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IV Festival Internacional d'Escacs "Vila de Platja d'Aro" - Rapid Grand Prix

Última actualización01.07.2016 23:12:40, Propietario/Última carga: Carlos Salgado Allaria

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 9 rondas

Rk.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1GMMozharov Mikhail2560RUS 22w1 13b1 5w1 15b½ 7w1 3b1 2w½ 6b1 8w183950,50
2IMMatsenko Sergei2537RUS 10b1 12w1 6b½ 3w½ 4b1 15w1 1b½ 5w1 11b17,54052,50
3GMKrylov Mikhail2484RUS 23w1 17b1 7w1 2b½ 15w1 1w0 5b1 11w1 6w17,538500
4WIMLlaneza Vega Patricia2171CAT 21w1 5b0 18w1 11b1 2w0 7b1 9w1 8b0 16w1635,546,50
5FMKozlov Gennady2313RUS 26b1 4w1 1b0 6w1 9b1 12w1 3w0 2b0 7w½5,542,5530
6FMMatsenko Andrei2327CZE 18w1 19b1 2w½ 5b0 13w1 17b1 12w1 1w0 3b05,539510
7Chizhikov Vladislav2229RUS 28b1 9w1 3b0 20w1 1b0 4w0 19b1 15w1 5b½5,53747,50
8IMJerez Perez Alfonso2387CAT 11b½ 16w1 15b0 29w1 12b0 14w1 13b1 4w1 1b05,535450
9Castrillon Otero Javier1968CAT 29w1 7b0 19w1 22b1 5w0 18b1 4b0 17w1 10b½5,533410
10Rovira Vila Jaume1889CAT 2w0 31b1 17w0 14b1 18w0 24b1 21w1 12b1 9w½5,53140,50
11Saurina Suner Francesc Xavier1857CAT 8w½ 14b1 13w½ 4w0 20b1 21b1 16w1 3b0 2w0537,548,50
12Pugachev Artem2209RUS 31w1 2b0 23w1 17b1 8w1 5b0 6b0 10w0 19b1534,5440
13MKMundet Riera Jaume2175CAT 24b1 1w0 11b½ 16w1 6b0 20w½ 8w0 21b1 18w153243,50
14Perez Calahorra Ricardo2116ESP 16b½ 11w0 26b1 10w0 30b1 8b0 22w½ 24w1 15b1529,5370
15Gromovs Sergejs2281ITA 27w1 25b1 8w1 1w½ 3b0 2b0 18w1 7b0 14w04,538,5490
16Kuzmuk Makar1985BLR 14w½ 8b0 27w1 13b0 22w1 26b1 11b0 20w1 4b04,53139,50
17Castellanos Bogalo Antonio2011ESP 30b1 3w0 10b1 12w0 26b1 6w0 29b1 9b0 20w½4,53039,50
18Iglesias Santos David1801CAT 6b0 30w1 4b0 25w1 10b1 9w0 15b0 23w1 13b0433,541,50
19Rendakov Sergei1700RUS 20b1 6w0 9b0 26w0 27w1 23b1 7w0 22b1 12w0430,538,50
20Castillo Fernandez Carlos2113CAT 19w0 27b1 25w1 7b0 11w0 13b½ 28w1 16b0 17b½429370
21Volkov Baer Ivan1471CAT 4b0 26w0 28b1 23b1 31w1 11w0 10b0 13w0 -1427,535,50
22Diaz Comas Jordi1894CAT 1b0 28w1 29b½ 9w0 16b0 30w1 14b½ 19w0 27b1426360
23Moreno Martin-Viveros Alvaro1877ESP 3b0 24w1 12b0 21w0 29b1 19w0 26w1 18b0 28w142534,50
24Ruiz de Morales Jaume1522CAT 13w0 23b0 31w0 -1 25b1 10w0 27b1 14b0 26w142532,50
25Castiñeiras Kuriochkin Alberto1388CAT -1 15w0 20b0 18b0 24w0 28b0 30b1 29w1 31b142228,50
26Iglesias Santos Rodrigo1780CAT 5w0 21b1 14w0 19b1 17w0 16w0 23b0 -1 24b0329370
27Perez Mondejar Adler1678ESP 15b0 20w0 16b0 28w1 19b0 -1 24w0 30b1 22w032531,50
28Hudson Jeremy1642ENG 7w0 22b0 21w0 27b0 -1 25w1 20b0 31w1 23b0323,5310
29Korolev Iván1574CAT 9b0 -1 22w½ 8b0 23w0 31b1 17w0 25b0 30w02,52734,50
30Ponomarenko Anton1608RUS 17w0 18b0 -1 31b½ 14w0 22b0 25w0 27w0 29b12,523,530,50
31Brochet Thierry1582FRA 12b0 10w0 24b1 30w½ 21b0 29w0 -1 28b0 25w02,522,5300

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)