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Tournoi International des Vétérans la Presse Blitz

Dernière mise à jour 30.10.2016 21:05:06, Créateur/Dernière mise à jour: Bechir MESSAOUDI

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Grille américaine finale après la ronde 9

RgNomEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts Dep.1  Dep.2  Dep.3  Dep.4  Dep.5 
1FMVan Hoolandt Patrick2090MNC 19b1 18w1 7b1 5b1 4w½ 3w1 2b0 9b1 8w½70394170372224
2FMDoghri Nabil2347TUN 12w0 22b1 15w1 14b1 16w1 4b1 1w1 5b0 3w½6,5033,53161492071
3Bouflija Hedi2193TUN 20w1 12b1 4w½ 6b1 5w1 1b0 9w0 13b1 2b½60343167712100
4GMBouaziz Slim2286TUN 11b1 9w1 3b½ 8w1 1b½ 2w0 6b1 7w0 12b160333168742209
5FMFarabi Malek2250TUN 21b1 10w1 8b1 1w0 3b0 11w1 12b1 2w1 6b060333166412167
6Rahmani Chedly2145TUN 15b1 8w0 11b1 3w0 13b1 9w1 4w0 10b1 5w160284163822056
7Zouaoui Mohamed2110TUN 22w0 19b1 1w0 17b1 14w1 12b0 20w1 4b1 9w160253115931746
8Najar Chedly2028TUN 14w1 6b1 5w0 4b0 15w1 10b0 16w1 12w1 1b½5,5027,51166052036
9Azouz Boubaker2071TUN 17w1 4b0 22w1 10b1 12w1 6b0 3b1 1w0 7b050302163461970
10Baktache Mohamed Ali2068TUN 13b1 5b0 14w0 9w0 19b1 8w1 11b1 6w0 15b150224119801707
11Ghanem Khaled1880TUN 4w0 17b1 6w0 18b1 22w1 5b0 10w0 16b1 14w150223143351858
12Alzantuti Yousef1890LBA 2b1 3w0 18b1 13w1 9b0 7w1 5w0 8b0 4w040262170371961
13Nasr Badis0TUN 10w0 20b1 19w1 12b0 6w0 18b1 14w1 3w0 21b040222134731676
14Remadi Noureddine0TUN 8b0 21w1 10b1 2w0 7b0 15w1 13b0 19w1 11b040211137721709
15Ben Youssef Chedly1606TUN 6w0 16w1 2b0 21w1 8b0 14b0 19w1 17b1 10w040191125911689
16Tbourbi Khaled2270TUN 18w0 15b0 20w1 22b1 2b0 17w1 8b0 11w0 19b140182128691609
17Boulajfen Mohamed0TUN 9b0 11w0 21b1 7w0 18w1 16b0 22b1 15w0 20w140162151141810
18Ferjaoui Khaled1752TUN 16b1 1b0 12w0 11w0 17b0 13w0 21b1 20b1 22w140153131191637
19Arfa Khaled0TUN 1w0 7w0 13b0 20b1 10w0 21w1 15b0 14b0 16w022101135691510
20Abdelmoumen Ahmed1692TUN 3b0 13w0 16b0 19w0 21b1 22w1 7b0 18w0 17b02191116221405
21Malki Mounir1733TUN 5w0 14b0 17w0 15b0 20w0 19b0 18w0 22b1 13w1203188641209
22Aroua Ahmed1564TUN 7b1 2w0 9b0 16w0 11b0 20b0 17w0 21w0 18b01091158551522

Départage 1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Départage 2: Fide Tie-Break
Départage 3: The greater number of victories (variable)
Départage 4: Sum of the ratings of the opponents (whithout one result)
Départage 5: Performance (variable with parameter)