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IRT Marista de Xadrez 2016 - U2200.

Last update 01.09.2016 15:22:04, Creator/Last Upload: FederacaoBrasiliensedeXadrez

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Felix Raimundo Nascimento1907BRA 11w1 2b1 13w½ 15b1 5w14,5042
2Nishizawa Claudio1503BRA 24b1 1w0 17b1 9w1 6b14043
3Noguerol Alvaro Vinueza1817BRA 17b1 8w0 18b1 16w1 11b14043
4Taira Erick Hideki1706BRA 23w1 14b1 7w1 5b0 8w14042
5Zandonai Ignacio Antonio Carl1703BRA 22b1 16w1 6b½ 4w1 1b03,5033
6Valcarcel Victor Ignacio Santo1656BRA 29w1 31b1 5w½ 13b1 2w03,5032
7Movahedi Aliabadi Hamid1537IRI 34b1 12w1 4b0 14w½ 18w13,5032
8Fontes Matheus Consolmagno1478BRA 33b1 3b1 15w0 22w1 4b03033
9Junqueira Leonardo De Faria1409BRA 27w1 13b0 26w1 2b0 23b13033
10Terra Enzo Schneider1378BRA 12b0 34w1 22b0 24w1 27b13033
11Santos Saymon Silva1366BRA 1b0 24w1 19b1 21w1 3w03032
12Xavier Gabriel Vaz da Costa0BRA 10w1 7b0 14w0 29b1 28w13032
13Felix Luiza De Oliveira1610BRA 32b1 9w1 1b½ 6w0 14b½3023
14Santos Samuel Silva1464BRA 26b1 4w0 12b1 7b½ 13w½3023
15De Rezende Fernando Alencar1484BRA 20w½ 28b1 8b1 1w0 19b½3023
16Dos Santos Leandro Ferreira1466BRA 25w1 5b0 31w+ 3b0 22w13022
17Castellar Juarez Iorio1357BRA 3w0 25b1 2w0 33b1 21b½2,5023
18De Moura Lazaro Eustaquio1690BRA 30b1 3w0 20w1 7b02,5022
19Terra Arthur Schneider1566BRA 31w0 20b1 11w0 30b1 15w½2,5022
20Freitas Ronan Cunha0BRA 15b½ 19w0 28w1 18b0 29w12,5022
21Branquinho Everson Silva1535BRA 30w0 32b1 29w1 11b0 17w½2,5022
22Aguiar Arthur Vinicius De Sou0BRA 5w0 27b1 10w1 8b0 16b02023
23Hoshino Meilin1327JPN 4b0 -0 25w1 26b1 9w02022
24Dos Santos Samary Miranda0BRA 2w0 11b0 32w1 10b0 33w12022
25Melo Daniel Oliveira0BRA 16b0 17w0 23b0 34w1 30w12022
26Noguerol Davi Vinueza0BRA 14w0 -1 9b0 23w0 34b12012
27Valcarcel Marianne Barbosa0BRA 9b0 22w0 34b1 31w+ 10w02012
28Tufenkjian Victor Piemonte1773BRA 15w0 20b0 32w1 12b01,5012
29Aguiar Marcelo De Souza0BRA 6b0 33w1 21b0 12w0 20b01013
30De Abreu Bento Mendonca0BRA 21b1 18w0 -0 19w0 25b01012
31Batista Pedro Henrique Maciel0BRA 19b1 6w0 16b- 27b- -01011
32Franco Carlos Alberto Bandeira de Bri0BRA 13w0 21w0 24b0 28b0 -11002
33Kersul Alline Aparecida Capar0BRA 8w0 29b0 -1 17w0 24b01002
34Bimbato Amanda Ramos0BRA 7w0 10b0 27w0 25b0 26w00002

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break3: Most black