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International Chess Festival Open Iasi 3rd edition - A

Last update 20.06.2016 13:15:23, Creator: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 30),Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 9)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
1GMZubarev AlexanderUKR 24w1 39b1 14w1 4w½ 7b½ 6b½ 9w1 8b½ 3w½6,541,552,53637,00
2GMFrolyanov DmitryRUS 46b1 17w½ 20b1 6w½ 12b½ 28w1 3b½ 4w1 5w½6,54151,533,536,25
3GMGeorgescu Tiberiu-MarianROU 49w1 18b0 24w1 32b1 5w½ 25b1 2w½ 6b1 1b½6,5405032,534,75
4GMKulaots KaidoEST 38w1 41b1 30w1 1b½ 6w½ 9b½ 8w1 2b0 19w16,539,550,535,534,75
5GMIstratescu AndreiFRA 37b½ 62w1 17b½ 26w1 3b½ 7w½ 20b1 14w1 2b½6,538,5483233,50
6GMMaiorov NikitaBLR 43w1 23b1 18w1 2b½ 4b½ 1w½ 7b½ 3w0 28b1641,552,53433,25
7FMCostachi MihneaROU 44w1 19b½ 22w1 27b1 1w½ 5b½ 6w½ 11b½ 8w½640,551,533,533,25
8GMNevednichy VladislavROU 40b1 20w½ 26b½ 10w1 13b1 15w1 4b0 1w½ 7b½640,551,53333,50
9IMBogdan DanROU 48b1 33w1 13b½ 15w½ 10b1 4w½ 1b0 36w1 14b½639,5503331,75
10FMMacovei AndreiMDA 58w1 31b1 16w½ 8b0 9w0 43w1 33b1 18b1 11w½63846,53028,75
11GMSundararajan KidambiIND 47b1 26w½ 25b½ 18w1 28b½ 36w1 16b½ 7w½ 10b½636,546,53230,25
12IMFilip LucianROU 57b1 25w½ 36b½ 34w1 2w½ 14b½ 18w½ 19b½ 26w16364630,529,75
13IMItkis BorisROU 54w1 29b1 9w½ 16b½ 8w0 19b0 63w1 31b1 32w16364529,527,75
14IMBulmaga IrinaROU 55b1 34w1 1b0 29w½ 37b1 12w½ 15b1 5b0 9w½5,538,548,530,527,00
15GMManolache MariusROU 63w1 22b½ 19w1 9b½ 23w1 8b0 14w0 27b1 17w½5,538,547,530,527,50
16IMMiron Lucian-CostinROU 42b1 28w1 10b½ 13w½ 25b½ 17w½ 11w½ 26b½ 22w½5,53848,53129,00
17FMMorozov NichitaMDA 56w1 2b½ 5w½ 31b½ 22w1 16b½ 19w0 38w1 15b½5,538482928,00
18CMAcsinte Matei-IonutROU 61b1 3w1 6b0 11b0 44w1 40w1 12b½ 10w0 36b15,537,547,528,526,50
19FMBanzea Alexandru-BogdanROU 70b1 7w½ 15b0 50w½ 53b1 13w1 17b1 12w½ 4b05,536,5452925,00
20IMPiasetski LeonCAN 65w1 8b½ 2w0 53b1 27w½ 32b1 5w0 46b1 21w½5,535,545,52824,25
21IMBaratosi DanielROU 50b1 27w½ 37b½ 36w½ 29b½ 34w1 26b½ 28w½ 20b½5,53443,52926,25
22Miroshnichenko PavelRUS 64b1 15w½ 7b0 42w1 17b0 57w1 38b½ 40w1 16b½5,533,542,52723,25
23CMGavrilescu DavidROU 52b1 6w0 48b1 49w1 15b0 27w½ 36b0 42w1 37b15,53241,52723,00
24CMTiron Calin-AndreiROU 1b0 52w1 3b0 62w0 64b1 51w1 30b1 25w½ 39w15,53241,52223,00
25FMDaels MarcBEL 60w1 12b½ 11w½ 30b1 16w½ 3w0 47b½ 24b½ 27w½537472824,50
26FMPosedaru BogdanROU 68w1 11b½ 8w½ 5b0 63w1 31b1 21w½ 16w½ 12b0537462822,00
27CMStoleriu GeorgeROU 73w1 21b½ 35w1 7w0 20b½ 23b½ 39w1 15w0 25b½536,5462823,75
28CMPatrascu Catalin-LucianROU 59w1 16b0 63w1 38b1 11w½ 2b0 29w1 21b½ 6w053645,528,521,75
29IPisu Robert-DanielROU 74b1 13w0 62b1 14b½ 21w½ 33w½ 28b0 34w½ 51b1533,542,525,520,75
30IMSoltanici RuslanMDA 53w1 32b1 4b0 25w0 31w½ 46b½ 24w0 48b1 44w15334324,521,50
31FMDaianu Cristian-ClementROU 71b1 10w0 58b1 17w½ 30b½ 26w0 48b1 13w0 47b15324025,517,75
32NMMarinescu MirceaROU 75b1 30w0 55b1 3w0 50b1 20w0 49b1 47w1 13b0531,5402617,00
33CMStegariu Vlad-IonutROU 67w1 9b0 49w- 57w1 49b1 29b½ 10w0 55w1 35b½531,54024,518,00
34Chircu VadimMDA 69w1 14b0 44w1 12b0 58w1 21b0 56w½ 29b½ 46w1530,538,524,517,25
35IMKohlweyer BerndGER 62b0 45w1 27b0 51w½ 55b½ 50w1 40b½ 52w1 33w½529,53821,521,25
36NMCiobanu AurelianROU 66w½ 72b1 12w½ 21b½ 39w1 11b0 23w1 9b0 18w04,53644,52719,75
37WFMZherebtsova AlexandraRUS 5w½ 66b1 21w½ 39b½ 14w0 38b½ 44w½ 56b1 23w04,533,54324,519,25
38Schitco IvanMDA 4b0 51w1 73b1 28w0 62b1 37w½ 22w½ 17b0 41w½4,532,5422417,75
39FMGilea LucianROU 51b1 1w0 47b1 37w½ 36b0 42w1 27b0 57w1 24b04,532422518,25
40CMOgnean Mihnea-IonutROU 8w0 56b½ 68w1 41b½ 59w1 18b0 35w½ 22b0 55w14,53139,521,516,00
41FMTomici StefanROU 45b1 4w0 42b½ 40w½ 43b½ 47w0 55b½ 50w1 38b½4,530,540,52219,25
42CMDragomir ConstantinROU 16w0 65b1 41w½ 22b0 60w1 39b0 58w1 23b0 56w14,530,538,520,515,25
43ITurlea ConstantinROU 6b0 64w½ 50b½ 52w1 41w½ 10b0 65w1 44b0 49w14,530392016,75
44CMCalin AlexandruROU 7b0 75w1 34b0 61w1 18b0 69w1 37b½ 43w1 30b04,5303821,514,25
45WCMAciu Malina-AndreeaROU 41w0 35b0 66w½ 65b1 46b0 52w0 72b1 59w1 57b14,52633,515,514,50
46CMVasiesiu VictorROU 2w0 54b1 53w0 56b½ 45w1 30w½ 52b1 20w0 34b0431,541,52116,75
47IZubcu Vlad-GeorgeROU 11w0 59b1 39w0 60b½ 72w1 41b1 25w½ 32b0 31w043139,521,514,75
48Miller JacobIRL 9w0 60b1 23w0 59b0 61w1 54b1 31w0 30w0 62b1430391814,00
49ITiron Lucian-IlieROU 3b0 70w1 33b+ 23b0 33w0 58b1 32w0 62w1 43b043038,52111,00
50Taylor Robert GrahamWLS 21w0 69b1 43w½ 19b½ 32w0 35b0 68w1 41b0 64w143037,518,512,50
51Verbin ValentinaMDA 39w0 38b0 67w1 35b½ 56w½ 24b0 54w1 63b1 29w0429,537,517,513,75
52Eremita IvanMDA 23w0 24b0 69w1 43b0 67w1 45b1 46w0 35b0 63w142936,51712,00
53Glavan PavelMDA 30b0 71w1 46b1 20w0 19w0 56b0 59w½ 64b½ 65w+427,53518,512,75
54WCMComan Emilia-FlorentinaROU 13b0 46w0 61b0 71w1 70b1 48w0 51b0 69w1 67b142230148,50
55Pop Laurentius Dr.GER 14w0 67b1 32w0 66b½ 35w½ 59b1 41w½ 33b0 40b03,531391912,25
56Ceres DragosMDA 17b0 40w½ 64b½ 46w½ 51b½ 53w1 34b½ 37w0 42b03,53038,518,513,75
57Marcovici AdrianISR 12w0 68b½ 72w1 33b0 66w1 22b0 60w1 39b0 45w03,52937,51910,25
58ICoca Cristi-IulianROU 10b0 74w+ 31w0 73b+ 34b0 49w0 42b0 70w1 60b½3,528,536,516,58,75
59IIsfan Ioan-MariusROU 28b0 47w0 75b1 48w1 40b0 55w0 53b½ 45b0 70w13,5263315,59,75
60IMihai CristianROU 25b0 48w0 71b1 47w½ 42b0 72w1 57b0 65b½ 58w½3,524,531,515,59,50
61IAnghel MariaROU 18w0 63b0 54w1 44b0 48b0 70w1 62b0 68w1 66b½3,52431,513,510,00
62NMMircov Nicola-AlexandarROU 35w1 5b0 29w0 24b1 38w0 63b0 61w1 49b0 48w033140,51814,00
63IOlinici EmanuelROU 15b0 61w1 28b0 64w1 26b0 62w1 13b0 51w0 52b033039189,50
64Mocanu ValeriaMDA 22w0 43b½ 56w½ 63b0 24w0 67b½ 69b1 53w½ 50b0326,53413,59,00
65Zoabi AdiISR 20b0 42w0 70b½ 45w0 71b1 66w1 43b0 60w½ 53b-32633,513,57,75
66IVilcu Matei-StefanROU 36b½ 37w0 45b½ 55w½ 57b0 65b0 67w½ 71b½ 61w½325,5321410,25
67Mocanu PaulaMDA 33b0 55w0 51b0 74w1 52b0 64w½ 66b½ 75w+ 54w0324,532,511,58,50
68IIBighiu RaresROU 26b0 57w½ 40b0 70w½ 69b0 74w1 50b0 61b0 -1322,529,5128,25
69IIBarbulescu Robert-CristianROU 34b0 50w0 52b0 -1 68w1 44b0 64w0 54b0 71w½2,524,531,511,55,50
70Chiriac DanielMDA 19w0 49b0 65w½ 68b½ 54w0 61b0 71w1 58b0 59b022330,59,55,00
71Rotaru ValentinaMDA 31w0 53b0 60w0 54b0 65w0 75b1 70b0 66w½ 69b½221,528,55,54,50
72IIonita GheorgheROU 36w0 57b0 75w1 47b0 60b0 45w0 -0 -01,525,53210,53,25
73IINutu Adrian-FlorinROU 27b0 -1 38w0 58w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0125,532,583,50
74IIINechita PetruROU 29w0 58b- -0 67b0 75b+ 68b0 -0 -0 -01212853,00
75IIBoean Marian-SilviuROU 32w0 44b0 59w0 72b0 74w- 71w0 -1 67b- -01202632,00

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break
Tie Break4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable