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Última actualización08.04.2009 13:51:24, Propietario: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 242),Última carga: Manuel Navarro Perez

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 8 rondas

Rk.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1MKSanchez Ibern Marc2215ESP 33w1 27b1 13w1 7b1 6w1 2b½ 14w1 5b½7394334
2Tallo Dominguez Imar2123ESP 44b1 32w1 6b½ 4b1 15w1 1w½ 3b1 8w173942,531,5
3Mallol Muste Marc1856ESP 38w1 24b½ 22w½ 35b1 28w1 16b1 2w0 14b1634,538,527,5
4Rojano Alfonso Carlos1866ESP 48b1 20w1 55b1 2w0 23b1 14w0 26b1 15w1634,537,528
5Balague Camps Marc1825ESP 46w0 57b1 48w1 24b1 22w1 7b½ 9w1 1w½6343726
6Perez Cabas Jose1786ESP 45b1 71w1 2w½ 17b1 1b0 20w0 24b1 28b15,537,54126
7Bals Hernandez Jordi1896ESP 50b1 28w1 23b1 1w0 34b1 5w½ 8b0 20w15,536,54027,5
8Gonzalez Hernandez Ferran1808ESP 40w1 17b½ 25w½ 55b1 29w1 11b½ 7w1 2b05,5363927
9Juan Bartroli Pau0ESP 67w1 12b½ 11w0 30b1 13w1 19b1 5b0 34w15,53638,524,5
10Delgado Osorio Xavier1911ESP 39w1 37b1 19w½ 16b0 25w1 15b½ 22w1 12b½5,533,537,526
11Toste Nieto Alexandre1816ESP 18b½ 63w1 9b1 15w0 44b1 8w½ 23b½ 27w15,533,53624,5
12Ruiz Font Elisabet1829ESP 56b1 9w½ 24w½ 25b½ 62w1 17b1 20b½ 10w½5,53335,525,5
13Sierra Montoya Miquel1802ESP 47b1 52w1 1b0 44w½ 9b0 55w1 41b1 23w15,531,534,523,5
14Jareño Badenas Aleix1876ESP 29w1 22b½ 35w1 19b1 16w½ 4b1 1b0 3w05384227,5
15Vinardell Cruanas Sergi1774ESP 68w1 25b½ 46w1 11b1 2b0 10w½ 16w1 4b053739,526
16Delisau Gil Oriol1669ESP 62b½ 36w1 18b1 10w1 14b½ 3w0 15b0 33w1534,53725
17Monfa Escola Ramon0ESP 51b1 8w½ 26b1 6w0 45b1 12w0 34b½ 36w1532,53623,5
18Morales Paytuvi Daniel0ESP 11w½ 31b1 16w0 67b1 19w½ 22b0 35w1 37b1532,53521
19Sanchez Alegria Jose Manuel1709ESP 49b1 58w1 10b½ 14w0 18b½ 9w0 56b1 32w1531,53423
20Vidal Zamora Cristina1487ESP 75w1 4b0 59w1 62b½ 46w1 6b1 12w½ 7b0531,53224,5
21Quinza Garcia Aitor1770ESP 54b1 55w0 56b0 59w1 33b0 47w1 38b1 39w15252819
22Julian Ortin Raquel1572ESP 66b1 14w½ 3b½ 47w1 5b0 18w1 10b0 26w½4,535,53823
23Norte Garcia Andrea1726ESP 59w1 30b1 7w0 39b1 4w0 35b1 11w½ 13b04,5353824
24Esteve Cantero Marc1447ESP 42w1 3w½ 12b½ 5w0 47b½ 62b1 6w0 48b14,53436,520,5
25Castillo Martinez Eloi0ESP 69b1 15w½ 8b½ 12w½ 10b0 44w1 32b½ 41w½4,53335,521,5
26Orrit Sole Gerard1682ESP 57w1 46b½ 17w0 45w½ 39b1 40b1 4w0 22b½4,530,533,521,5
27Muratet Carmona Julia1678ESP 70b1 1w0 47b0 49w1 55w½ 48b1 29w1 11b04,530,53320
28Diaz Camallonga Carles1634ESP 72w1 7b0 68w1 56b1 3b0 33w½ 45b1 6w04,5303222,5
29Gomez Domenech David0ESP 14b0 64w1 58b1 32w1 8b0 34w½ 27b0 47w14,52931,520,5
30Martinez Andres Elisa0ESP 60b1 23w0 63b½ 9w0 53b1 45w0 42w1 46b14,52729,518
31Gonzalez Rodriguez Damian0ESP 36b½ 18w0 50b0 64w1 63b½ 58w½ 55b1 44w14,52426,515,5
32Ruiz Alba Daniel1637ESP 43w1 2b0 40w1 29b0 38w½ 46b1 25w½ 19b043336,520
33Pinsach Gelabert Alexandre0ESP 1b0 49w1 61b1 34w0 21w1 28b½ 37w½ 16b04333619,5
34Albet Serra Jordi1796ESP 74w1 35b0 38w1 33b1 7w0 29b½ 17w½ 9b0432,53421,5
35Gimo Santamaria Aniol0ESP 61b1 34w1 14b0 3w0 58b1 23w0 18b0 45w143133,520
36Cano Egea Gerard1673ESP 31w½ 16b0 41w½ 57b1 48w½ 38b½ 40w1 17b04303317,5
37Borras Camarasa Marc1637ESP 64b1 10w0 45b0 43w1 50b1 41w½ 33b½ 18w0429,53219,5
38Torrent Casado Marc0AND 3b0 66w1 34b0 61w1 32b½ 36w½ 21w0 57b142931,516,5
39Vila Hernandez Victor0ESP 10b0 70w1 73b1 23w0 26w0 43b1 57w1 21b042930,518
40Fisco Compte Pau0ESP 8b0 51w1 32b0 73w1 52b1 26w0 36b0 58w1427,52917
41Latorre Freixes Marc1441ESP 63b0 62w½ 36b½ 72w1 56w1 37b½ 13w0 25b½4262817,5
42Guitian Santamaria Sergio0ESP 24b0 56w0 49b0 69w1 70b1 50w1 30b0 59w1424,52713
43Torres Morales Ferran0ESP 32b0 44w0 69b1 37b0 67w1 39w0 73b1 56w1423,52513
44Calonge Fabregat Miquel0ESP 2w0 43b1 65w1 13b½ 11w0 25b0 62w1 31b03,533,53617,5
45Celma Querol Carlos0ESP 6w0 53b1 37w1 26b½ 17w0 30b1 28w0 35b03,53235,518,5
46Sauri Verdaguer Roger0ESP 5b1 26w½ 15b0 63w1 20b0 32w0 66b1 30w03,531,53418,5
47Bardera Gil Ana0ESP 13w0 67b1 27w1 22b0 24w½ 21b0 60w1 29b03,53133,517
48Domingo Mateu Bernat0ESP 4w0 75b1 5b0 66w1 36b½ 27w0 51b1 24w03,53131,516
49Nicolau Jimenez Eulalia0ESP 19w0 33b0 42w1 27b0 51w½ 60b½ 65w½ 66b13,52628,511,5
50Garcia Lopez Nicolas0ESP 7w0 72b0 31w1 60b1 37w0 42b0 64w½ 65b13,525,527,513
51Lucas Laderas David0ESP 17w0 40b0 57w0 74b1 49b½ 52w1 48w0 68b13,52526,511
52Arroyo Morales Jaime0ESP 53w1 13b0 62w0 65b½ 40w0 51b0 72w1 64b13,5242613,5
53Membrive Ruiz Julia0ESP 52b0 45w0 64b½ 54w1 30w0 59b0 74w1 62b13,52324,511
54Colome Martin Eric0ESP 21w0 65b0 75w½ 53b0 73b1 66w0 70b1 63w13,52020,510
55Voltes Miret Andreu0ESP 73w1 21b1 4w0 8w0 27b½ 13b0 31w0 60b½333,53517,5
56Rodriguez Llorens Jorge0ESP 12w0 42b1 21w1 28w0 41b0 65b1 19w0 43b033234,516
57Cruañas Verdu Joaquim0ESP 26b0 5w0 51b1 36w0 61b1 63w1 39b0 38w032931,513
58Villaro Cos Silvia0ESP -1 19b0 29w0 68b1 35w0 31b½ 59w½ 40b0327,53015,5
59Fortuny Profitos Jordi0ESP 23b0 60w1 20b0 21b0 65w½ 53w1 58b½ 42b032729,513
60Olivera Miras Albert0ESP 30w0 59b0 -1 50w0 72b1 49w½ 47b0 55w½323,525,512
61Mayor Oller Gerard0ESP 35w0 74b1 33w0 38b0 57w0 69b0 75b1 73w1320,52110
62Comas Clapers Guillem0ESP 16w½ 41b½ 52b1 20w½ 12b0 24w0 44b0 53w02,53134,516
63Gonzalez Martinez Alejandro0ESP 41w1 11b0 30w½ 46b0 31w½ 57b0 68w½ 54b02,528,53114
64Burniol Clotet Sergi0ESP 37w0 29b0 53w½ 31b0 75w1 68b½ 50b½ 52w02,52626,59,5
65Nuno Farre Josep0ESP 71b0 54w1 44b0 52w½ 59b½ 56w0 49b½ 50w02,5252812,5
66Capallera Guirao Ferran0ESP 22w0 38b0 74w1 48b0 68w½ 54b1 46w0 49w02,52526,511
67Martin Castillo Ivan0ESP 9b0 47w0 70b1 18w0 43b0 73w0 69w½ 75b12,524,5258
68Da Rocha Soares Diana0ESP 15b0 69w1 28b0 58w0 66b½ 64w½ 63b½ 51w02,52325,511,5
69Nunes Puig-Sureda Jordi0ESP 25w0 68b0 43w0 42b0 74w½ 61w1 67b½ 72b½2,522,5246,5
70Puntes Torrents Ester0ESP 27w0 39b0 67w0 75b1 42w0 72b½ 54w0 74b12,52222,57,5
71Lin Segarra Alex0ESP 65w1 6b0 72w1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0230,532,514
72Camacho Martinez Cristina0ESP 28b0 50w1 71b0 41b0 60w0 70w½ 52b0 69w½22527,59
73Vidal Masferrer Jaume0ESP 55b0 -1 39w0 40b0 54w0 67b1 43w0 61b022425,510
74Sitja Romero Laura0ESP 34b0 61w0 66b0 51w0 69b½ 75w1 53b0 70w01,521,5225
75Corominas Vinas Roger0ESP 20b0 48w0 54b½ 70w0 64b0 74b0 61w0 67w00,522,5243

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: Fide Tie-Break