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Torneio Aberto de Xadrez Popular SESC Gama - DF

Last update 13.04.2016 04:22:15, Creator/Last Upload: FederacaoBrasiliensedeXadrez

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Maciel Diogo Alves2137BRA 8w1 24b1 15w1 12b0 11w1 3w1 4b16026,529,5
2De Araujo Claudio Sergio2028BRA 16b1 19w1 11b0 29w1 8b1 13w1 3b1602527,5
3Campos Westerley Batista2045BRA 31w1 14b1 18w1 11b1 12w1 1b0 2w05027,529,5
4Nunes Diego Santana1786BRA 7w0 32b1 14w1 15b1 9w1 12b1 1w05027,529
5Vasconcelos Jorgiran Carvalho2223BRA 29b1 6w1 12b0 31w1 13b0 17w1 10b1502426
6Miranda Robson Abreu1955BRA 21w1 5b0 8w0 22b1 31w1 14b1 13w1502426
7Silva Carlos Alessandro De Mor2012BRA 4b1 18w0 22w1 13b0 29b1 11w1 12w15023,526
8Sampaio Filho Joao Rodrigues1869BRA 1b0 28w1 6b1 20w1 2w0 9b½ 19w14,5028,531
9Da Silva Clesio Mauricio1975BRA 26b1 11w0 10b1 23w1 4b0 8w½ 18b14,5024,527
10Magalhaes Junior Sebastiao Sil1936BRA 23w1 22b½ 9w0 24b1 18w1 19b1 5w04,5022,525
11Freitas Gilson de Araujo0BRA 17w1 9b1 2w1 3w0 1b0 7b0 29w14030,533
12Cardoso Junior Cicero Assuncao2014BRA 27w1 13b1 5w1 1w1 3b0 4w0 7b0403032,5
13Oliveira Gabriel da Silva1895BRA 33b1 12w0 25b1 7w1 5w1 2b0 6b04027,529
14Neri Bruno Soares1909BRA 36b1 3w0 4b0 26w1 23b1 6w0 24b14023,524
15Rodrigues Joao Batista2008BRA 30w1 34b1 1b0 4w0 19b0 26w1 23b1402223
16Marinho Luciano Moreira1801BRA 2w0 23b0 21w1 36b1 17w0 27b1 22w14021,522
17Nogueira Claudio Dos Santos1930BRA 11b0 26w1 31b0 28w1 16b1 5b0 25w1402123
18Pereira Marcos Henrique1902BRA 25w1 7b1 3b0 19w½ 10b0 20w1 9w03,502628,5
19Rosa David Assis1927BRA 32w1 2b0 27w1 18b½ 15w1 10w0 8b03,502526,5
20Damasceno Daniel Rocha1827BRA 22w0 21b1 24w½ 8b0 30w1 18b0 31w13,5019,521,5
21De Franca Wesley Sirnande1740BRA 6b0 20w0 16b0 33w1 32b1 29w½ 30b13,5018,520
22Aquino Demetrio De Azevedo2071BRA 20b1 10w½ 7b0 6w0 25b1 24w½ 16b0302527,5
23Figueiredo Flavio Calado Guimaraes0BRA 10b0 16w1 37b+ 9b0 14w0 34b1 15w0302425
24Dos Santos Junior Joao Batista1943BRA 28b1 1w0 20b½ 10w0 34b1 22b½ 14w03023,524,5
25da Silva Diogo Pereira0BRA 18b0 -1 13w0 27b1 22w0 31b1 17b03019,521,5
26Costa Peterson Da Cunha Esteva1745BRA 9w0 17b0 32w1 14b0 36w1 15b0 33w13019,520
27Lima Alisson Soares1790BRA 12b0 33w1 19b0 25w0 28b1 16w0 -13018,520
28Amorim Emanuel Orozco0BRA 24w0 8b0 38w+ 17b0 27w0 36b1 34w1301717,5
29Montalvao Paulo Israel Souza1876BRA 5w0 30b1 34w1 2b0 7w0 21b½ 11b02,5125,526,5
30Da Silva Gustavo Gomes1751BRA 15b0 29w0 33b1 34w½ 20b0 -1 21w02,501718
31Dos Santos Angelica Maria1822BRA 3b0 36w1 17w1 5b0 6b0 25w0 20b0202525,5
32Santiago Joao Lucas Almeida do Nascimen0BRA 19b0 4w0 26b0 -1 21w0 33b0 36w1201818,5
33de Carvalho Nicolas Aires0BRA 13w0 27b0 30w0 21b0 -1 32w1 26b02016,517,5
34do Nascimento Victor Rafael Portela0BRA -1 15w0 29b0 30b½ 24w0 23w0 28b01,5017,519,5
35da Silva Vitoria Ribeiro0BRA -0 -0 -1 -0 -0 -0 -01018,520,5
36Santiago Joao Pedro do Nascimento0BRA 14w0 31b0 39w+ 16w0 26b0 28w0 32b01017,519
37Santos Leonardo Pereira De Loi2034BRA -0 -0 23w- -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Alcantara Jasiel Magalhaes1978BRA -0 -0 28b- -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Ferreira Leonardo Rodrigo Gonc1910BRA -0 -0 36b- -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)