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GM Janis Klovans V memorial cup

Last update 10.04.2015 07:46:56, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMNeiksans Arturs2557LAT 27b1 8w1 6b1 13w1 5b1 4w½ 3b½60232930
2MKZuckovs Aleksejs2223LAT 36b1 18w1 4b1 5w½ 3w½ 10b½ 6w15,50228329,5
3NMMustaps Matiss2331LAT 29b1 11w½ 20b1 16w1 2b½ 7w1 1w½5,50226029
4WGMRogule Laura2252LAT 28w1 31b1 2w0 33b1 9w1 1b½ 11w15,50219027,5
5GMMiezis Normunds2516LAT 30w1 17b1 14w1 2b½ 1w0 15b½ 13w150233427,5
6MKLaimins Lauris2249LAT 49w1 33b1 1w0 31b1 13b1 8w1 2b050224426,5
7MKAgafonov Yuri2202LAT 34w1 37b1 13w0 23b1 21w1 3b0 10w150220425
8NMStasans Aivars2145LAT 24w1 1b0 25w1 41b1 14w1 6b0 15w150219527
9WIMSkinke Katrina2217LAT 26w1 10b½ 22w1 4b0 31b1 17w150218325
10FMLavendelis Egons2389LAT 23b1 9w½ 19b1 17w1 2w½ 7b04,50218327,5
11MKBolsakovs Vadims2089LAT 47w1 3b½ 21w0 38b1 19w1 16w1 4b04,50212025,5
12NMDaudzvardis Janis2130LAT 35w1 13b0 44w1 14b½ 16b0 26w1 18b14,50206922,5
13IMMeskovs Nikita2483LAT 32b1 12w1 7b1 1b0 6w0 22w1 5b040228029,5
14WGMBerzina Ilze2232LAT 43b1 22w1 5b0 12w½ 8b0 27w1 16b½40218126
15NMSmorodinskis Igors2319LAT 44w1 19b0 30w1 21b½ 20w1 5w½ 8b040218025
16MKBernotas Arturs2350LAT 25w1 20b½ 19w1 3b0 12w1 11b0 14w½40216826,5
17MKBerzinsh Ivars2189LAT 40b1 5w0 32b1 18w1 10b0 29w1 9b040211124,5
18MKSelivanovs Anatolijs1958LAT 41w1 2b0 37w1 17b0 24w1 21b1 12w040210325
19MKMierins Eriks2083LAT 39b1 15w1 16b0 10w0 11b0 36w1 29b140208423
20MKPetrovskis Olegs2140LAT 42b1 16w½ 3w0 26b1 15b0 23w½ 32b140207324
21IMAntoms Guntars2283LAT 26b½ 38w1 11b1 15w½ 7b0 18w0 33b140203924
22IIvanov Igor2027LAT 48w1 14b0 34w1 9b0 41w1 13b0 35w140200421
23WFMUngure Liga1938LAT 50b1 10w0 45b1 7w0 42b1 20b½ 25w½40198821,5
24MKSilmalis Janis1558LAT 8b0 27w0 50b1 32w1 18b0 44b1 31w140196020,5
25IPetrovs Jaroslavs1815LAT 16b0 42w1 8b0 45w1 27b½ 39w1 23b½40188921
26IVisnevskis Valdis1667LAT 21w½ 9b0 46w1 20w0 49b1 12b0 34w13,50199822,5
27MKPolyakov Fedor1917LAT 1w0 24b1 41w0 34b1 25w½ 14b0 39w13,50195623,5
28ILacis Aleksandrs1665LAT 4b0 46w½ 38b0 37w1 39b0 43w1 40b13,50168718
29MKParhomenko Margarita1754LAT 3w0 47b1 31w0 35b1 33w1 17b0 19w030202922,5
30MKBatashevs Arsens1915LAT 5b0 40w1 15b0 43w1 31w0 34b0 41w130202119,5
31MKKalnins Toms2056LAT 46b1 4w0 29b1 6w0 30b1 9w0 24b030199125,5
32MKBlumentals Gatis1832LAT 13w0 35b1 17w0 24b0 38w1 41b1 20w030198121,5
33MKSirokov Jevgenijs2000LAT 45b1 6w0 43b1 4w0 29b0 42w1 21w030195521,5
34IMesters Janis1577LAT 7b0 50w1 22b0 27w0 37b1 30w1 26b030195122
35IVissarionovs Artjoms1517LAT 12b0 32w0 36b1 29w0 43b1 49w1 22b030184119,5
36IGolsta Madara1601LAT 2w0 41b0 35w0 46b1 48w1 19b0 44w130182318,5
37IBridins Atis1797LAT -1 7w0 18b0 28b0 34w0 50w1 42b130179721
38IPetrovska Arina1372LAT 21b0 28w1 11w0 32b0 40w0 45b12,50188621
39IGolsta Ramona1455LAT 19w0 44b0 49w½ 47b1 28w1 25b0 27b02,50180718,5
40IDeglis Dainis1561LAT 17w0 30b0 47w½ 49b0 46w1 38b1 28w02,50170416,5
41IViksne Karlis1998LAT 18b0 36w1 27b1 8w0 22b0 32w0 30b020196622,5
42IParhomenko Anastasija1530LAT 20w0 25b0 48w1 44b1 23w0 33b0 37w020190220
43IBrikers Aleksandrs1662LAT 14w0 48b1 33w0 30b0 35w0 28b0 50w120186318
44IPomahs Ziedonis1721LAT 15b0 39w1 12b0 42w0 45b1 24w0 36b020176620
45IMjatezs Ivans1370LAT 33w0 49b1 23w0 25b0 44w0 48b1 38w020174817
46IBagirov Eldar1395LAT 31w0 28b½ 26b0 36w0 40b0 47w½ 49b120169817
47IAvotins Arturs1418LAT 11b0 29w0 40b½ 39w0 50b0 46b½ 48w½1,50168416
48IStrods Kristaps Reinis1375LAT 22b0 43w0 42b0 50w1 36b0 45w0 47b½1,50168114,5
49IVitins Janis1640LAT 6b0 45w0 39b½ 40w1 26w0 35b0 46w01,50164118,5
50IZags Tomass1850LAT 23w0 34b0 24w0 48b0 47w1 37b0 43b010165817,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: rating average Of the opponents (variabel With parameters)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)