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IRT Camp Nal Mayores Femenino AJEDREZ BLITZ 2015 XX Juegos Deportivos Nacionales Carlos Lleras Restrepo 2015

Última actualización09.11.2015 20:28:15, Propietario/Última carga: FECODAZ

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Rk.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.Rd12.Rd13.Rd14.Rd15.Rd16.Rd17.Rd18.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3  Des 4 Rp
1WIMHerrera Milena2158ANT 25b1 25w1 8w1 8b1 22b1 22w1 7w1 7b1 3b0 3w0 4w0 4b½ 11b1 11w1 2w0 2b1 16b1 16w113,501901322252225
2WGMFranco Valencia Beatriz Irene2210BOL 18w0 18b½ 23b1 23w1 15w1 15b0 29b1 29w1 12w½ 12b1 8b1 8w1 3w1 3b1 1b1 1w0 5b1 5w01321881221662166
3WFMSalcedo Jackeline1960BOG 32b1 32w1 9b1 9w1 7w1 7b0 12b1 12w½ 1w1 1b1 11w1 11b1 2b0 2w0 4w½ 4b1 6b1 6w01301921222202220
4WIMFranco Valencia Angela2223BOL 23b1 23w1 11w1 11b0 13b0 13w1 22w½ 22b1 15b1 15w1 1b1 1w½ 5w1 5b0 3b½ 3w0 7w1 7b½1211921021632163
5WGMOrtiz Nadya Karolina2246TOL 17w1 17b0 14b1 14w1 16w1 16b1 11b1 11w0 8b½ 8w1 13w0 13b1 4b0 4w1 7b½ 7w1 2w0 2b11211901121332133
6WIMRivera Ingris2095BOL 24w1 24b1 16b0 16w0 26w1 26b1 13b1 13w0 7b0 7w½ 25w1 25b1 9w1 9b0 14b1 14w1 3w0 3b111,501761119891989
7WIMMateus Martha2069VAL 29b1 29w1 31w1 31b1 3b0 3w1 1b0 1w0 6w1 6b½ 12b0 12w1 13b1 13w1 5w½ 5b0 4b0 4w½10,50190920692039
8Santos Morales Natalia Andrea2024BOG 30b1 30w1 1b0 1w0 24w1 24b1 25b1 25w1 5w½ 5b0 2w0 2b0 10b1 10w1 16w½ 16b0 18b½ 18w110,50182920092009
9WIMCastrillon Gomez Melissa2095ANT 26b1 26w1 3w0 3b0 18w1 18b1 16b0 16w0 20b1 20w1 14w1 14b0 6b0 6w1 13w1 13b0 17b½ 17w110,501801019321932
10WIMRamirez Heimy Polgar2108CUN 19w1 19b0 28b1 28w1 11w0 11b0 18b½ 18w1 17w0 17b1 16b1 16w0 8w0 8b0 26b1 26w1 23b1 23w110,501641019021925
11WFMDominguez Laura Lucia2064VAL 27w1 27b1 4b0 4w1 10b1 10w1 5w0 5b1 16w1 16b1 3b0 3w0 1w0 1b0 12w0 12b1 14b1 14w01001971020682068
12WIMChirivi C Jenny Astrid2140ANT 14w0 14b1 17b1 17w1 19b1 19w1 3w0 3b½ 2b½ 2w0 7w1 7b0 16w1 16b0 11b1 11w0 13b0 13w1100189919941994
13Ortegon Villacorte Daniela1886CUN 33w1 33b1 18b0 18w1 4w1 4b0 6w0 6b1 22b1 22w1 5b1 5w0 7w0 7b0 9b0 9w1 12w1 12b01001771020852067
14Velez Alvarez Laura Camila1806CAQ 12b1 12w0 5w0 5b0 28w0 28b1 31b1 31w1 26w1 26b1 9b0 9w1 15w1 15b1 6w0 6b0 11w0 11b11001711020692010
15WFMPachon Adriana2119CUN 20b1 20w1 22w0 22b0 2b0 2w1 19w1 19b1 4w0 4b0 29w1 29b1 14b0 14w0 23w0 23b1 25w1 25b11001701019491949
16Hernandez Fonseca Maria Paula1933SAN 34w+ 34b+ 6w1 6b1 5b0 5w0 9w1 9b1 11b0 11w0 10w0 10b1 12b0 12w1 8b½ 8w1 1w0 1b09,50177720952095
17Argote Heredia Valentina1853MET 5b0 5w1 12w0 12b0 21w1 21b0 27b1 27w1 10b1 10w0 22w1 22b0 20b1 20w0 19w1 19b1 9w½ 9b09,50173919881988
18WCMRodriguez Sofia1822VAL 2b1 2w½ 13w1 13b0 9b0 9w0 10w½ 10b0 30w1 30b0 26b1 26w1 19w0 19b1 29b1 29w1 8w½ 8b09,50170819181918
19Sandoval Yaneth1779BOY 10b0 10w1 21b1 21w1 12w0 12b0 15b0 15w0 24w1 24b0 30w1 30b1 18b1 18w0 17b0 17w0 28b1 28w190162918581885
20Onate Ana Milena1800GUA 15w0 15b0 30b1 30w1 29w0 29b0 28b1 28w1 9w0 9b0 24b1 24w1 17w0 17b1 25b1 25w0 22b1 22w090152918091842
21Benavides Moncayo Olga1896BOG 28b0 28w1 19w0 19b0 17b0 17w1 26b0 26w0 23b1 23w0 32w1 32b1 25b0 25w0 30w1 30b1 33w1 33b190132916691703
22WIMCastro Natalia Patricia1986ATL 35w1 35b1 15b1 15w1 1w0 1b0 4b½ 4w0 13w0 13b0 17b0 17w1 23b0 23w0 27b1 27w1 20w0 20b18,50161818671867
23WCMCespedes Galindo Estefania1853TOL 4w0 4b0 2w0 2b0 35b1 35w1 24b½ 24w0 21w0 21b1 28b1 28w1 22w1 22b1 15b1 15w0 10w0 10b08,50158818961917
24Barbosa Daniela1694MET 6b0 6w0 32w1 32b1 8b0 8w0 23w½ 23b1 19b0 19w1 20w0 20b0 29b0 29w0 33w1 33b1 35b1 35w18,50129816981717
25Rojas Andrea Lizeth1819BOY 1w0 1b0 27b1 27w1 31b1 31w1 8w0 8b0 29b1 29w0 6b0 6w0 21w1 21b1 20w0 20b1 15b0 15w080169818411832
26Velasco Luz Mariela1723BOY 9w0 9b0 35b1 35w1 6b0 6w0 21w1 21b1 14b0 14w0 18w0 18b0 33b1 33w1 10w0 10b0 32w1 32b180140817511761
27Guerra Verano Diana1655SAN 11b0 11w0 25w0 25b0 32b1 32w1 17w0 17b0 28w0 28b½ 35b1 35w1 30b1 30w½ 22w0 22b0 29w1 29b180124717101692
28Rodriguez Carolina1762MET 21w1 21b0 10w0 10b0 14b1 14w0 20w0 20b0 27b1 27w½ 23w0 23b0 31b1 31w1 32b1 32w1 19w0 19b07,50150716741697
29Vargas Diana Alejandra1676CAS 7w0 7b0 33b1 33w1 20b1 20w1 2w0 2b0 25w0 25b1 15b0 15w0 24w1 24b1 18w0 18b0 27b0 27w070161717581778
30Perez Herrera Laura Patricia1574MAG 8w0 8b0 20w0 20b0 33b1 33w0 35w1 35b1 18b0 18w1 19b0 19w0 27w0 27b½ 21b0 21w0 31w1 31b16,50130615821611
31Ortega Barros Lizeth Carolina1455GUA -1 -1 7b0 7w0 25w0 25b0 14w0 14b0 32b1 32w0 33w0 33b1 28w0 28b0 35w1 35b1 30b0 30w060121414981488
32Rocha Angelly1430MAG 3w0 3b0 24b0 24w0 27w0 27b0 33w1 33b1 31w0 31b1 21b0 21w0 35b1 35w1 28w0 28b0 26b0 26w050128514561515
33WCMDuran Maria Camila1536SAN 13b0 13w0 29w0 29b0 30w0 30b1 32b0 32w0 35w1 35b1 31b1 31w0 26w0 26b0 24b0 24w0 21b0 21w040120414151422
34Torres Cardenas Laura1423CAS 16b- 16w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000163000
35Duran Pastrana Michelle Melis1448CAS 22b0 22w0 26w0 26b0 23w0 23b0 30b0 30w0 33b0 33w0 27w0 27b0 32w0 32b0 31b0 31w0 24w0 24b0001260902856

Desempate 1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: The greater number of victories (variable)
Desempate 4: Performance (variable with parameter)