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Campionat Individual Absolut de Lleida 2016 -Grup B-

Darrera actualització15.12.2016 12:49:09, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Joshua Solani

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 9 rondes

OrdreNomElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Ghenghiu Alex1953 23w½ 29b1 40w1 4b1 2w1 15b1 18w1 6b1 3b½846,55039,5
2Clua Guardia Mariona1912 46b1 12w1 38b1 7w1 1b0 6w0 16b1 24w1 9b1745,548,537,5
3Ripoll Galvez Guerau1891 32b1 33w1 27b1 15w0 17b1 24w1 7b1 1w½743,547,535,5
4Gonzalez Andrade Jose Antonio1856 55b1 43w1 8b½ 1w0 -0 42b1 23w1 26b1 6w16,5424634
5Garcia Millan Hector1827 39w1 -0 32b1 41w½ 33b1 8w0 40b1 17w1 19b16,53942,533
6Sole Monistrol Francisco1948 42b½ 37w1 16b½ 12w1 22b+ 2b1 8w1 1w0 4b0647,551,539,5
7Ruiz Garcia Lluis1868 48b1 22w1 25w1 2b0 -0 10w1 13b1 3w0 18b1646,54939,5
8Andres Magri Josep Mª1944 28w1 17b1 4w½ 24b0 11w1 5b1 6b0 16w1 12b½645,549,538,5
9Estruch Andreu Guim1841 36w1 25b0 30w1 10b0 28b1 20w1 22w1 18b1 2w06424635
10Rodriguez Hernandez Antonio1700 -0 28b1 35w1 9w1 -0 7b0 41w1 22b½ 26w15,5414534,5
11Farre Joval Enric1861 -0 34w1 43b1 33w½ 8b0 19w½ 48b1 27w1 16b½5,53941,533
12Vaño Perez Jose1818 54w1 2b0 52w1 6b0 46w1 22b0 32w1 20b1 8w½5,53941,532
13Poyo Sales Jordi J.1797 37b0 50w1 55b1 18w0 48b1 47w1 7w0 25b½ 22w15,53638,529,5
14Sastre Martin Daniel1732 -0 54b1 17w½ 23b0 34w½ 53b½ 42w1 35b1 25w15,535,53830,5
15Ribera Veganzones Josep Maria1804 57b+ 26w1 41b1 3b1 -0 1w0 -0 19w0 36b15465038
16Serra Tersa Salvador1830 34b½ 19w1 6w½ 25b1 26w½ 23b1 2w0 8b0 11w½543,547,536,5
17Lopez Minguella Armand1821 49b1 8w0 14b½ 27w1 41b1 3w0 25w½ 5b0 32w1543,54736,5
18Subarroca Blanch Francesc1861 30w1 40b0 44w1 13b1 24w1 26b1 1b0 9w0 7w0542,54634,5
19Montagut Gonzalez Joan1738 24w½ 16b0 42w0 35b1 44w1 11b½ 21w1 15b1 5w054144,534
20Sanchez Castells Sergio1788 25w0 52b0 59w1 54b1 21w1 9b0 30w1 12w0 39b153739,531
21Pages Jane Josep1844 50b1 27w0 46b1 22w0 20b0 33w1 19b0 48w1 23w1533,53628,5
22Alferez Valls Ramon1801 45w1 7b0 53w1 21b1 6w- 12w1 9b0 10w½ 13b04,544,54738
23Pique Caufape Oriol1782 1b½ 35w1 24b0 14w1 38b1 16w0 4b0 28w1 21b04,5444836
24Sole Castañe Jaume1880 19b½ 42w+ 23w1 8w1 18b0 40w1 3b0 2b0 -04,54447,537
25Raga Lleida Roman1993 20b1 9w1 7b0 16w0 27b1 43w½ 17b½ 13w½ 14b04,543,54837
26Bell-Lloch Albareda Miquel An1879 44w1 15b0 31w1 47b+ 16b½ 18w0 43b1 4w0 10b04,54346,536
27Palau Barrufet Vinyet1793 60w1 21b1 3w0 17b0 25w0 36b1 46w1 11b0 30w½4,539,54132,5
28Algarrada Gallego Javier1769 8b0 10w0 51b1 55w+ 9w0 34b½ 53w1 23b0 40b14,538,54132
29Borras Burgues Jordi1739 35b½ 1w0 34b0 45b0 51w1 52b1 33w1 40w1 -04,53739,529
30Vila Ardiaca Albert1725 18b0 58w1 9b0 56w1 -0 38w+ 20b0 38w1 27b½4,535,53729,5
31Lopez Morato Jeronimo1742 41b0 51w1 26b0 49w0 -0 35b½ 44w1 53b1 42b14,53133,526,5
32Escale Balcells Jose1740 3w0 39b1 5w0 53b1 47b0 37w1 12b0 49w1 17b0441,54434,5
33Anglès Roca Joel1812 53w1 3b0 56w1 11b½ 5w0 21b0 29b0 34w½ 49b144142,534
34Cugota Gomez Daniel1695 16w½ 11b0 29w1 -0 14b½ 28w½ -0 33b½ 46w1439,542,533,5
35Estruch Andreu Lluc1880 29w½ 23b0 10b0 19w0 56b1 31w½ 50b1 14w0 48b143738,530,5
36Argerich Miramunt Joan Josep1700 9b0 46w0 -0 57b1 58w1 27w0 55b1 47b1 15w0435,537,529,5
37Vendrell Lara Gerard1461 13w1 6b0 47w0 44b½ 52w½ 32b0 38w0 51b1 53w1433,53628
38Abadia Moreno Ivan1850 52w1 56b1 2w0 40b0 23w0 30b- 37b1 30b0 50w143334,526
39Pedra Marquina Alex1682 5b0 32w0 -0 61b1 60w1 44b1 -0 46b1 20w043334,526
40Mir Carnice Jordi1793 58b1 18w1 1b0 38w1 24b0 5w0 29b0 28w03,543,545,535,5
41Coria Gonzalez Pedro1902 31w1 47b1 15w0 5b½ 17w0 -0 10b0 -0 52w13,542,54535,5
42Cabiscol Catala Nadal1775 6w½ 24b- 19b1 43w0 49b1 4w0 14b0 52b1 31w03,541,54434,5
43Escur Hereu Joaquim1794 61w1 4b0 11w0 42b1 45w1 25b½ 26w0 -0 -03,538,54031,5
44Cano Rodriguez Daniel1729 26b0 57w1 18b0 37w½ 19b0 39w0 31b0 56w1 54b13,535,53730,5
45Carles Esteban Aitor1516 22b0 55w0 50b1 29w1 43b0 48w0 49b0 54w½ 56b13,530,53225,5
46Coria Gonzalez Joaquim1767 2w0 36b1 21w0 52b1 12b0 49w1 27b0 39w0 34b034042,533
47Pedra Marquina Joan1815 59b1 41w0 37b1 26w- 32w1 13b0 -0 36w0 -03374031,5
48Berge Gallego Pau1725 7w0 53b0 57b+ 60b1 13w0 45b1 11w0 21b0 35w033637,529,5
49Carbi Fon Joan1651 17w0 -0 61b1 31b1 42w0 46b0 45w1 32b0 33w033334,528
50Bobet Marquilles Ramon1706 21w0 13b0 45w0 51b1 53w0 60b1 35w0 57b+ 38b033132,525,5
51Berge Sole Jose M.1570 -0 31b0 28w0 50w0 29b0 61w1 59b1 37w0 58b1330,53225,5
52Valios Blanco Xavier1711 38b0 20w1 12b0 46w0 37b½ 29w0 58b1 42w0 41b02,535,537,530
53Anglès Roca Jan1547 33b0 48w1 22b0 32w0 50b1 14w½ 28b0 31w0 37b02,534,53728,5
54Ribera Veganzones Serni1637 12b0 14w0 58b1 20w0 -0 59w1 -0 45b½ 44w02,534,536,528,5
55Marti Buira Joan1714 4w0 45b1 13w0 28b- -0 58b1 36w0 -0 60b-235,537,528,5
56Vendrell Lara Marc1318 -1 38w0 33b0 30b0 35w0 57w0 60b1 44b0 45w023233,527,5
57Vidal Puig Sergi1523 15w- 44b0 48w- 36w0 -1 56b1 -0 50w- -0229,53124,5
58De La Fuente Cazacu Miguel An1371 40w0 30b0 54w0 59b1 36b0 55w0 52w0 61b1 51w022930,524,5
59Obis Farre Jordi1613 47w0 -0 20b0 58w0 -0 54b0 51w0 60w1 61b1227,52922,5
60Soria Rufach Ot1334 27b0 -0 -1 48w0 39b0 50w0 56w0 59b0 55w+226,527,521,5
61Obis Farre Elies1377 43b0 -0 49w0 39w0 -0 51b0 -1 58w0 59w01293024

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