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SA Provincial Team School Chess Championships 2016 - U13 BOYS

Last update 14.07.2016 12:57:08, Creator/Last Upload: Ronald King

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 Rp
1Yu Changrui1563 49w1 14b1 15w0 26b1 12w1 27b1 6w1 7b1 10w180483942,5001528
2CMSchnabel Johann1537 40w1 17b1 10w1 7b1 6w1 3b½ 15w1 4b½ 9b½7,5053,542,543,2501535
3Fihla Lonwabo1496 42w1 24b1 27w1 15b1 8w0 2w½ 9b½ 13b1 6w17050,53937,5001460
4Nhlapo Xolani1252 43w1 48b½ 14w1 9b0 24w1 20b1 8b1 2w½ 11w170503938,0001374
5Thakersee Rishay1352 41b1 28w1 8b0 46w½ 29b1 9w½ 23b1 22w1 7w½6,50453531,0001270
6Posholi Kamohelo1286 55b1 25w1 20b1 21w1 2b0 8w1 1b0 17w1 3b06052,541,530,0001365
7Reyneke Pieter1264 50w1 33b1 18w1 2w0 22b1 10b1 11w½ 1w0 5b½6051,540,529,7501365
8Moore Darren1218 36w1 51b1 5w1 11w1 3b1 6b0 4w0 10b0 15w16050,54131,5001344
9Govender Eli-Jordan1551 33b- 36b1 50w1 4w1 20b½ 5b½ 3w½ 27b1 2w½605039,531,7501397
10Mhango Banele1250 37b1 46w1 2b0 23w1 39b1 7w0 16b1 8w1 1b06049,53828,0001286
11Olkers Lleyton1350 52w1 26b1 12w1 8b0 18w1 15b½ 7b½ 21w1 4b060493930,2501278
12Govindsamy Matthew1211 60b1 38w1 11b0 13w1 1b0 23w0 31b1 26w1 25b160453526,0001216
13Kettledas Joshua1156 63w+ 18b0 42w1 12b0 52w1 39w1 24b1 3w0 21b16043,533,526,5001198
14Morema Tlholo1095 58b1 1w0 4b0 36w0 44b1 29w1 41b1 37w1 22b16042,532,523,5001128
15Selana Mzwandile1260 45b1 39w1 1b1 3w0 21b1 11w½ 2b0 20w1 8b05,50534129,5001341
16Coetzee Philip1006 31b1 21w0 41b1 25w1 27w0 35b1 10w0 30b½ 39b15,50433324,7501152
17Clarke Emmanuel1077 44b1 2w0 37b0 34w1 46b1 38w1 27w½ 6b0 30w15,50433223,2501179
18Bhoola Dinal1144 62b1 13w1 7b0 38w1 11b0 37w1 22b0 23w1 19w½5,5042,53522,7501158
19Gungxeka Vuyani0 28b0 31w1 22b0 30b1 40w1 25w1 21b0 46w1 18b½5,5042,533,525,2501142
20Nkoana Kwena1214 59w1 47b1 6w0 49b1 9w½ 4w0 28b1 15b0 27w15,50423320,2501227
21Manthata Rachoene1134 34w1 16b1 48w1 6b0 15w0 33b1 19w1 11b0 13w05045,53622,5001116
22Clarke Abraham1163 48w0 59b1 19w1 40b1 7w0 36b1 18w1 5b0 14w0504334,521,0001023
23Nkambule Ntokozo1031 53w1 27b0 47w1 10b0 32w1 12b1 5w0 18b0 36w1504333,520,5001143
24Godfrey Nathan1042 54b1 3w0 29b½ 28w1 4b0 46w1 13w0 33b½ 40w150433319,2501113
25Motalaota Ngoako1080 32w1 6b0 51w1 16b0 50w1 19b0 40w1 36b1 12w0504132,518,0001041
26Mphahlele Keabetswe1034 61b1 11w0 34b1 1w0 37b0 50w1 38b1 12b0 42w150413117,0001109
27Mazibuko Buhle1217 29b1 23w1 3b0 37w1 16b1 1w0 17b½ 9w0 20b04,5051,539,521,7501155
28Mostert Jan-Abraham1094 19w1 5b0 32w0 24b0 58w1 52b1 20w0 43b1 33w½4,504031,516,5001019
29Vink Daniel712 27w0 35b1 24w½ 48b1 5w0 14b0 46b0 54w1 47b14,5039,53016,5001050
30Khumalo Mnelisi1070 51w- 34b- 54b1 19w0 51b1 55b1 43w1 16w½ 17b04,5038,530,515,2501055
Le Roux Marthinus916 16w0 19b0 36w0 60b1 48w1 32b1 12w0 53b1 35w½4,5038,530,515,250926
32Letsoalo Junior0 25b0 41w1 28b1 39w0 23b0 31w0 45b1 34w½ 46b14,5038,53018,000985
33Khatshwa Alitha966 9w+ 7w0 38b0 56b1 53w1 21w0 47b½ 24w½ 28b½4,5037,528,516,2501024
34Chibangi Bozozo0 21b0 30w+ 26w0 17b0 61w1 40b0 49w1 32b½ 37w14,5036,52915,250942
35Naidoo Kiaren1068 38b0 29w0 60b1 44w1 43b1 16w0 37b0 47w1 31b½4,5035,52815,250867
36Meyer Dwayne726 8b0 9w0 31b1 14b1 49w1 22w0 39b1 25w0 23b0404535,517,5001077
37Sithebe Sabelo742 10w0 53b1 17w1 27b0 26w1 18b0 35w1 14b0 34b040443518,0001055
38Mahlangu Wishgift0 35w1 12b0 33w1 18b0 42w1 17b0 26w0 40b0 49w14041,532,515,500989
39Pillay Kuvam1048 56w1 15b0 57w1 32b1 10w0 13b0 36w0 52b1 16w04039,53113,000985
40Swanepoel Werner918 2b0 62w1 61b1 22w0 19b0 34w1 25b0 38w1 24b04039,530,511,5001048
41Oliver Allister869 5w0 32b0 16w0 62b1 56w1 53b1 14w0 42b0 52w140372910,500980
42Maiketso Katlego893 3b0 58w1 13b0 51w1 38b0 47w0 44b1 41w1 26b040372812,5001019
43Bahumi Tshenolo743 4b0 61w0 58b1 47w1 35w0 49b1 30b0 28w0 54b14034,525,511,0001008
44Luyolo Treasure0 17w0 52b1 49w0 35b0 14w0 59b1 42w0 57b1 50w14033,525,510,500900
45Lukhai Ranvir789 15w0 57b0 53w0 58b0 62w1 48b1 32w0 55b1 56w14028,521,511,000928
46Assam Gerrick1038 57w1 10b0 56w1 5b½ 17w0 24b0 29w1 19b0 32w03,50433413,250968
47Vuyo Mlungwane0 -1 20w0 23b0 43b0 59w1 42b1 33w½ 35b0 29w03,5037,53011,000773
48Moloisane Thato635 22b1 4w½ 21b0 29w0 31b0 45w0 57w1 49b0 59w13,5037,528,513,000879
49Mothlabedi Karabelo974 1b0 60w1 44b1 20w0 36b0 43w0 34b0 48w1 38b03039299,500827
50Mnyaka Kwezi836 7b0 54w1 9b0 61w1 25b0 26b0 53w0 51w1 44b0303728,57,500978
51Mabemba Lovuyo0 30b+ 8w0 25b0 42b0 30w0 61b1 52w0 50b0 53w13035,527,57,500801
52Mosala Gakologelwang857 11b0 44w0 62b1 57w1 13b0 28w0 51b1 39w0 41b03034,5276,500932
53Tshaka Samuel0 23b0 37w0 45b1 55w1 33b0 41w0 50b1 31w0 51b0303426,510,000763
54Ncube Tshiamo0 24w0 50b0 30w0 59b0 60w1 56b1 55w1 29b0 43w0303224,58,000721
55Wiese Jason842 6w0 56b0 59w1 53b0 57b1 30w0 54b0 45w0 60b13031236,500821
56Makhetha Molefi0 39b0 55w1 46b0 33w0 41b0 54w0 58b1 62w1 45b0302923,56,500825
57Phakedi Theetso0 46b0 45w1 39b0 52b0 55w0 58w1 48b0 44w0 62b½2,5028,5236,750746
58Cilliers Abri0 14w0 42b0 43w0 45w1 28b0 57b0 56w0 60w0 61b12032246,000702
59Daniels Kutlwano687 20b0 22w0 55b0 54w1 47b0 44w0 60b1 61w0 48b0203123,55,000729
60Manganyi Ntwanano686 12w0 49b0 35w0 31w0 54b0 62b1 59w0 58b1 55w02029,5223,500746
61Thobejane Baldwin0 26w0 43b1 40w0 50b0 34b0 51w0 62w0 59b1 58w0202821,56,000693
62Bosman Lebogang0 18w0 40b0 52w0 41w0 45b0 60w0 61b1 56b0 57w½1,503022,53,250645
63Meyer Ewald1093 13b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00027210,0000

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break5: The greater number of victories (variable)