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YCC Rapid Week1 Yaounde Chess Club Rapid Wee1

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony02.10.2016 00:55:29, Creator/Last Upload: Cameroon Chess-Federation

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

1IMAmba Oyon Marius Claude16400240CMR1911
2CMMakem Pierre11000805CMR1842
3Mbusnoum Henri Celestin15800067CMR1729
4Ikouti Elie16400364CMR1688
8Eloundou Banack Herve Joseph16400755CMR0
5Gnounewou Seraphin Fopa16400356CMR0
10Mandeng Jacques Faustin16401042CMR0
6Massa Martial16401069CMR0
7Noutchegueme Alain-Didier16401050CMR0
9Nzouwo Fomazou Bernis16400437CMR0