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VIII IRT Academia Potiguar de Xadrez - Clássico

Last update 07.06.2015 23:41:03, Creator/Last Upload: Maximo Igor Macedo

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Hiramine Rodrigo Yoshio Ferre1968BRA 24w1 30b1 22w1 2b1 6w+501314
2Rocha Vitor Firmo De Souza2089BRA 20b1 23w1 12b1 1w0 7w14013,515,5
3Xavier Lucca Lucas2031BRA 36b1 8w1 9b0 25w1 12b14011,513
4Hiramine Ricardo Hiroshi Ferr2080BRA 21w1 22b0 10b1 23w1 9b1401113
5Goncalves Costa Douglas Jose0BRA 18w½ 19b½ 31w1 22b+ 13b14010,511,5
6Cilento Lucas Geraldo1862BRA 10b½ 28w1 15b1 11w1 1b-3,5013,515
7Pinheiro Davi Sales1999BRA 17w1 14b1 11w½ 9w1 2b03,501315,5
8Oliveira Jr Antonio Fernandes1851BRA 33w1 3b0 17w½ 19b1 23w13,501112
9Silva Carolina Alves1815BRA 31w1 13b1 3w1 7b0 4w03014,515,5
10De Santana Jose Ricardo Goncalves0BRA 6w½ 18b1 4w0 17b1 11b½3013,516
11Lima Alan Silva De1933BRA 37w1 15w1 7b½ 6b0 10w½3013,514,5
12Jordao Barbosa Marcio1952BRA 29b1 25w1 2w0 14b1 3w0301315
13Dos Anjos Avner Augusto1973BRA 26b1 9w0 36b1 20w1 5w0301112,5
De Araujo Antonio Jose1645BRA 16b1 7w0 27b1 12w0 26b1301112,5
15FMMacedo Maximo Valerio2107BRA 32w1 11b0 6w0 37b1 24w13010,511,5
16Rodrigues Gabriel Bacurau0BRA 14w0 24b0 -1 36w1 25b1308,59,5
17Melo Guilherme Gama Do Nascim1553BRA 7b0 33w1 8b½ 10w0 28b12,5011,512,5
18Frankental David1757BRA 5b½ 10w0 26b½ 29w1 20b½2,501113
19Da Silva Araujo Gabriel Victo1823BRA 28b½ 5w½ 29b½ 8w0 32b12,5010,512
20Dantas Isaac Pereira1625BRA 2w0 37b1 30w1 13b0 18w½2,5010,511,5
21Vilela Paulo Sergio Da Camara1598BRA 4b0 34w1 23b0 28w½ 36b+2,50910,5
22Gomes Jose Murilo1899BRA 34b1 4w1 1b0 5w- -0201516,5
23Macedo Alexandre Soares De1899BRA 35w1 2b0 21w1 4b0 8b02013,515
24Arruda Junior Jair Jose1527BRA 1b0 16w1 25b0 27w1 15b0201213,5
25De Araujo Marco Antonio Sena1661BRA 27w1 12b0 24w1 3b0 16w02011,513
26Gomes Caio Moreira1541BRA 13w0 31b½ 18w½ 35b1 14w0201011
27Miguel Lucas Ramonn da Silva0BRA 25b0 -1 14w0 24b0 37w1208,59,5
28Do Nascimento Igor Oliveira0BRA 19w½ 6b0 32w½ 21b½ 17w01,501112,5
29Vital Pablo Manoel Santana1472BRA 12w0 32b1 19w½ 18b0 -01,5010,512
30Silva Manoela de Lyra0BRA -1 1w0 20b0 32b0 35w½1,5010,512
31Dos Santos Bruna Roberta G A0BRA 9b0 26w½ 5b0 34w0 -11,501010,5
32Macedo Luiz Soares De1626BRA 15b0 29w0 28b½ 30w1 19w01,50910
33Do Nascimento Davi Alves0BRA 8b0 17b0 37w0 -1 34w½1,508,59
34Da Silva Karina Ingryd Olivei0BRA 22w0 21b0 35w0 31b1 33b½1,507,58,5
35De Barros Sara Maria0BRA 23b0 36w0 34b1 26w0 30b½1,5078
36Marques Dayvid Geverson Lopes1556BRA 3w0 35b1 13w0 16b0 21w-1011,513
37Fernandes Pedro Guilherme Mun1356BRA 11b0 20w0 33b1 15w0 27b0101011
38FMPinto Carlos Henrique Lopes2075BRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -000910
Bezerra Flavio Rodrigo Costa2062BRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -000910
Medeiros Israel Costa Smith De1970BRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -000910
Silva Alexsandro Lira1963BRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -000910
De Melo Braga Pamella Vittori0BRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -000910

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)