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Campeonato Nacional de Jovens - Portimão 09 Sub-14 - Época 2008/2009

Last update 02.04.2009 14:21:31, Creator/Last Upload: fpxcastelobranco

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Santos Luis Manuel Freire RebeloLIS 30b1 16w1 12b1 10w1 7b½ 2w0 5w15,522033134
2Vicente Joao Vasco ReisPRT 31w1 19b1 11w1 5b½ 6w1 1b1 16w16,51203,527,530,5
3Fernandes Andre G CasimiroLIS 32b1 18w½ 6b½ 23b1 19w½ 12b½ 20w0416188,52729,5
4Meira Joao Pedro Pires CLIS 33w½ 37b1 15w½ 21b1 22w1 9b½ 10w15,5319525,528,5
5Andias Joao Pedro MenezesAVE 34b1 20w1 14b1 2w½ 10b½ 7w1 1b055200,530,533,5
6Saltao Joao Miguel RamosCOI 35w1 23b½ 3w½ 25b1 2b0 27w1 18b0418187,528,532,5
7Belsley Alexandre De Matos GBRA 36b1 22w1 25b1 15w1 1w½ 5b0 9w½5420128,531,5
8Afonso Nuno CerqueiraLIS 37w½ 21b½ 33w½ 41b1 23w½ 22b1 25w042218423,526
9Oliveira Maria Ines Ramos MBRA 38b1 25w0 32b1 20w1 46b1 4w½ 7b½59187,52729,5
10Rato Ana Margarida Portugal DoLIS 39w1 27b1 13w1 1b0 5w½ 15b1 4b04,513200,528,530,5
11Ribau Nidia SalvadorAVE 40b1 26w1 2b0 22w0 32b1 23w0 31b0333171,523,525,5
12Santos Ines Sofia O LimaLRA 41w1 29b1 1w0 27b½ 28b1 3w½ 23b157191,525,528
13Cerqueira Pedro Miguel D SantosLIS 42b1 28w1 10b0 46w0 34b1 20w0 53b1415190,52325
14Tapisso Gabriel PalmelaoSET 43w1 53b1 5w0 33b0 35w0 40b1 36w1424178,52021,5
15Pereira Pedro Filipe CastroPRT 44b1 46w1 4b½ 7b0 26w1 10w0 28b14,51418925,527,5
16Pereira Susana MartinsSET 45w1 1b0 31w1 53b1 33w1 19b1 2b0510186,52628
17Sa Claudio Simao Carvalho FAVE 46b0 44w1 34b1 28w0 39b1 29w1 35b1512178,520,522,5
18Silva Luis Miguel Neves DaBRA 47w1 3b½ 23w0 50b1 27w½ 33b1 6w1581902225
19Elvas Vasco Manuel VasconcelosLRA 48b1 2w0 36b1 42w1 3b½ 16w0 37b½42118425,527,5
20Agapito Luis Filipe DinisSET 49w1 5b0 35w1 9b0 47w1 13b1 3b1511183,52526
21Guerreiro Patricia Da FonsecaLIS 50b½ 8w½ 38b1 4w0 40b1 28w0 34b142617422,524,5
22Wang Rui YangPRT 51w1 7b0 39w1 11b1 4b0 8w0 46b+419187,52527
23Dionizio Cristiano Miguel NFAR 52b1 6w½ 18b1 3w0 8b½ 11b1 12w04171882526
24Medeiros Claudia De Fatima RAÇO 53w0 43b0 54w1 26w0 44b0 45b0 49w½1,55514113,514,5
25Sousa Nuno Miguel Vale VenturaPRT 54b1 9b1 7w0 6w0 42b1 46w1 8b15619623,525,5
26Barreto Paulo Alexandre Da CSET 55w1 11b0 41w½ 24b1 15b0 35w0 32b½3441531819
27Lopes Rui Da SilvaLRA 56b1 10w0 40b1 12w½ 18b½ 6b0 33w14201872527
28Aderneira Ricardo Andre CFAR 57w1 13b0 43w1 17b1 12w0 21b1 15w04271682526,5
29Bastos Ines Da CostaAVE 58b1 12w0 42b0 38w1 53b1 17b0 47w1430161,521,523,5
30Guerra Joao Carlos CarneiroBRA 1w0 45b1 53w0 39b0 51w0 58w1 44b1340159,51921
31Abreu Diogo Alexandre SantosLIS 2b0 48w1 16b0 40w0 52b1 42w1 11w142517521,522,5
32Doroana Joao Paulo Nogueira PLIS 3w0 47b1 9w0 43b1 11w0 51b0 26w½2,545166,52223,5
33Fernandes Vitor Martinho Da SBRA 4b½ 50w1 8b½ 14w1 16b0 18w0 27b033217827,530,5
34Nunes Ana Laura VeigaLIS 5w0 49b1 17w0 51b1 13w0 56b1 21w0338162,525,526,5
35Goulao Francisco Jose MartinsCBR 6b0 52w1 20b0 44w1 14b1 26b1 17w04281652324
36Moreira André Francisco PPRT 7w0 51b1 19w0 47b0 54b1 44w1 14b0337163,52224
37Simoes Alexandre Guilherme V FAÇO 8b½ 4w0 46b0 48w1 50w1 41b1 19w½423179,52325,5
38Martins Susana Alexandra Dos ASET 9w0 54b1 21w0 29b0 56w0 52b1 45w1343153,520,521,5
39Fernandes Beatriz FerreiraSET 10b0 56w1 22b0 30w1 17w0 47b0 57w024916122,525
40Alves Tiago Marques Da CostaPRT 11w0 55b1 27w0 31b1 21w0 14w0 48b0250153,52223
41Ribeiro Adolfo Jose Melo C DeLIS 12b0 58w1 26b½ 8w0 57b1 37w0 51w02,546155,522,525
42Carneiro Catarina Maria CastelaLIS 13w0 57b1 29w1 19b0 25w0 31b0 56w0248161,524,527
43Coelho Henrique Alfaia e SLIS 14b0 24w1 28b0 32w0 58b½ 53w0 50b01,5541481920,5
44Coelho Joao Miguel M A ValejoLIS 15w0 17b0 55w1 35b0 24w1 36b0 30w0251146,52122
45Cunha Ana Filipa MartinsPRT 16b0 30w0 50b0 54w0 55b1 24w1 38b0252138,517,518,5
46Dias Tiago Francisco BaboPRT 17w1 15b0 37w1 13b1 9w0 25b0 22w-331182,527,531
47Durao Jose Ricardo CunhaLIS 18b0 32w0 52b1 36w1 20b0 39w1 29b0334168,521,522,5
48Ferreira Beatriz OliveiraLRA 19w0 31b0 57w½ 37b0 49w½ 54b1 40w1341156,518,519,5
49Marques Pedro Miguel SerraoLIS 20b0 34w0 56b0 58w0 48b½ 55w0 24b½15813418,519,5
50Martinho Joao Francisco VarguesLIS 21w½ 33b0 45w1 18w0 37b0 57b½ 43w1336164,520,522
51Raimundo Rui Miguel AlvesLIS 22b0 36w0 58b1 34w0 30b1 32w1 41b142916417,520
52Ribeiro Cristiana Patricia SPRT 23w0 35b0 47w0 55b1 31w0 38w0 58b0156146,520,521,5
53Santana Carlos Andre EusebioLRA 24b1 14w0 30b1 16w0 29w0 43b1 13w034215421,523
54Travassos Tomas Pedro Sousa GLIS 25w0 38w0 24b0 45b1 36w0 48w0 55b1253136,517,518,5
55Vaz Alexandra Sofia AlmeidaVRE 26b0 40w0 44b0 52w0 45w0 49b1 54w01571421213
56Relvas Tiago PereiraFAR 27w0 39b0 49w1 57b- 38b1 34w0 42b1335166,517,518,5
57Goncalves Tomas BrancoSAN 28b0 42w0 48b½ 56w+ 41w0 50w½ 39b1339162,51719
58Graveto Vitor Manuel Da Cruz GCOI 29w0 41b0 51w0 49b1 43w½ 30b0 52w12,5471511617

Tie Break1: Sum Of Buchholz-Tie-Breaks (all Results)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)