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IRT Open 77 Distrital Mayores Absoluto BOGOTA D.C., 30 Abril-3 Mayo 2015

Última actualización04.05.2015 01:30:10, Propietario/Última carga: FECODAZ

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 7 rondas

Rk.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1CMValle Efrain2138BOG 16b1 4w1 36b1 19w1 2b½ 3w½ 12b16032,55
2IMRivera Alberto2345FID 25w1 18b1 8w1 21b1 1w½ 5b½ 3w½5,50344
3IMAcosta Alejandro2287BOG 17w½ 23b1 37w1 29b1 6w1 1b½ 2b½5,50324
4FMCadena M Gustavo Adolfo2183CAQ 11w1 1b0 38w1 14b1 21w1 19b1 7w½5,50315
5FMVargas Mauricio2099VAL 17b1 7w1 13b1 2w½ 15b15,50314
6Ceron Juan Carlos2068BOL 9w1 35b1 14w½ 10b1 3b0 30w1 18b15,50305
7FMRuiz Aguilar Pablo Alexander2297SAN 12b½ 15w1 5b0 32w1 28b1 22w1 4b½50314
8CMManrique Fernando1974BOG 54b1 41w1 2b0 18w0 40b1 24w1 19w15025,55
9Pereira Henry Alberto1955NS 6b0 48w1 57b1 13w0 54w1 35b+ 20b15023,55
10FMGarcia Alvaro2175BOG 15b½ 12w1 45b1 6w0 22b0 21w1 28b14,50294
11WFMSalcedo Jackeline2040COL 4b0 24w1 33b1 42w1 18b½ 13w½ 14b½4,50293
12FMRamirez Jaime Orlando2089BOG 7w½ 10b0 53w1 34b1 29w1 31b1 1w04,5028,54
Chegwing Alberto2073ATL 35w0 20b1 40w1 9b1 5w0 11b½ 29w14,5028,54
14Nieto Guillermo Luigui Ubald1959BOG 48b1 55w1 6b½ 4w0 16b1 18w½ 11w½4,5028,53
15Prado Leonardo2040BOG 10w½ 7b0 47w1 59b1 37w1 17b1 5w04,5026,54
CMGuzman Campo Elias2018CUN 1w0 25b1 39w1 37b½ 14w0 47b1 31w14,5026,54
17Nieto Manuel Valerio Waldo2086BOG 3b½ 5w0 56b1 50w1 49b1 15w0 30b14,50264
18WIMRamirez Heimy Polgar2159CUN 20w1 2w0 41b1 8b1 11w½ 14b½ 6w040323
19Rosero Zapata Luis Fernando0RIS 39w1 22b1 28w1 1b0 35w1 4w0 8b040304
20CMMotta Leon Gerardo2025BOG 18b0 13w0 48b1 33w1 42b1 36w1 9w04025,54
21Obando Guzman Soren Federico1932BOG 60w1 52b1 46w1 2w0 4b0 10b0 39w140254
22Ospina Ortiz Oscar Alexander1932BOG 56b1 19w0 55b1 10w1 7b0 25w½40253
23Salej Jorge2085BOG 3w0 44b1 31w0 54b1 40w140243
24Gomez Dario G2012BOG 28w0 11b0 62w1 43b1 38w1 8b0 32b140234
25CMDominguez Rincon Miller2105BOG 2b0 16w0 60w1 59b1 49w1 22b½40233
26Sanchez Rogelio0PAN 41b0 -1 30w0 39b0 43w1 38b1 42w140223
27Alvarez Angel Nelson Eduardo1726CAQ 46w0 62b1 35w0 54b0 56w1 52b1 36b14015,54
28CMEstrella Becerra Fernando1976BOG 24b1 32w1 19b0 30w½ 7w0 51b1 10w03,50273
Forero Edwin Johann1975BOG 53w1 31b1 3w0 12b0 44w1 13b03,50273
30Buitrago Bernardo1822CUN 33w½ 26b1 28b½ 46w1 6b0 17w03,50272
31Gaitan Bautista Oscar Daniel1798BOG 44b1 29w0 50b½ 45w1 23b1 12w0 16b03,50253
32Gonzalez Amalia1771BOG 57w1 28b0 7b0 52w1 46b1 24w03,50233
33Rosero Hugo Alberto1662BOG 30b½ 11w0 20b0 55w½ 60b1 46w13,5021,52
34Duarte Andres Javier1756BOG 55b0 56w½ 51b1 12w0 44b0 59w+ 47w13,50183
35FMBecerra Juan David2187BOG 13b1 6w0 27b1 36w1 19b0 9w- -03029,53
36Mena Yamil Octavio1966BOG 47w1 40b1 1w0 35b0 39w1 20b0 27w03025,53
37Gomez Morales Juan Sebastian1850BOG 58b1 50w1 3b0 16w½ 15b0 42w0 44b½30252
Penas Burgos Nestor1762BOG 4b0 57w1 24b0 26w0 51w130252
39Acuna Romero Vladimir1712COL 19b0 58w1 16b0 26w1 36b0 41w1 21b03024,53
40Hincapie Uribe Eduardo1732BOG 51b1 36w0 13b0 55w1 8w0 57b1 23b030233
41Cuellar Jose Gabriel1696CUN 26w1 8b0 18w0 52b0 58w1 39b0 55w13022,53
42CMGomez Perdomo Jonatan1857BOG 62w1 46b0 43w1 11b0 20w0 37b1 26b03021,53
43Rodriguez Venegas Jaime1679CUN 49w½ 42b0 24w0 26b0 50w1 56b13021,52
Ceballos Julio Cesar0BOG 31w0 53b½ 23w0 60b1 34w1 29b0 37w½3021,52
45Ramirez Alexis1719BOG 59b1 10w0 31b0 51w0 55b½ 57w13019,52
46Martinez Murcia John Alexander2039CAQ 27b1 42w1 21b0 49w½ 30b0 32w0 33b02,50242
47Pena Mora Carlos1632TOL 36b0 51w½ 15b0 48w1 50b1 16w0 34b02,50232
Fraile Vela Maria Isabel1612BOG 14w0 9b0 20w0 47b0 53b1 58w1 52w½2,50232
49Leal Pinzon Fernando Mauricio1828BOG 59w½ 43b½ 52w1 46b½ 17w0 25b0 -02,5021,51
Sierra Henry Alberto0SAN -1 37b0 31w½ 17b0 47w0 43b0 60w12,5021,51
51Luque Manuel Antonio0BOG 40w0 47b½ 34w0 53b+ 45b1 28w0 38b02,50212
52Lopez Parra Carlos Alberto0BOG 61b1 21w0 49b0 41w1 32b0 27w0 48b½2,5020,52
53Garvin Ricardo1694MAG 29b0 44w½ 12b0 51w- 48w0 62b1 -12,50201
54Aldana Boris Eugenio1653BOG 8w0 57b- 58b1 27w1 9b0 23w0 -02025,52
55Lopez Alberto0BOG 34w1 14b0 22w0 40b0 33b½ 45w½ 41b02024,51
56Gomez Leon Sebastian1556BOG 22w0 34b½ 17w0 27b0 61w+ 43w02023,51
57Jimenez Haddy Belleily0CAQ 32b0 54w+ 9w0 38b0 61w+ 40w0 45b02020,52
58Sepulveda Lyda Marcela1200SAN 37w0 39b0 54w0 -1 41b0 48b0 62w12017,51
59Aranguren Camilo Andres0BOG 49b½ 45w0 61b1 15w0 25w0 34b- -01,50221
60Bautista Chiquillo Leidy1567CUN 21b0 61w½ 25b0 44w0 62b1 33w0 50b01,5018,51
61Murcia Gerardo1754BOG 52w0 60b½ 59w0 57b- 56b- -01016,50
62Gomez Leon Nicolas1416BOG 42b0 27w0 24b0 60w0 53w0 58b00,5020,50

Desempate 1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: The greater number of victories