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X Obert Escacs de La Societat Coral Colon Sabadell 2016

Última actualización19.03.2016 01:51:12, Propietario/Última carga: Manuel Navarro Perez

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 9 rondas

Rk.NombreElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1Fernandez Aguilar Francisco2080 10w1 12b½ 4w1 7b1 2w½ 5b1 3w1 6b1 8b18485340,5
2MKAmores Gago Javier2110 22b1 21w1 25b1 5w1 1b½ 3w1 4b1 8w½ 7b½7,546,55138,5
3Campos Cayuelas Adria1959 35w1 17b1 7w½ 20b1 6w1 2b0 1b0 12w½ 16b+646,55038,5
4Martinez Arca Manuel1820 20b½ 13w1 1b0 46w1 11b1 27w1 2w0 19b1 9w½644,547,536,5
5Morais Carreras Javier1958 26b+ 43b1 24w1 2b0 19w1 1w0 12b½ 7b½ 13w164345,535
6Barba Rios Enric1961 14b1 42w1 19w1 -0 3b0 21w1 24b1 1w0 12b1642,545,534,5
7Roig Gorina Harold1885 36b1 16w1 3b½ 1w0 27b½ 23w½ 10b1 5w½ 2w½5,547,550,539,5
8Segarra Calderer Albert1990 -0 26b1 14w0 40b1 43w1 17b1 13w1 2b½ 1w05,54446,536
9Martinez Ferrer Rafael1718 16b0 38w1 41b1 25w½ 12b0 20w1 27b1 11w½ 4b½5,539,542,533,5
10Montllor Aguilera Francisco1692 1b0 30w½ 15b0 47w1 46b1 41w1 7w0 34b1 24w15,537,539,529,5
11Cecilia Aguado Francesc1803 43w0 45b1 44w1 24b½ 4w0 35b½ 37w1 9b½ 22w15,531,533,525,5
12Perez Berenguer Valentin1863 38b1 1w½ 20w0 14b1 9w1 19b½ 5w½ 3b½ 6w0544,54836,5
13Oliveras Cruz Jaume1849 29w1 4b0 22b1 21w½ 18b1 25w½ 8b0 26w1 5b0542,546,536,5
14Torralba Brosa Marc1685 6w0 33b1 8b1 12w0 15b0 16w0 40b1 41b1 30w1540,543,534
15Martinez Ferrer Albert1805 -0 -0 10w1 31b1 14w1 -0 29b½ 23w1 18b½54043,534,5
16Oliveras Cruz Marc2024 9w1 7b0 28w0 26b0 31w1 14b1 17w1 24b1 3w-54043,534
17Caro Martinez Ramon1738 44b1 3w0 46b½ 18w½ 30b1 8w0 16b0 38w1 29b1536,539,530,5
18Sanmarti Falguera Ricard1719 40w½ 31b½ 43w½ 17b½ 13w0 44b1 35w1 22b½ 15w½53436,527,5
19Sierra Casado Manuel1903 45w+ 41w1 6b0 37w1 5b0 12w½ 23b1 4w0 -04,5414434,5
20Lopez Martinez Angel1602 4w½ 50b+ 12b1 3w0 25b0 9b0 34w0 43b1 35w14,53941,533
21Lopez-Atalaya Faine Josep1829 32w1 2b0 31w1 13b½ 24w½ 6b0 22w0 35b½ 28w14,538,54231
22Algarte Cortes Serafin Ramon1697 2w0 32b1 13w0 44b1 37b1 24w0 21b1 18w½ 11b04,5384130,5
23Maqueda Berdugo Francisco1821 -0 -0 45w1 36b1 28w1 7b½ 19w0 15b0 34w14,5373930,5
24Ara Aymani Emili1875 49w+ 37w1 5b0 11w½ 21b½ 22b1 6w0 16w0 10b0441,544,535
25Rodriguez Font Roger1920 47b1 46w1 2w0 9b½ 20w1 13b½ -0 -0 -0441,543,534
26Flores Munoz Daniel1672 5w- 8w0 39b1 16w1 42b1 -0 28w1 13b0 -04404334
27Rivas Peix Raul1925 31w½ 40b½ 36w1 28b1 7w½ 4b0 9w0 29w½ -0436,539,530,5
28Villa Cardenas Jorge1722 41b0 49w1 16b1 27w0 23b0 30w1 26b0 37w1 21b04363930,5
29Ramos Tarres Gerard1707 13b0 39w1 37b0 30w0 32w1 43b1 15w½ 27b½ 17w043638,529,5
30Pascual Bonfill Albert1527 -0 10b½ 34w½ 29b1 17w0 28b0 49w+ 42w1 14b0435,538,530
31Martinez Lopez-Cozar Manuel1631 27b½ 18w½ 21b0 15w0 16b0 46w+ 43w½ 33b½ 41w1435,53829
32Fernandez Peitx Alvaro1610 21b0 22w0 47b½ 34w1 29b0 38w0 36b1 40w½ 42b1429,531,525
33Menendez Cabrera Enric1849 42b0 14w0 49b0 38w½ 34b0 47w1 45b1 31w½ 40b1427,529,522,5
34Nicomedes Carmona Jose1724 46w- 36w0 30b½ 32b0 33w1 39w1 20b1 10w0 23b03,5363930,5
35Castaneda Munoz Antonio1677 3b0 44w0 38b1 41w½ 40b1 11w½ 18b0 21w½ 20b03,5343728,5
36Villa Caiguelas Pascual1638 7w0 34b1 27b0 23w0 39b½ -0 32w0 44b+ 45w+3,5343628,5
37Garcia Millan Daniel1789 -1 24b0 29w1 19b0 22w0 42w1 11b0 28b0 38w½3,533,536,528
38Bazan Ramos Antoni1635 12w0 9b0 35w0 33b½ 45w1 32b1 41w½ 17b0 37b½3,5333527,5
39Pina Cano Francisco1594 -0 29b0 26w0 45b1 36w½ 34b0 -0 -1 43w13,529,531,524
40Garcia Torres Adolfo1457 18b½ 27w½ 42b½ 8w0 35w0 49b1 14w0 32b½ 33w0335,538,529,5
41Mayo Delgado Alfonso1491 28w1 19b0 9w0 35b½ 49w1 10b0 38b½ 14w0 31b033538,529,5
42Del Rio Crespo Jose Antonio1717 33w1 6b0 40w½ 43b½ 26w0 37b0 44w1 30b0 32w033335,526,5
43Sola Montoya Josep1579 11b1 5w0 18b½ 42w½ 8b0 29w0 31b½ 20w0 39b02,537,540,531,5
44Ortega Farrus Alfonso1522 17w0 35b1 11b0 22w0 47b1 18w0 42b0 36w- -02333527,5
45Almenta Palomo Antonio1640 19b- 11w0 23b0 39w0 38b0 -1 33w0 47b+ 36b-23233,526,5
46Farell Duran Josep1517 34b+ 25b0 17w½ 4b0 10w0 31b- -0 -0 -01,536,53930,5
47Navines Monfa Josep1642 25w0 48b0 32w½ 10b0 44w0 33b0 -1 45w- -01,532,53427
48Reginaldo Huix Pere1895 -0 47w1 -0 49b½ -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,5313326
49N. N.0 24b- 28b0 33w1 48w½ 41b0 40w0 30b- -0 -01,530,53325,5
50Villar Juan2225 -0 20w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00262721

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