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Nationale Pupillendag 2015 - Categorie F

Last update 21.06.2015 12:53:29, Creator/Last Upload: fpi

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Rutten Alexander1333NED 30b1 9w1 8b1 7w1 2b1 3w1 4b½6,502623,50
2Honkoop Stella895NED 33w1 29b1 11w1 24b1 1w0 5b1 6w1602119,00
3Lipschart Olivier709NED 13b½ 44w1 22b1 10w1 6b1 1b0 11w15,5022,517,25
4Tjong Tjin Joe Wesley757NED 21w1 17b1 5w0 30b1 24w1 7b1 1w½5,5021,517,75
5Warnaar Tim500NED 42w1 16b1 4b1 6w0 8b1 2w0 14b15023,514,50
6Van Der Hagen Loek863NED 39b1 14w1 12b1 5b1 3w0 15w1 2b0502315,00
7Salomons Matthijs624NED 25b1 15w1 10b1 1b0 18w1 4w0 23b1502215,50
8Bello Ingo673NED 37w1 23b1 1w0 17b1 5w0 34b1 19w1502014,00
9Adema Wessel599NED 26w1 1b0 48w1 42b1 11w½ 18b1 10w½501810,50
10Roebers Eline835NED 20w1 19b1 7w0 3b0 30w1 24b1 9b½4,5021,513,00
11Tran Kimmily650NED 40w1 34b1 2b0 32w1 9b½ 13w1 3b04,502111,00
12De Putter Sven616NED 35w1 38b1 6w0 25b½ 29w0 17b1 15b14,5017,510,75
13Geelhoed Merel405NED 3w½ 33b1 16w0 38b1 39w1 11b0 25b14,5017,510,25
14Bruggink Lyne561NED 36w1 6b0 21w1 18w0 32b1 16b1 5w0402010,00
15Mensing Luana407NED 44w1 7b0 29w1 16b1 25w1 6b0 12w040208,50
16Donders Hendrik664NED 32b1 5w0 13b1 15w0 20b1 14w0 33b14019,510,00
17Muntean Felix542NED 43b1 4w0 31b1 8w0 26b1 12w0 35b140198,00
18Zubair Muhammad Saad805NED 48w1 27b1 24w0 14b1 7b0 9w0 30w140197,50
19Gardair Nils589NED 47b1 10w0 32b0 40w1 31b1 22w1 8b040177,00
20Blokland Bent462NED 10b0 31w0 36w1 35b1 16w0 42b1 29w140167,50
21Mang Dalya406NED 4b0 28w1 14b0 29b0 36w1 43w1 41b14015,57,00
22Tiggelaar Joas834NED 46b1 24w0 3w0 48b1 33w1 19b0 34w140155,50
23Katsarov Maks532NED 49w1 8w0 43b0 36b1 42w1 29b1 7w04014,55,00
24Ang Rufus546NED 41w1 22b1 18b1 2w0 4b0 10w0 26b½3,5021,57,75
25Molanus Eva373NED 7w0 49b1 27w1 12w½ 15b0 38b1 13w03,5018,54,75
26Aarts Joaquin352NED 9b0 39w0 44b1 46w1 17w0 37b1 24w½3,50155,25
27Maes Zayd551NED 28b1 18w0 25b0 31w0 41b½ 44w1 39b13,5014,55,50
28Chen Yisha289NED 27w0 21b0 37w1 34b0 48w1 40b½ 38w13,50144,25
29Molanus Florian601NED 31b1 2w0 15b0 21w1 12b1 23w0 20b03020,57,00
30Arnold Lorin494NED 1w0 35b1 40w1 4w0 10b0 39w1 18b03019,55,00
31Liu Yiling357NED 29w0 20b1 17w0 27b1 19w0 33b0 42w13017,55,00
32Van Hagen Fabiƫnne401NED 16w0 41b1 19w1 11b0 14w0 35b0 45w130173,50
33Hatamirad Mahbod491NED 2b0 13w0 47b1 49w1 22b0 31w1 16w030172,00
34Kudlicka Nathan514NED 45b1 11w0 42b0 28w1 43b1 8w0 22b03015,53,50
35Maris Evi361NED 12b0 30w0 45b1 20w0 47b1 32w1 17w03015,53,00
36Van Hagen Ingeborg341NED 14b0 46w1 20b0 23w0 21b0 49w1 43b13015,52,00
37Kooistra Marthijn403NED 8b0 43w0 28b0 45w1 49b1 26w0 40w130132,00
38Vrijenhoek Mats0NED -1 12w0 39b½ 13w0 46b1 25w0 28b02,50172,75
39Shafie Sina474NED 6w0 26b1 38w½ 43w1 13b0 30b0 27w02,5016,53,00
40Voorbergen Milan394NED 11b0 45w1 30b0 19b0 44w1 28w½ 37b02,5015,53,25
41Hematyar Parisa215NED 24b0 32w0 46b0 -1 27w½ 48b1 21w02,50132,50
42Duursma Yorick100NED 5b0 -1 34w1 9w0 23b0 20w0 31b020192,50
43Duursma Wietse173NED 17w0 37b1 23w1 39b0 34w0 21b0 36w020173,00
44Catalan Ciro758NED 15b0 3b0 26w0 47w1 40b0 27b0 48w120151,00
45Prevoo Joshua117NED 34w0 40b0 35w0 37b0 -1 46w1 32b020131,00
46Van Stormbroek Thom447NED 22w0 36b0 41w1 26b0 38w0 45b0 -120121,00
47Dusebout Marnix346NED 19w0 48b0 33w0 44b0 35w0 -1 49b1209,50,50
48Veldboer Vin442NED 18b0 47w1 9b0 22w0 28b0 41w0 44b01015,50,00
49Stoffels Freya160NED 23b0 25w0 -1 33b0 37w0 36b0 47w01014,50,00

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable