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Campionat de Mallorca Individual del 2015 - Primera 124332

Última actualización19.12.2015 21:39:06, Propietario/Última carga: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 158)

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 8 rondas

Rk.Nombre1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1Rubert Alfonso Victor 15b0 13w1 22b1 10w½ 11w1 8b1 4w1 2b½633,527,7537
2Andreu Lopez Santiago 22w1 12b0 9w1 32b1 8w1 4b½ 7w1 1w½633,527,0037
3Asensio Ramos Enrique Fernand 29w0 14b1 17w½ 16b½ 30w1 9b1 10w1 7b1627,523,7530
4Cristea Alex 31w1 32b½ 33b+ 5w1 7b½ 2w½ 1b0 13b15,53525,0037,5
5Aguilo Pons Francesc 9w½ 34b1 11w1 4b0 18w1 6b½ 10w15,53221,5033,5
6Navarrete Terrasa Antonio 14b1 7w0 15b½ 26w1 21b1 5w½ 11b15,531,522,5034,5
7Kehloul Gutierrez Sadek 26w1 6b1 8w1 20b1 4w½ 2b0 3w0537,522,5040,5
8Cerdo Fernandez Miguel 25b1 29w1 7b0 12w1 2b0 1w0 27b1 16w1531,517,0034
9Vicens Company Maria Antonia 5b½ 28w½ 2b0 27w+ 32w+ 3w0 25b1 15w153119,2534
10Torres Tur Juan 18b1 32w½ 1b½ 20w1 15w1 3b0 5b04,533,518,7537
11Borrego Sanchez Felix Manuel 13b1 15w½ 5b0 23w1 1b0 21w1 12b1 6w04,533,517,5036,5
12Oliver Jaume Fernando 21b1 2w1 20w0 8b0 26b1 11w0 17b14,531,518,7534,5
13Mascaro Pastor Miguel 11w0 1b0 14w1 24b1 19w1 16b½ 20b1 4w04,530,516,7534
14Pomar Mir Francisco 6w0 3w0 13b0 -1 31b1 23w1 21b½ 27w14,528,514,7530,5
15Nadal Marti Bernardo Pedro 1w1 11b½ 6w½ 18b½ 25w1 10b0 17w½ 9b043217,7535
16Escudero Ricart Pol -1 20b0 3w½ 23b1 13w½ 8b0431,515,2534,5
17Caliz Morales Felipe 3b½ 21w0 22b1 18w1 15b½ 12w0429,516,0033
18Viada Pons De Vall Carles 27b1 10w0 29b1 15w½ 5b0 17b0 19w½ -142813,2530,5
19Terradas Calafell Jaume 20w0 23w0 -1 29b1 13b0 22w½ 18b½ 25w142412,5026,5
20Gallardo Pina Neus 19b1 16w1 12b1 7w0 10b0 13w0 -03,53113,5034,5
21Pujadas Poulsen Javier 12w0 31b½ 24w1 17b1 6w0 11b0 14w½ 23b½3,52912,2531,5
22Navarro Gil Ricardo 2b0 1w0 34b1 17w0 19b½ 30w1 24b½3,5299,2530,5
23Torrens Gordiola Juan Antonio 33w0 19b1 30w1 11b0 16w0 14b0 -1 21w½3,52610,7528,5
24Baldo Company Jordi 32w0 21b0 13w0 34b1 29w1 26b½ 22w½3,524,59,0026
25Peralta Martinez Antonio 8w0 27w1 28b1 15b0 9w0 19b0328,59,5031,5
26Ballester Mas Antonio 7b0 34w1 6b0 12w0 31b½ 24w½ 30b½3277,2528,5
27Nadal Bestard Sebastia 18w0 25b0 31w1 9b- 28b1 30b1 8w0 14b03258,0027,5
28Martin Mascaro Juan 9b½ 25w0 30b0 27w0 34w0 29b1 31b13228,5023,5
29Florit Mulet Miguel 3b1 8b0 18w0 19w0 24b0 28w0 34w12,527,58,7529
30Orcera Gomez Francisco 23b0 28w1 3b0 27w0 22b0 26w½2,5277,0030
31Ballester Cladera Antonio 4b0 21w½ 27b0 14w0 26w½ 34b1 28w02,5256,0026,5
32Sanabria Macias Anselmo 24b1 4w½ 10b½ 2w0 9b- -0 -0 -02318,2534
33Torrejon Rodriguez Daniel 23b1 4w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,527,55,2530
34Llabres Coll Juan 5w0 26b0 22w0 24w0 28b1 31w0 29b01,5253,7527,5

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 2: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)