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7ο Νεανικό Τουρνουά ΣΟΠ-ΣΜΑΟΚ

Last update 22.01.2017 19:26:25, Creator/Last Upload: tkarali

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Petropoulos ChristosGRE 25w1 20b0 50w1 35b1 42w0 33b1 45w15801923
2Fotiadis FilipposGRE 26b1 21w1 8b½ 19w1 7b½ 5w½ 44b15,5502331
3Koulouris TaxiarchisGRE 27w1 23b1 9w1 42b1 5w+ 8w½ 4b½610,526,530
4Aslanidis ThiseasGRE 28b1 35w1 12b1 5w0 21b1 47w1 3w½5,54023,529,5
5Koulouris EvangelosGRE 29w1 24b1 20w1 4b1 3b- 2b½ 7w15,5302433
6Muca EstevinGRE 31b1 39w1 19b0 8w- 10w- 17w1 35b141601622,5
7Panagiotopoulos F. EmmanouilGRE 32w1 38b1 42w0 41b1 2w½ 9b1 5b04,59020,527,5
8Mantouvalos PanagiotisGRE 33b1 41w1 2w½ 6b+ 19b1 3b½ 42w1620,524,529
9Chatzantonis IakovosGRE 34w1 40b+ 3b0 23w1 44b½ 7w0 10b03,523018,526,5
10Chatzikonstantinou KonstantinGRE 35b0 30w+ 33w1 43w½ 6b+ 42b0 9w14,51401723
11Margeti ChristinaGRE 36w1 42b0 35w- 31w- 37w- 27b0 50w12430823,5
12Aggelakis GeorgiosGRE 37b1 43w1 4w0 44b- 36b0 25w- 26b024001327
13Argyropoulos KonstantinosGRE 38w0 50b0 27w- 18b1 32w1 28w½ 17b13,5270917,5
14Asomatos KyriakosGRE 39b0 29w0 26b0 46w1 28b0 37w1 40b-2440620,5
15Bonias AndreasGRE 40w0 32b0 46w1 50b+ 43b- 31b0 39w133501019,5
16Bonias GeorgiosGRE 41b0 31w1 39b1 47w0 35w- 48b0 27w024101123,5
17Chatzigeorgiou AntoniosGRE 42w0 34b+ 41b- 29b½ 48w1 6b0 13w02,53801127
18Destounis IasonasGRE 43b0 33w0 31b0 13w0 34b- 34b- 30b00500020,5
19Fasatakis EvangelosGRE 44w1 47b1 6w1 2b0 8w0 38b0 48w½3,522018,532
20Giakoustidou IoannaGRE 45b1 1w1 5b0 49w1 47b0 35w1 21b½4,510019,530,5
21Glykos Aristovoulos PanagiotiGRE 46w1 2b0 38w1 48b1 4w0 41b1 20w½4,511018,526,5
22Iakovou AndreasGRE 47b0 36w1 43b0 39w1 40b+ 45w0 49b033101325,5
23Kapsabelis GeorgiosGRE 48w1 3w0 45b1 9b0 38w0 40b1 31w033001427
24Kazantzoglou StefanosGRE 49b1 5w0 48b0 45w0 26b1 39w+ 33w141901325,5
25Konstantios KonstantinosGRE 1b0 45w0 34b+ 32b1 41w0 12b+ 36b+42101220,5
26Kotsifas PanagiotisGRE 2w0 44b0 14w1 33b0 24w0 46b1 12w13370823
27Kyrillidis EktorasGRE 3b0 49w0 13b+ 36b0 -0 11w1 16b13360823,5
28Liontopoulos GeorgiosGRE 4w0 46b1 44w0 38b0 14w1 13b½ 41w13,52601124
29Makris AchilleasGRE 5b0 14b1 47w0 17w½ 50b1 36w1 43w03,52501325
30Mitropoulos NikolaosGRE 50w½ 10b- 37b0 40w0 39b0 32b½ 18w124505,518,5
31Moustos IoannisGRE 6w0 16b0 18w1 11b+ 45b0 15w1 23b142001221
32Mpali Nefeli-EiriniGRE 7b0 15w1 49b0 25w0 13b0 30w½ 37w01,5480724
33Mpalis Odysseas-NikolaosGRE 8w0 18b1 10b0 26w1 49b1 1w0 24b033201325,5
34Mpoziaris SpyridonGRE 9b0 17w- 25w- -0 18w- 18w+ 46w01490216
35Palaiotheodorou ValasiaGRE 10w1 4b0 11b+ 1w0 16b+ 20b0 6w032801529,5
36Papadimitriou EvgeniaGRE 11b0 22b0 -1 27w1 12w1 29b0 25w-33401221,5
37Papadopoulos Iakovos ParaskevaGRE 12w0 30w1 -0 11b- 14b0 32b12,5390920
38Parcharidis TriantafyllosGRE 13b1 7w0 21b0 28w1 23b1 19w1 47b041501628
39Rasioulis KonstantinosGRE 14w1 6b0 16w0 22b0 30w1 24b- 15b024201021,5
40Sasari DafniGRE 15b1 9w- -0 30b1 22w- 23w0 14w+33301223
41Sioli EiriniGRE 16w1 8b0 17w+ 7w0 25b1 21w0 28b032901526
42Soukarie ZorzGRE 17b1 11w1 7b1 3w0 1b1 10w1 8b05602330
43Spanos CharalamposGRE 18w1 12b0 22w1 10b½ 15w+ 44w0 29b14,51301821
44Tsakomidis KonstantinosGRE 19b0 26w1 28b1 12w+ 9w½ 43b1 2w04,512018,526
45Tsekouras StefanosGRE 20w0 25b1 23w0 24b1 31w1 22b1 1b041701524,5
46Tsitimakis PeriklisGRE 21b0 28w0 15b0 14b0 -1 26w0 34b12460420
47Tzamtzis AnastasiosGRE 22w1 19w0 29b1 16b1 20w1 4b0 38w15702026
48Tzamtzis DimitriosGRE 23b0 -1 24w1 21w0 17b0 16w1 19b½3,524013,522
49Zacharopoulos PanagiotisGRE 24w0 27b1 32w1 20b0 33w0 50b1 22w141801420
50Zogka GeorgiosGRE 30b½ 13w1 1b0 15w- 29w0 49w0 11b01,54709,526,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Fide Tie-Break
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)