - 2016

Last update 10.12.2016 22:23:43, Creator/Last Upload: Mearas Escola de Xadrez

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.Name1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Carlos Z. Ignacio Antônio e 59w1 29b1 11w1 3w1 8b1 5w16062
2Batista Campos Westerley e 30b1 14w1 4b1 12w1 5b0 10w15053
3Alves Maciel Diogo e 42w1 56b1 7w1 1b0 14w1 20b15053
4Gomes Carlos e 15w1 50b1 2w0 27b1 17b1 21w15053
5Leite Serra Azul Neto Francisco e 44w1 32b1 48w1 22b1 2w1 1b05053
6Sousa Pereira Lima Eduardo e 34w1 43b0 29w1 26b1 24b1 23w15053
7Hideki Taira Erick e 51w1 35w1 3b0 13b1 11w1 9b½4,5043
8Batista A. Dos S. Júnior João e 28w1 47b1 46w1 10b½ 1w0 22b14,5043
De Oliveira Felix Luiza e 13w1 17b0 28w1 46b1 31b1 7w½4,5043
10Cunha Freitas Ronan e 45w1 27b1 49w1 8w½ 12b1 2b04,5043
11Alencar De Rezende Fernando e 33b1 16w1 1b0 47w1 7b0 30w14043
12Alberto D. S. Filho Carlos e 64w1 18b1 26w1 2b0 10w0 28b14043
13Schneider Terra Arthur e 9b0 65w1 16b1 7w0 33b1 31w14043
14Lira De Siqueira Luigy e 54w1 2b0 15w1 49b1 3b0 37w14043
15Sousa Pereira Thiago e 4b0 33w1 14b0 63w1 47b1 27w14043
16Ferreira Dos Santos Israel e 52w1 11b0 13w0 51b1 45w1 41b14043
17Silva Santos Saymon e 36w1 9w1 20b0 48b1 4w0 38w14042
18Domigos Rabelo Ernando e 62w1 12w0 45b1 38b1 21w0 39w14042
19Vinicius Ferreira da Cruz Rafael -0 42b0 34w1 64b1 26w1 43w14042
20Henrique Maciel Batista Pedro e 23b½ 25w1 17w1 21b½ 41b1 3w04033
21Vinícius De S. Aguiar Arthur e 22w½ 54b1 43w1 20w½ 18b1 4b04033
22Izabelle Ferreir Leite Maryana e 21b½ 23w1 35b1 5w0 44b1 8w03,5033
23Terra Osmar e 20w½ 22b0 64w1 42b1 49w1 6b03,5033
24Antonio Batista Marco -0 59b½ 25w1 62b1 6w0 44b13,5033
25Schneider Terra Enzo e 43w½ 20b0 24b0 59w1 42w1 50b13,5033
26Da Silva Gomes Yasmim e 37b1 41w1 12b0 6w0 19b0 60w13033
27Oliveira Dos Santos Micaías e 53b1 10w0 63b1 4w0 32w1 15b03033
28Oliveira Melo Daniel e 8b0 57w1 9b0 35w1 53b1 12w03033
29Marques Dalmeida João 65b1 1w0 6b0 37w0 57b1 53w13033
30Piemonte Tufenkjian Victor e 2w0 58b1 32w0 36b1 48w1 11b03033
31Maria dos Santos Angélica -0 52b1 51w1 50b1 9w0 13b03033
32Aparecida C. Kersul Alline e 60b1 5w0 30b1 41w0 27b0 46w13033
Miranda P. Dos Santos Samary e 11w0 15b0 54w1 61b1 13w0 48b13033
34Garcia Dias Arthur e 6b0 37w0 19b0 66w1 61w1 49b13033
35Antonio L. De Azevedo George e 38w1 7b0 22w0 28b0 67w1 47b13033
36Eduardo F. R. Peixoto Paulo e 17b0 39w1 41b0 30w0 55b1 45w13033
Sander De Sousa Bruno e 26w0 34b1 47w0 29b1 46w1 14b03033
38Mori Pereira Bernardo e 35b0 61w1 53b1 18w0 50w1 17b03033
39Rodrigues V. De Oliveira Ligia e 48w0 36b0 56w1 58b1 40w1 18b03033
40Clara Canuto Gontijo Maria e 41b0 45w0 60b1 55w1 39b0 52w13033
41Rodrigues V. De Oliveira Samuel e 40w1 26b0 36w1 32b1 20w0 16w03032
42Morelo Fabrízio e 3b0 19w1 44b½ 23w0 25b0 51b12,5024
43De Souza Aguiar Marcelo e 25b½ 6w1 21b0 44w0 62w1 19b02,5023
44Vitorino Leite Clodomiro e 5b0 -1 42w½ 43b1 22w0 24w02,5012
45Rodrigues Morelo Alice e 10b0 40b1 18w0 57w1 16b0 36b02024
46Luiz Silva Guedes Arthur e 57b1 63w1 8b0 9w0 37b0 32b02024
47Lima De Oliveira Henrique e 61b1 8w0 37b1 11b0 15w0 35w02023
48Canuto Gontijo Mariana e 39b1 55w1 5b0 17w0 30b0 33w02023
49Alves Leonardo 56b1 60w1 10b0 14w0 23b0 34w02023
50Alves Martins Everton e 66b1 4w0 55b1 31w0 38b0 25w02023
51Thales De Castro Silva Domini e 7b0 66w1 31b0 16w0 63b1 42w02023
52Sousa Lima Pereira Leonardo e 16b0 31w0 65b1 53w0 58w1 40b02023
53Barcelos De O. Lima Rafael e 27w0 67b1 38w0 52b1 28w0 29b02023
54Aguiar Da Silva Junior Antonio e 14b0 21w0 33b0 65w1 60w0 66b12023
55Oliveira Galeno Rafael e 58w1 48b0 50w0 40b0 36w0 64b12023
56Furtado Romulo 49w0 3w0 39b0 67b1 65w1 61b02023
57Adriano De Oliveira Lima Gilson e 46w0 28b0 67w1 45b0 29w0 62b12023
58Barcelos De O. Lima Rodrigo e 55b0 30w0 66b1 39w0 52b0 67w12023
59Raupp Sofia e 1b0 24w½ 62b0 25b0 64w½ 63w12013
60Nunes Martins Arthur e 32w0 49b0 40w0 -1 54b1 26b02013
61Wagner De Castro Silva Dimitri e 47w0 38b0 -1 33w0 34b0 56w12012
62Silva Alves Winicius e 18b0 64b½ 59w1 24w0 43b0 57w01,5013
63Bernardo Pereira Fabrício e 67w1 46b0 27w0 15b0 51w0 59b01013
64M. Serra Azul Manuela e 12b0 62w½ 23b0 19w0 59b½ 55w01003
65Londes Marques Vania 29w0 13b0 52w0 54b0 56b0 -11003
66Mori Pereira Benjamin e 50w0 51b0 58w0 34b0 -1 54w01002
67Rodrigues Laura e 63b0 53w0 57b0 56w0 35b0 58b00004

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break3: Most black