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Circuito ASCADE 2016 - Etapa 5 - Junho 2016

Last update 05.06.2016 00:27:01, Creator/Last Upload: Sebastiao

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Nascimento Davi Da Silva2191BRA 15b1 24w1 5b½ 9w1 4b1 2w½5016,524,5
2Maciel Diogo Alves2099BRA 21b1 18w½ 16b1 7w1 5b1 1b½5015,523,5
3Silva Carlos Alessandro De M.1965BRA 33b1 8w0 37b1 34w1 9b1 6b15013,520,5
4Freire Andrey Carvalho2202BRA 39w1 11b1 14w1 6b½ 1w0 8w14,501622,5
5Andrade Ivan Neudir2104BRA 27w1 26b1 1w½ 18b1 2w0 16b14,5014,522,5
6Da Silva Evernandes Pereira2031BRA 31b1 22w1 8b1 4w½ 19b1 3w04,5014,522
7Pottker Gustavo Sartori2161BRA 17w½ 32b1 10w1 2b0 18w1 14b14,501421,5
8FMLucena Lincoln2265BRA 23w1 3b1 6w0 26b1 20w1 4b0401523
9Da Silva Fabio Campos2042BRA 20w1 13b1 19w1 1b0 3w0 25b1401523
10Taira Erick Hideki1898BRA 25b1 12w1 7b0 14b0 36w1 19w14013,520
11Campos Westerley Batista1956BRA 38b1 4w0 21b1 15w0 23w1 20b14012,519
12Ignacio Antônio Carlos Zandona2027BRA 28w1 10b0 18b0 41w1 21b1 15w14012,517,5
13De Oliveira Rogerio Soares1903BRA 44b1 9w0 25b1 19b0 28w1 22w1401216,5
14Rabelo Jose Carlos Vargas2016BRA 41b1 34w1 4b0 10w1 15b½ 7w03,501520,5
15Neri Bruno Soares1870BRA 1w0 36b1 35w1 11b1 14w½ 12b03,5013,520,5
16Guedes Luis Augusto Maio1883BRA 42w1 17b½ 2w0 24w1 30b1 5w03,5013,519
17Almeida Ygor De Souza1866BRA 7b½ 16w½ 24b½ 20b0 32w1 30w13,501219
18De Moura Lazaro Eustaquio1917BRA 40w1 2b½ 12w1 5w0 7b0 23b½301622,5
19Felix Raimundo Nascimento2118BRA 37b1 30w1 9b0 13w1 6w0 10b03014,521,5
20Nishizawa Claudio1821BRA 9b0 45w1 22b1 17w1 8b0 11w03014,519
21Felix Luiza De Oliveira1825BRA 2w0 29b1 11w0 35b1 12w0 36b1301320
22Pimentel Benedito Dantas1909BRA 29w1 6b0 20w0 43b1 27w1 13b0301318,5
23Do Carmo Thiago Souza Lopes1876BRA 8b0 33w1 42b1 30w½ 11b0 18w½301216,5
24Cardoso Junior Cicero Assuncao1989BRA 43w1 1b0 17w½ 16b0 40w1 26b½3011,517,5
25Nunes Diego Santana0BRA 10w0 43b1 13w0 40b1 38b1 9w03011,516,5
26Nogueira Claudio Dos Santos1916BRA 45b1 5w0 41b1 8w0 31b½ 24w½3010,515,5
27Santos Saymon Silva1836BRA 5b0 38w1 30b0 39w1 22b0 31w1301016
28Terra Arthur Schneider1787BRA 12b0 44w1 34b0 42w1 13b0 35w1309,514
29Batista Pedro Henrique Maciel0BRA 22b0 21w0 38b1 31w0 42b1 39w130912,5
30Valcarcel Vitor Ignacio Dos Sa1958BRA 36w1 19b0 27w1 23b½ 16w0 17b02,5012,518
31Sampaio Filho Joao Rodrigues1809BRA 6w0 35b0 32w1 29b1 26w½ 27b02,5011,518
32De Souza Eron Emerick Micas0BRA 7w0 31b0 33w1 17b0 41w12,5011,517
33Camilo David Fraga1736BRA 3w0 23b0 40w½ 32b0 45w1 43b12,50813,5
34Dos Santos Junior Joao Batista1900BRA 35w1 14b0 28w1 3b0 -0 -0201320
35Mascarenhas Thiago Araújo0BRA 34b0 31w1 15b0 21w0 41b1 28b02011,516
36Matsuura Queenti1734BRA 30b0 15w0 44b1 37w1 10b0 21w02011,516
37Magalhaes Junior Sebastiao Sil1853BRA 19w0 40b1 3w0 36b0 44w1 -0209,515
38Terra Enzo Schneider1716BRA 11w0 27b0 29w0 45b1 25w0 44b1209,514
39Otmen Nowras Naufel Ali Mahamoud0BRA 4b0 41w0 -1 27b0 43w1 29b0208,514
40De Araújo Yan Carlos Nobre1686BRA 18b0 37w0 33b½ 25w0 24b0 42w11,501114,5
41Da Costa Gabriel Xavier Vaz1753BRA 14w0 39b1 26w0 12b0 35w0 32b0101116,5
42Silva Danielle Aparecida Casemiro0BRA 16b0 -1 23w0 28b0 29w0 40b0101116
43Lima Bruno Salgado1747BRA 24b0 25w0 45b1 22w0 39b0 33w0101013,5
44De Siqueira Luigy Lira0BRA 13w0 28b0 36w0 -1 37b0 38w0109,514,5
45Valcarcel Marianne Barbosa1588BRA 26w0 20b0 43w0 38w0 33b0 -1108,511,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)