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IRT. Clasico Elo Menor 2200, Copa "Maestros Internacionales del Estado Bolívar"

Última actualización16.06.2015 01:54:58, Propietario/Última carga: Ramon Chalmeta Ugas

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 7 rondas

Rk.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1Marquez Ruiz Angel Jesus2151VEN 50b1 28w1 2b1 6w1 4b1 3w1 5b½6,527,5024
2Gonzalez Sanchez Jhoan Gabriel2015VEN 56w1 21b1 1w0 16b1 31w1 15b+ 11b1623020
3Didenot Chirinos Carlos2043VEN 42b1 29w1 8b1 5w1 11b½ 1b0 10w15,524,5022,5
4Rodriguez Guevara Luis eduardo2056VEN 47w1 41b1 12w1 14b1 1w0 5w½ 6b½523,5021
5Boyer Censore Giuseppe enmanuel2150VEN 19w1 16b1 17w1 3b0 12w1 4b½ 1w½522,5023
6Navarro Garcia Rodolfo2066VEN 55w1 18b1 15w1 1b0 19w1 10b½ 4w½522,5022
7Perez Contasti Pedro Jose0VEN 37w1 10b0 21w1 45b+ 20b1 -0 14w1520020
8CMUribe Jhonny Alberto2176VEN 38w1 45b1 3w0 10b½ 32w1 14b½ 16w1520018,5
9Seguel Perez Rene Alejandro1931VEN 51b½ 26w1 11w½ 19b0 47w1 35b1 23w1518017,5
10Barrios Edixon Edgardo2009VEN 33b½ 7w1 20b1 8w½ 18b1 6w½ 3b04,520,5023
11Mago Perez Victor Manuel2142VEN 43b1 13w½ 9b½ 28w1 3w½ 17b1 2w04,520022,5
12Alvarez Jean Carlos1894VEN 23w1 46b1 4b0 24w1 5b0 21w½ 28b14,519020,5
13Arcia Fernandez Jorge del Valle1775VEN 30w1 11b½ 14w0 22w½ 42b1 31b1 15b½4,517,5018,5
14Pulvett Grillet Roman Guillermo2066VEN 36b1 20w½ 13b1 4w0 29b1 8w½ 7b0419022
15Rodriguez Munoz Richard Jose1968VEN 48b1 24w1 6b0 29w½ 22b1 2w- 13w½418,5021
16Flores Rodriguez Carlos1857VEN 39b1 5w0 33b1 2w0 36b1 25w1 8b0417020
17Vallee Rivas Gabriel1987VEN 31w1 32b1 5b0 18w0 26b1 11w0 36b1417018,5
18Luces Camargo Rosselys Alejandra1730VEN 52w1 6w0 49b1 17b1 10w0 23b0 29w1417018
19Andarte Rosillo Carlos Eduardo0VEN 5b0 39w1 25b1 9w1 6b0 28w½ 21b½416,5021,5
20Guzman Flores Hermes Geraldo1695VEN 27w1 14b½ 10w0 43b1 7w0 34b½ 31w1416018,5
21Gonzalez Herrera Lenin Jose1635VEN 34b1 2w0 7b0 49w1 24b1 12b½ 19w½415,5020,5
22Rodriguez Guevara Omar Wilfredo0VEN 26b½ 33w½ 38w1 13b½ 15w0 32b½ 35w1415,5017,5
23Hernandez Lugo Arsenio Dario0VEN 12b0 44w1 28b0 50w1 45b1 18w1 9b0415017
Ovalles Gomez Guillermo Hugo0VEN 35w1 15b0 41w1 12b0 21w0 47b1 32w1415017
25Rodriguez Suarez Josue Valentin0VEN 32w0 47b1 19w0 38b1 30w1 16b0 37w1414016
26Martinez Rodriguez Julian del V.1584VEN 22w½ 9b0 30w1 27b½ 17w0 40b1 34w1413,50,518
27Palacios Garcia Argenis Eduardo0VEN 20b0 36w1 53b½ 26w½ 28b0 41w1 33b1413,50,516,5
28Troyani Seijas Gian Mauro1877VEN 49w1 1b0 23w1 11b0 27w1 19b½ 12w03,516021
29Narvaez Ibrain Jose0VEN 54w1 3b0 37w1 15b½ 14w0 45b1 18b03,516018,5
30Meneses Marcano Luirvis Josue0VEN 13b0 43w½ 26b0 51w1 25b0 53w+ 47w13,510015
31Garcia Uricare Luis Octavio0VEN 17b0 35b1 54w1 41w1 2b0 13w0 20b0315018,5
32Miniel Montano Jackson Miguel1581VEN 25b1 17w0 34b½ 53w1 8b0 22w½ 24b0314,5019
33Colmenarez Raul Gregorio0VEN 10w½ 22b½ 16w0 37b1 35w0 38b1 27w0312,5018
34Ramos Guzman Raul Antonio0VEN 21w0 55b1 32w½ 35b0 43w1 20w½ 26b0312,5016,5
35Maita Douglas Evit1725VEN 24b0 31w0 57b1 34w1 33b1 9w0 22b0312017
36Blanco Peinado Abraham Jacobo0VEN 14w0 27b0 40w1 52b1 16w0 48b1 17w0311018
37Sequera Morales Genesis G1660VEN 7b0 48w1 29b0 33w0 53b1 42w1 25b0311016,5
38Pastrano Gonzalez Jhonny Robert1546VEN 8b0 57w1 22b0 25w0 49b1 33w0 43b1310015,5
39Maita Gutierrez Noe Jesus0VEN 16w0 19b0 55w1 47b0 48w0 56b1 45w138012,5
40Pino Contreras Erick Daniel0VEN 41b0 42w0 36b0 56b1 55w1 26w0 50b138011
41Corredor Ramirez Jose Javier1653VEN 40w1 4w0 24b0 31b0 52w1 27b0 44w½2,510,5016,5
42Carrasquel Asdrubal Antonio0VEN 3w0 40b1 45w0 46b1 13w0 37b0 51w½2,510,5016
43Aray Alcala Alvaro Ramon0VEN 11w0 30b½ 46w1 20w0 34b0 55b1 38w02,510016
44Sequera Morales Jose David1547VEN 46w0 23b0 47w0 48b0 51b1 49w1 41b½2,55,5013
45Leon Cedeno Pedro Jose1890VEN 57b1 8w0 42b1 7w- 23w0 29w0 39b0212017,5
46Salazar Figueroa Diego Ramon0VEN 44b1 12w0 43b0 42w0 50b1 -0 -0210014
47Bonilla Farfan Guillermo Armando0VEN 4b0 25w0 44b1 39w1 9b0 24w0 30b029019
48Hernandez Figuera Ezequiel0VEN 15w0 37b0 -0 44w1 39b1 36w0 -027015
Lopez Diaz Jesus Alexander0VEN 28b0 50w1 18w0 21b0 38w0 44b0 55w127015
50Acosta Velasquez Carlos Luis0VEN 1w0 49b0 56w1 23b0 46w0 52b1 40w027014
51Caraballo Castañeda Vanessa0VEN 9w½ 54b0 -0 30b0 44w0 57w1 42b½26014,5
52Ortiz Munoz Carlos0VEN 18b0 -0 -1 36w0 41b0 50w0 56w126013
53Estrada Rodriguez Freddy Jesus1708VEN -0 56b1 27w½ 32b0 37w0 30b- -01,58,5015,5
54Molina Cequea Eric Gary1772VEN 29b0 51w1 31b0 -0 -0 -0 -016014,5
55Barreto Marcano Felix Abraham0VEN 6b0 34w0 39b0 57w1 40b0 43w0 49b014013,5
56Ceballos Cardeno Jorge Humberto0VEN 2b0 53w0 50b0 40w0 57b1 39w0 52b013013
57Herrera Marino Dalin Jose0VEN 45w0 38b0 35w0 55b0 56w0 51b0 -111010

Desempate 1: Fide Tie-Break
Desempate 2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)