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Finalele Campionatelor Nationale de Sah Rapid - masculin

Last update 06.12.2008 21:50:29, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 5)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IMMiron Lucian-Costin2437ROU 53b1 30w1 31b1 4w½ 12w1 22b½ 11w163328,0025
2IMSzabo Gergely-Andras-Gyula2502ROU 74w1 29b1 37w1 35b1 10w½ 14b1 4w½63125,7526
3GMIonescu Constantin2422ROU 82w1 71b1 38w1 6b½ 11w½ 25b1 10w163024,7524,5
4IMNanu Ciprian-Costica2506ROU 78w1 33b1 16w1 1b½ 13w½ 18b1 2b½5,534,526,0024
5GMManolache Marius2494ROU119w1 49b1 8w1 12b½ 6w1 10b½ 9w½5,53325,2524,5
6IMArdelean George-Catalin2502ROU 65b1 20w1 27b1 3w½ 5b0 34w1 24b15,53324,5023
7IMSofronie Iulian2471ROU 80w1 47b1 35w0 28b1 19w1 13b½ 22w15,53023,5022
8IPetrisor Adrian-Marian2249ROU106b1 73w1 5b0 41w½ 59b1 27w1 23w15,527,520,0021
9MDoncea Vladimir2434ROU105b0106w1 63b1 17w1 32b1 42w1 5b½5,526,521,7520,5
10IMRaceanu Valentin2436ROU 58w1 62b1 19w1 23b1 2b½ 5w½ 3b053422,2524,5
11IMMateuta Gabriel2501ROU 68b1 17w1 43b1 15w½ 3b½ 36w1 1b0533,522,0023,5
12GMMarin Mihail2556ROU 88b1 70w1 36b1 5w½ 1b0 30w1 14b½532,521,2522,5
13IMManea Alexandru2410ROU 64b1 41w1 22b½ 57w1 4b½ 7w½ 15b½531,521,2522,5
14GMBadea Bela2485ROU 79b1 50w1 57b½ 40w1 15b1 2w0 12w½530,520,2523
15GMLupulescu Constantin2594ROU 81w1 25b1 24w1 11b½ 14w0 57b1 13w½53020,0022,5
16FMGeorgescu Tiberiu2400ROU 92b1 59w1 4b0 30w½ 20b1 40w½ 42b152919,2520
17CMVladescu Florin-George2202ROU113w1 11b0 80w1 9b0 58w1 39b1 35w152716,5018
18CMSandor Petrut2230ROU 90b½ 91w1114b1 22w½ 26b1 4w0 36b152516,0020,5
19CMOnut Simeon2238ROU112b1105w1 10b0 66w1 7b0 87w1 40b152514,5020
20FMHristodorescu Daniel2209ROU108w1 6b0119w1 90b1 16w0 45b1 43w152514,5019
21CMBarzanu Iulian2248ROU 39w0109b1 81w1 46b1 25w0 71b1 38w152415,5018
22GMJianu Vlad-Cristian2544ROU 89w1 28b1 13w½ 18b½ 35w1 1w½ 7b04,53319,5021,5
23GMGrigore George-Gabriel2519ROU 63b1 42w1 26b1 10w0 31b1 24w½ 8b04,53118,5022
24IMGrecescu Gabriel-Andrei2421ROU 77b1 34w1 15b0 50w1 70b+ 23b½ 6w04,530,518,2521
25MVarlan Hervig-Ioan2208ROU 93b1 15w0 79b1 55w1 21b1 3w0 31b½4,53016,7519,5
26IMCarmaciu Lucian-Catalin2400ROU 69w1 45b1 23w0 47b1 18w0 29b½ 65w14,52917,2519
27IMGrigore Nicolae-Petre2382ROU 98w1 51b1 6w0 62b½ 49w1 8b0 47w14,52916,2519
28CMOcnarescu Victor2187ROU 99b1 22w0 53b1 7w0 79b1 44w1 32b½4,52815,7517,5
29CMPrunescu Claudiu2164ROU103b1 2w0 64b1 36w0 53b1 26w½ 59b14,52815,7517
30IMiroiu George-Catalin2171ROU107w1 1b0 82w1 16b½ 56w1 12b0 60w14,52814,5018
31CMEnache Danut-Alexandru2239ROU109w1 84b1 1w0 48b1 23w0 46b1 25w½4,52714,2519,5
32MMosnegutu Klauss2238ROU 83w0110b1 78w1 45b1 9w0 48b1 28w½4,52615,2517,5
33FMBondoc Dan-Vladimir2178ROU104b1 4w0 77b½ 92w1 41b0 64w1 62b14,524,513,5016,5
34CMLuncasu Raul-Ionut2162ROU115w1 24b0 94w1 37b½ 72w1 6b0 57w14,52412,5018
35MVeneteanu Ion-Cristian2243ROU 97b1 55w1 7b1 2w0 22b0 50w1 17b0431,516,0020
36FMBaratosi Daniel2421ROU 94w1 48b1 12w0 29b1 38w1 11b0 18w043015,0020
37MAnton Teodor2350ROU 85b1 66w1 2b0 34w½ 40b0 54w1 41b½42914,7517,5
38CMNemes Silviu-Virgil2237ROU 76b1 52w1 3b0 73w1 36b0 66w1 21b042914,0019
39MCiobanu Aurelian1195ROU 21b1 61w1 40b0 42w0 73b1 17w0 87b142815,0017
40CMNuta Dan2144ROU114w½ 60b1 39w1 14b0 37w1 16b½ 19w042814,7518,5
41IDragomir Nicolae-Laurentiu2129ROU100w1 13b0 98w1 8b½ 33w1 43b0 37w½42814,2517,5
42MNita Lucian2230ROU117w1 23b0 74w1 39b1 43w1 9b0 16w0427,512,5019
43CMDaianu Cristian-Clement2276ROU101b1 87w1 11w0 71b1 42b0 41w1 20b0426,512,5019
44IIIFugulin Daniel-Valentin419ROU 49w0 58b1 46w0 80b1 51w1 28b0 89w142613,5014
45IVlad Oliviu-Catalin2036ROU 54b1 26w0 96b1 32w0 99b1 20w0 76b1425,511,5016
46ICirjan Daniel2060ROU 52b0 97w1 44b1 21w0106b1 31w0 85b142511,5015
47CMIosifescu Claudiu2129ROU120b1 7w0 85b1 26w0 77b1 61w1 27b042510,5017
48IAndronescu Madalin2044ROU111b1 36w0 52b1 31w0 76b1 32w0 72b1424,511,5016
49CMDone Stefan-Daniel2154ROU 44b1 5w0 92b½114w1 27b0 72w½ 79b142411,2515,5
50CMSenetia Teodor2179ROU 86w1 14b0105w1 24b0 82w1 35b0 74w142411,0016
51IBida Mihai-Eugen1987ROU116b1 27w0 61b1 70w0 44b0 77w1 75b142411,0015
52CMLazarean Colea-Valentin401ROU 46w1 38b0 48w0 58b0102w1 82b1 94w1423,512,0013
53IDumitrescu Robert1880ROU 1w0115b1 28w0108b1 29w0111b1 71w1422,57,5013
54IRaducu Marcel401ROU 45w0 72b0113w1 94b1 81w1 37b0 78w1421,510,5013
55CMStoicescu Horia2043ROU 96w1 35b0 84w1 25b0 90w½ 93b1 61w½421,510,0016
56CMGrigore Mitica2016ROU 60w½114b0116b1 91w1 30b0 75w½ 86b1419,510,2514,5
57FMPessi Emil-George2260ROU102w1 83b1 14w½ 13b0 62w1 15w0 34b03,528,511,5018,5
58Popescu Daniel-Ionut1876ROU 10b0 44w0104b1 52w1 17b0 99w1 66b½3,526,510,7511,5
59CMGeorgescu Cristian2088ROU 95w1 16b0 72w½ 60b1 8w0 91b1 29w03,5269,5015,5
60Radulescu Gabriel401ROU 56b½ 40w0 88b1 59w0 97b1 63w1 30b03,52511,0013,5
61FMDobre Claudiu-Cristian2284ROU 72w1 39b0 51w0102b1 74w1 47b0 55b½3,524,510,5014,5
62IChirita-Mihaila Marius-Constan2091ROU118b1 10w0101b1 27w½ 57b0 90b1 33w03,5248,7516
63CMFugulyan Grigore1977ROU 23w0108b1 9w0 83b1 67w½ 60b0 90w13,5248,7512,5
64ICosmulescu Alexandru-Paul1795ROU 13w0 95b1 29w0 75b½100w1 33b0 91w13,5248,5012
65ITecu Ion1936ROU 6w0113b1 70b0 93w½114b1 67w1 26b03,5248,2513
66ITurcu Iulian2079ROU123w1 37b0 83w1 19b0105w1 38b0 58w½3,5227,2515,5
67FMBaciu Stefan2210ROU 91b½ 90w½ 68b½ 77w½ 63b½ 65b0 93w13,52110,0013,5
68IVladescu Viorel-Ovidiu1924ROU 11w0 86b1 67w½ 72b0 93w0107b1 95w13,520,58,2511,5
69IIlie Andrei1787ROU 26b0 75w0107b0120w1 95b½103w1 92b13,5177,008,5
70FMPribeanu Dacian2232ROU110w1 12b0 65w1 51b1 24w- -0 -03289,5016
71CMTomoaie Marian2080ROU 75b1 3w0 76b1 43w0 85b1 21w0 53b03289,0015
72IMunteanu Ali-Eduard1734ROU 61b0 54w1 59b½ 68w1 34b0 49b½ 48w032711,2513,5
73FMGeorgescu Gabriel-Ioan2044ROU121w1 8b0 75w1 38b0 39w0 98b1 -0324,57,5014
74IDobre Florin-Iulian1930ROU 2b0 99w1 42b0107w1 61b0 83w1 50b0324,57,0012
75Iamandi Ionut401ROU 71w0 69b1 73b0 64w½ 92b1 56b½ 51w03249,7512
76IRosca Constantin685ROU 38w0 89b1 71w0 78b1 48w0 80b1 45w03249,0012
77IMihailiuc Flavius-Iulian1804ROU 24w0100b1 33w½ 67b½ 47w0 51b0107w13248,0011,5
78IMarin Constantin1958ROU 4b0 93w1 32b0 76w0104b1106w1 54b03247,0011
79IIordache Adrian1892ROU 14w0107b1 25w0110b1 28w0 84b1 49w03246,0012
80IAmarandei Rares-Georgian1891ROU 7b0103w1 17b0 44w0118b1 76w0112b1323,56,0010
81IPirvulescu Adrian1984ROU 15b0112w1 21b0101w1 54b0 85w0109b13236,0011
82ITomici Stefan1852ROU 3b0120w1 30b0 96w1 50b0 52w0108w13234,5011
83CMAchim Nicolae739ROU 32b1 57w0 66b0 63w0 96b1 74b0105w13228,5011
84Iorga Corneliu401ROU124w+ 31w0 55b0 88w0116b1 79w0106b1320,57,0011
85IBarascu Alexandru-Florin1748ROU 37w0122b1 47w0 95b1 71w0 81b1 46w0320,55,5012
86IIPopescu Ioan-Romulus500ROU 50b0 68w0 89w0115b1110w1105b1 56w03205,509
87CMAnuta Elefterie-Laurentiu2070ROU122w1 43b0 90w0109b1 98w1 19b0 39w03204,5014
88IPop Alexandru1982ROU 12w0117b½ 60w0 84b1 91w0 97b½110w1319,56,509
89IMatei Adrian1980ROU 22b0 76w0 86b1106w0108b1109w1 44b0319,56,0010
90Sementov Gabriel-Alexandru600ROU 18w½ 67b½ 87b1 20w0 55b½ 62w0 63b02,527,59,2513
91IIBaciu Radu-George556ROU 67w½ 18b0117w1 56b0 88b1 59w0 64b02,5246,2511,5
92CMCiortan Mihail1769ROU 16w0123b1 49w½ 33b0 75w0100b1 69w02,5235,0010,5
93IIIeran Florin-Liviu509ROU 25w0 78b0123w1 65b½ 68b1 55w0 67b02,522,55,7510
94IZamora Aurel1803ROU 36b0118w1 34b0 54w0103b½114w1 52b02,5224,259,5
95Iacomi Tiberiu401ROU 59b0 64w0112b1 85w0 69w½119b+ 68b02,5216,258,5
96Popescu Cristian401ROU 55b0 -1 45w0 82b0 83w0113b1 97w½2,520,56,758,5
97CMVijiila Cristinel1077ROU 35w0 46b0100w½117b1 60w0 88w½ 96b½2,520,55,258
98IConstantinescu Cristian-Mihai1757ROU 27b0111w1 41b0116w1 87b0 73w0 99b½2,520,54,2510,5
99IIGhiveciu Alexandru500ROU 28w0 74b0122w1119b1 45w0 58b0 98w½2,520,54,259,5
100Georgescu Bogdan401ROU 41b0 77w0 97b½112w1 64b0 92w0120b12,518,54,257,5
101IICiobotaru Alexandru-Vlad1724ROU 43w0121b1 62w0 81b0111w0104b½117w12,5184,758
102IICatana Remus-Raul1682ROU 57b0116w0103b1 61w0 52b0115w½114b12,5184,757
103IIICiutac Sorin-Marian457ROU 29w0 80b0102w0122b1 94w½ 69b0111w12,5183,256,5
104IIIUntu Marius-Catalin487ROU 33w0119b0 58w0123b1 78w0101w½115b12,5183,256
105IVoiculescu Florin1873ROU 9w1 19b0 50b0121w1 66b0 86w0 83b02267,5011
106IIOtoiu Marian-Cristian1596ROU 8w0 9b0115w1 89b1 46w0 78b0 84w02254,509
107IIIMihalea Stefan469ROU 30b0 79w0 69w1 74b0119w+ 68w0 77b02226,008
108IITudor Mihai-Catalin511ROU 20b0 63w0111b1 53w0 89w0121b+ 82b0221,53,507
109INastase Robert-Paul829ROU 31b0 21w0120b1 87w0121b+ 89b0 81w02213,008
110IIVrajitoru Vlad-Laurentiu-Flori636ROU 70b0 32w0118b1 79w0 86b0122w1 88b02202,007
111Pasca Mihai-Alexandru401ROU 48w0 98b0108w0 -1101b1 53w0103b0218,56,007
112IDolana Andrei-Theodor798ROU 19w0 81b0 95w0100b0123w1118b1 80w0217,52,005
113IIVladescu Ion503ROU 17b0 65w0 54b0118w0120b1 96w0122b1217,51,504
114Dinu Dionisie-Adrian401ROU 40b½ 56w1 18w0 49b0 65w0 94b0102w01,525,56,009,5
115IIIDavid Alexandru-Vasile434ROU 34b0 53w0106b0 86w0117w1102b½104w01,5202,754
116Udrescu Valeriu-Irinel401ROU 51w0102b1 56w0 98b0 84w0117b0118w½1,518,53,256,5
117IIMiroi Robert-Andrei594ROU 42b0 88w½ 91b0 97w0115b0116w1101b01,517,53,005
118Gorunescu Nicolae-Gabriel401ROU 62w0 94b0110w0113b1 80w0112w0116b½1,516,52,754,5
119IVladescu Alin-Cristian1902ROU 5b0104w1 20b0 99w0107b- 95w- -01232,506
120Dumitrescu Razvan-Ioan401ROU 47w0 82b0109w0 69b0113w0123b1100w01170,502
121Oprea Alexandru-Ionut401ROU 73b0101w0 -1105b0109w-108w- -01163,505
122Jeltopop Nicolae401ROU 87b0 85w0 99b0103w0 -1110b0113w0115,53,503
123Ionescu Alexandru-Florin401ROU 66b0 92w0 93b0104w0112b0120w0 -1114,53,501
124MPalamar Cristian2071ROU 84b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0024,50,000

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Sonneborn-Berger Tie-Break (with modified points, analogous to Buchholz Tie-Break)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break