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Last update 29.08.2009 22:40:57, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Club Union

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IMLlaneza Vega Marcos2521ESP 64b1 20w0 85w1 18b1 22w1 12b½ 21w1 8b1 3w½734,50 ...48
2GMAroshidze Levan2537GEO 68w1 41b1 22w½ 23b1 21w1 8w0 9b1 3b½ 4w½6,5360 ...50
3GMBerescu Alin2495ROU 56w1 23b½ 58w1 29b½ 32w1 6w1 8b½ 2w½ 1b½6,5350 ...51
4GMDrazic Sinisa2538SRB 53b1 26w1 15b1 8w½ 6b0 7w½ 22b1 12w1 2b½6,534,50 ...53
5GMPanchanathan Magesh Chandran2493IND 89b1 42w½ 35b1 20w½ 15b½ 34w1 10b½ 13w½ 25b16,5330 ...45,5
6GMIotov Valentin2603BUL 39w½ 69b1 37w½ 41b1 4w1 3b0 31w1 16b½ 8w16,5320 ...48,5
7IMGrigorov Grigor2489BUL 57w1 29b0 39w1 37b1 14w½ 4b½ 33w1 10w½ 20b16,531,50 ...48,5
8GMArun Prasad S2556IND 38w1 32b1 17w1 4b½ 9w1 2b1 3w½ 1w0 6b0637,50 ...55,5
9IMBromberger Stefan2510GER 88w1 45b1 14w1 10w1 8b0 29b1 2w0 20w½ 11b½635,50 ...48,5
10GMJaracz Pawel2539POL 49w1 33b1 31w1 9b0 17w1 11b½ 5w½ 7b½ 18w½6340 ...51,5
11GMIskusnyh Sergei2471RUS 63w1 87b1 21w½ 30b½ 24w1 10w½ 20b½ 14b½ 9w½633,50 ...47
12IMErdogdu Mert2463TUR 77w1 62b1 24w1 21b0 30w1 1w½ 13b½ 4b0 33w1633,50 ...47,5
13GMAntic Dejan2523SRB 50w1 18b1 29w½ 22b½ 31w½ 23b1 12w½ 5b½ 16w½6330 ...50
14GMGelashvili Tamaz2605GEO 34b1 25w1 9b0 33w1 7b½ 20w½ 17b1 11w½ 15b½6320 ...51
15IMShavtvaladze Nikoloz2452GEO 83w1 78b1 4w0 28b1 5w½ 21b½ 30w½ 23b1 14w½631,50 ...47,5
16GMMastrovasilis Athanasios2503GRE 54b1 40w½ 42b½ 27w1 20b0 73w1 29b1 6w½ 13b½6310 ...45,5
17IMEsen Baris2488TUR 80b1 60w1 8b0 73w1 10b0 48w1 14w0 45b1 32w16300 ...44
18Zakarian David2296ARM 76b1 13w0 80b1 1w0 66b1 61w1 19b½ 24w1 10b½6290 ...45,5
19GMGutov Andrey2459RUS 46b0 55w1 67b1 42w½ 44b½ 40w½ 18w½ 48b1 35w16270 ...41
20Galopoulos N2255GRE 72w1 1b1 30w½ 5b½ 16w1 14b½ 11w½ 9b½ 7w05,5330 ...52,5
21GMNevednichy Vladislav2570ROU 67b1 27w1 11b½ 12w1 2b0 15w½ 1b0 40w1 22b½5,5310 ...51
22IMMichiels Bart2451BEL 79b1 47w1 2b½ 13w½ 1b0 43w1 4w0 39b1 21w½5,5300 ...49,5
23Argiroudis Stamatis2265GRE 82b1 3w½ 75b1 2w0 74b1 13w0 38b1 15w0 54b15,5290 ...46
24IMMuzychuk Anna2542SLO 74b1 59w1 12b0 25w1 11b0 31b½ 36w1 18b0 43w15,5290 ...47
25IMIvakhin Maxim2361RUS 91w1 14b0 87w1 24b0 49w½ 52b1 28w+ 30b1 5w05,527,50 ...44
26WGMKadziolka Beata2289POL 52w1 4b0 57w½ 62b1 36w½ 30b0 53w1 50b1 31w½5,526,50 ...43
27Markidis Konstantinos2334GRE 61w1 21b0 56w1 16b0 88w1 36b½ 39w½ 43b½ 46w15,526,50 ...42
28Pambalou Fotini2135GRE 55b½ 65w1 40b½ 15w0 47b½ 75w1 25b- 63b1 41w15,525,50 ...40,5
29Inants Aghasi2229ARM101b1 7w1 13b½ 3w½ 42b1 9w0 16w0 31b½ 36w½5300 ...46,5
30IMPavlovic Milos M2533SRB 66b1 73w1 20b½ 11w½ 12b0 26w1 15b½ 25w0 34b½529,50 ...46,5
31IMPena Gomez Manuel2467ESP 81b1 46w1 10b0 40w1 13b½ 24w½ 6b0 29w½ 26b½5290 ...47
32IMFrhat Ali2397EGY 96b1 8w0 68b1 43w1 3b0 44w½ 40b½ 42w1 17b0527,50 ...43
33Pavlidis Antonios2360GRE 51b1 10w0 64b1 14b0 50w1 35w1 7b0 44w1 12b05270 ...46,5
34Kosmas-Lekkas Dimitiros2124GRE 14w0 83b1 52w½ 85b1 45w1 5b0 59w½ 41b½ 30w½525,50 ...43
35Skoulakis Charalambos2132GRE 85w½ 99b1 5w0 61b½ 90w1 33b0 76w1 59b+ 19b0525,50 ...39
36FMFranchini Gabriele2206ITA 98b½ 75w½ 47b½ 46w1 26b½ 27w½ 24b0 65w1 29b½5250 ...40,5
37Milovanovic Ninoslav2190SRB 95b½ 98w1 6b½ 7w0 76b½ 51w½ 63b0 89b1 64w1523,50 ...37,5
38Loukopoulos Spyridon2087GRE 8b0 96w1 -0 91b1 41w½ 85b1 23w0 52b1 45w½5230 ...38
39Frigieri Fabrizio2114ITA 6b½ 43w½ 7b0 79w½ 96b1 47w1 27b½ 22w0 61b15230 ...43,5
40Exizoglou Dimitrios2237GRE 86w1 16b½ 28w½ 31b0 77w1 19b½ 32w½ 21b0 49w½4,525,50 ...45,5
41WGMJaracz Barbara2306POL 93b1 2w0 54b1 6w0 38b½ 74w1 44b½ 34w½ 28b04,5250 ...45
42WIMMakka Ioulia2212GRE 92w1 5b½ 16w½ 19b½ 29w0 49b½ 64w1 32b0 56w½4,5250 ...44
43Malikentzos Sotirios2148GRE 69w½ 39b½ 90w1 32b0 62w1 22b0 61b1 27w½ 24b04,524,50 ...41
44Senlle Caride Miguel2139ESP 99w½ 85b0 78w1 57b1 19w½ 32b½ 41w½ 33b0 51w½4,5240 ...38
45Oreopoulos Konstantinos2289GRE 71b1 9w0 46b½ 51w1 34b0 53w½ 66b1 17w0 38b½4,5240 ...44
46Lianas Ioannis1969GRE 19w1 31b0 45w½ 36b0 69w1 59b0 85w1 74w1 27b04,522,50 ...42,5
47Kafetzis Georgios1892GRE 48w1 22b0 36w½ 58b½ 28w½ 39b0 68w1 49b½ 50w½4,522,50 ...44
48FMMack Andrew L2237ENG 47b0 77w½ 76b½ 80w1 64b1 17b0 89w1 19w0 53b½4,5220 ...38,5
49Grapsa Georgia2083GRE 10b0 51w½ 95b1 75w½ 25b½ 42w½ 65b½ 47w½ 40b½4,521,50 ...39
50Ntiloudi Despina2040GRE 13b0 76w½ 65b½ 71w1 33b0 90w1 73b1 26w0 47b½4,5210 ...39
51Kesidis Odyseas1935GRE 33w0 49b½ 99w1 45b0 56w1 37b½ 60b0 66w1 44b½4,520,50 ...39,5
52Sourgkounis Angelos1907GRE 26b0 66w1 34b½ 74w0 54b1 25w0 67b1 38w0 81b14,520,50 ...41
53Kelesiadis Georgios2061GRE 4w0 90b0 93w1 84b1 59w½ 45b½ 26b0 80w1 48w½4,5200 ...40
54Hidzos Georgios2023GRE 16w0 72b1 41w0 69b½ 52w0 93b1 75w1 55b1 23w04,5200 ...38
55Theoharidis Georgios1788GRE 28w½ 19b0 88w½ 56b½ 70w0 83b1 77w1 54w0 74b+4,5190 ...39
56Tsiotridis Panayotis2009GRE 3b0 82w1 27b0 55w½ 51b0 95w½ 72b1 73w1 42b½4,518,50 ...38
57Hrisomalis Theodoros1998GRE 7b0101w1 26b½ 44w0 65b½ 60w0 95b½ 98w1 82b14,518,50 ...35
58Pantovic Dragan M2145SRB 65b½ 95w1 3b0 47w½ 75b½ 76w½ 86b1 -0 -04230 ...37,5
59FMHadzimanolis Antonios2296GRE 90w1 24b0 -0 89w1 53b½ 46w1 34b½ 35w- -04230 ...39
60Anastasopoulos Spyros2168GRE 97w1 17b0 62w0 63b1 61w0 57b1 51w1 -0 -04220 ...38,5
61Konstantinidis Konstantinos1930GRE 27b0 74w½ 81b1 35w½ 60b1 18b0 43w0 88b1 39w04210 ...41
62Papadopoulos Panagiotis1945GRE102b+ 12w0 60b1 26w0 43b0 67w½ 74b0 95w1 70b½420,50 ...40
63WFMBayrak Asli1995TUR 11b0 94w1 73b0 60w0 82b1 70b1 37w1 28w0 -04200 ...40
64Liakos Dimitris2037GRE 1w0100b1 33w0 97b1 48w0 78b1 42b0 86w1 37b04200 ...37,5
65Babos Vasilios1806GRE 58w½ 28b0 50w½ 92b½ 57w½ 87b1 49w½ 36b0 68w½419,50 ...39
66Tsikerdanos Konstantinos2049GRE 30w0 52b0100w1 78b1 18w0 91b1 45w0 51b0 92w14180 ...35
67Rice Chris B2103ENG 21w0 91b1 19w0 77b0 71w1 62b½ 52w0 76b1 69w½417,50 ...37,5
68Donovan Nigel P2057ENG 2b0 93w1 32w0 90b0 92w1 77b½ 47b0 96w1 65b½417,50 ...34
69Dimitriadis Alexandros1807GRE 43b½ 6w0 79b½ 54w½ 46b0 96w½ 81b½ 83w1 67b½4170 ...37,5
70Novidis Nikolaos2153GRE 75b0 79w½ 71b½ 76w0 55b1 63w0 96b½ 90w1 62w½416,50 ...32,5
71Kamaretsos Konstantinos1905GRE 45w0 88b½ 70w½ 50b0 67b0 72w0 93w1 97b1 89w1413,50 ...31,5
72Liodakis Konstantinos1894GRE 20b0 54w0 89b0 -1 91w0 71b1 56w0100b1 88w14130 ...34
73Harakis Alexis M2266ENG100w1 30b0 63w1 17b0 87w1 16b0 50w0 56b0 77w½3,521,50 ...39
74Romanos Theodoros2085GRE 24w0 61b½ 98w1 52b1 23w0 41b0 62w1 46b0 55w-3,5200 ...38,5
75Barbageorgopoulou Fani1809GRE 70w1 36b½ 23w0 49b½ 58w½ 28b0 54b0 79w0 96b13,519,50 ...41
76Savoglou Nikolaos1907GRE 18w0 50b½ 48w½ 70b1 37w½ 58b½ 35b0 67w0 80b½3,518,50 ...41
77Papageorgiou Ioannis1976GRE 12b0 48b½ 97w½ 67w1 40b0 68w½ 55b0 78w½ 73b½3,5170 ...36
78Basios Athanasios1841GRE103b+ 15w0 44b0 66w0 81b1 64w0 79b½ 77b½ 87w½3,5170 ...37
79Spirliadis Achileas1950GRE 22w0 70b½ 69w½ 39b½ 85w0100b½ 78w½ 75b1 -03,5160 ...34,5
80Mavreas Dimitrios1996GRE 17w0 92b1 18w0 48b0 97w0101b1100w1 53b0 76w½3,515,50 ...32,5
81Galaras Anestis1985GRE 31w0 97b½ 61w0 98b½ 78w0 92b1 69w½ 85b1 52w03,514,50 ...31
82Papadopoulos Panayotis1899GRE 23w0 56b0 83w1 88b0 63w0 84b½ 94w1 87b1 57w03,5140 ...35,5
83Giakoustidis Spiros-Avgerinos1951GRE 15b0 34w0 82b0 95w½ 94b1 55w0 97w1 69b0 98b13,5120 ...32,5
84Martsvalashvili Ruzvelt1934GEO -0 -0 94b1 53w0 86b0 82w½ 98b0 99w1 95b13,5120 ...31
85Vasiliadis Anastasios1786GRE 35b½ 44w1 1b0 34w0 79b1 38w0 46b0 81w0 93b½3180 ...41
86Katsifarakis Nikolaos1882GRE 40b0 89w1 -0 87b0 84w1 88b1 58w0 64b0 -03170 ...36
87Karkovic Mate2015CRO 94b1 11w0 25b0 86w1 73b0 65w0 90b½ 82w0 78b½3170 ...34,5
88Giankoula Romeo2017ALB 9b0 71w½ 55b½ 82w1 27b0 86w0 91b1 61w0 72b0316,50 ...37,5
89Tsintsar Zoran2006GER 5w0 86b0 72w1 59b0 98w1 97b1 48b0 37w0 71b03160 ...38
90Bahar-Mosse Iakov1917GRE 59b0 53w1 43b0 68w1 35b0 50b0 87w½ 70b0 94w½3160 ...37
91Skondras Stavros1942GRE 25b0 67w0101b1 38w0 72b1 66w0 88w0 92b0100w13130 ...30,5
92Ballas Kleon-Evangelos1859GRE 42b0 80w0 96b½ 65w½ 68b0 81w0 -1 91w1 66b0311,50 ...33,5
93Sarikas Sotirious1922GRE 41w0 68b0 53b0101w1 95b½ 54w0 71b0 -1 85w½3110 ...32,5
94Psaltis Aristidis1770GRE 87w0 63b0 84w0100b½ 83w0 -1 82b0101w1 90b½39,50 ...29,5
95Koutroukis Andreas1841GRE 37w½ 58b0 49w0 83b½ 93w½ 56b½ 57w½ 62b0 84w02,513,50 ...37,5
96Konstantinidis Lazaros1942GRE 32w0 38b0 92w½ 99b1 39w0 69b½ 70w½ 68b0 75w02,5130 ...36
97Papakonstantinou Dimitrios1831GRE 60b0 81w½ 77b½ 64w0 80b1 89w0 83b0 71w0 99b½2,5130 ...32,5
98Gouliaros-Antoniadis Alexandro1858GRE 36w½ 37b0 74b0 81w½ 89b0 99w½ 84w1 57b0 83w02,512,50 ...35,5
99Hrisostomidis Alkiviadis1793GRE 44b½ 35w0 51b0 96w0100w0 98b½101w1 84b0 97w½2,5100 ...28,5
100Moshoutas Nikolaos1903GRE 73b0 64w0 66b0 94w½ 99b1 79w½ 80b0 72w0 91b02100 ...30,5
101Siametis Vladimiros1865GRE 29w0 57b0 91w0 93b0 -1 80w0 99b0 94b0 -0150 ...32,5
102IMArnaudov G Petar2443BUL 62w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0000 ...39,5
103Casangiu Paul-Horatiu2194ROU 78w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0000 ...39

Tie Break1: Fide Tie-Break
Tie Break2: Fide Tie-Break (fine)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)