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Campionat Provincial de Lleida 2008 Grup A

Last update 06.12.2008 13:46:23, Creator/Last Upload: Jordi Chalmeta Ugas

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1cmMonell Camarasa David2168AND 37b1 2w1 8b½ 27w1 4b½ 12w1 3b½ 5b1 11w17,546,55037,5
2Verdes Nadal Ramon1998ESP 42w1 1b0 15w1 16b1 11w1 3w0 12b1 6b1 4w+747,550,533
3cmTrepat Herranz Joan2238ESP 39w1 10b1 11w½ 5b½ 26w1 2b1 1w½ 4w½ 8b17475136
4cmColl Ortega Jordi2157ESP 36w1 7b1 20w½ 11b1 1w½ 5b1 8w1 3b½ 2b-6,5485137
5FMSimonet Marc2281AND 13b1 23w1 6b1 3w½ 8b1 4w0 20b1 1w0 9b½64953,535,5
6Brunet Martinez Josep2117ESP 46w1 15b1 5w0 -0 33b1 36w1 9b1 2w0 12b1641,542,530
7Gutierrez Martos Ferran2024ESP 47w+ 4w0 36b1 8w0 24b0 28b1 26w1 16b1 17w+6404326
8Ramon Solans Albert2095ESP 28w1 25b1 1w½ 7b1 5w0 23b1 4b0 20w1 3w05,5465032,5
9Visa Jordana Joel2016ESP 34b0 41w1 38b½ 22w1 17w½ 26b1 6w0 19b1 5w½5,537,540,526,5
10Parramon Guillaumet Jaime2027ESP 30b1 3w0 37b½ 38w0 40b1 21w0 33b1 29w1 27w15,53437,523,5
11Quintas Galeano Lluis2148ESP 19b1 32w1 3b½ 4w0 2b0 35w1 13b1 18w½ 1b0546,55028,5
12Campos Olaya Israel2138ESP 40w1 16b½ 34w1 20b1 23w½ 1b0 2w0 21b1 6w0542,545,530,5
13Nieto Farreny Francesc1932ESP 5w0 29b1 14w½ 17b0 37w1 22b1 11w0 23b½ 25w1539,54322,5
14Vallverdu Miret Oscar2094ESP 15b0 22w1 13b½ 37w1 -0 24w1 -0 25b½ 21w153942,523,5
15Mas Gene Oriol1843ESP 14w1 6w0 2b0 19b0 43w1 39b½ 37w½ 26b1 31w153942,520,5
16Pique Safont Joan Manel1999ESP 44b1 12w½ 33b½ 2w0 30w1 17b1 18b0 7w0 28w1538,54226,5
17Tressents Pla Lluis2126ESP 33b½ 38w1 27b0 13w1 9b½ 16w0 36b1 24w1 7b-537,540,526
18Llavall Sans Daniel2060ESP 25w0 28b½ 40w+ 34w1 38b1 20b0 16w1 11b½ -0536,539,526
19Blanch Plana Angel1910ESP 11w0 48b+ 23b0 15w1 36b0 34w1 32b1 9w0 30b15353822
20Monfa Sole Ramon2099ESP 31b1 24w1 4b½ 12w0 35b1 18w1 5w0 8b0 -04,54245,529,5
21Sanuy Moncasi Albert2047ESP 24b0 31w½ 22b0 44w+ 25w1 10b1 23w1 12w0 14b04,5384222
22Roig Olivart Angel1870ESP 35w½ 14b0 21w1 9b0 46b1 13w0 39b½ 32w1 29b½4,5363720,5
23Frances Cuscullola Oriol2010ESP 29w1 5b0 19w1 25b1 12b½ 8w0 21b0 13w½ -0438,542,525,5
24Coll Ortega Cristina1829ESP 21w1 20b0 26w0 28b1 7w1 14b0 27w1 17b0 -0438,542,523
25Solani Nunez Joshua1838ESP 18b1 8w0 32b1 23w0 21b0 33w½ 38b1 14w½ 13b043841,522
26Biosca Lacasa Jordi1954ESP 38b0 45w1 24b1 33w1 3b0 9w0 7b0 15w0 40b14384122
27De Paz San Martin Jose Angel2043ESP 45w1 34b½ 17w1 1b0 -0 38w½ 24b0 36w1 10b04374024
28Ponsarnau Marquilles Jaime1849ESP 8b0 18w½ 31b½ 24w0 41b1 7w0 34b1 38w1 16b0435,538,517,5
29Puig Santallusia Tomas1999ESP 23b0 13w0 39b½ 41w½ 31b½ 40w1 35b1 10b0 22w½434,537,516,5
30Santamaria Bonet Marc1766ESP 10w0 36b0 -1 31w1 16b0 32w0 45b1 39w1 19w0433,536,518
31Degracia Burgues Jose A1867ESP 20w0 21b½ 28w½ 30b0 29w½ 37b½ 41w1 35w1 15b0432,535,517
32Rodon Balcells Jaume1973ESP 48w1 11b0 25w0 35b0 45w1 30b1 19w0 22b0 36w14323519
33Farre Potrony Alex1877ESP 17w½ 35b1 16w½ 26b0 6w0 25b½ 10w0 42w1 -03,5384120
34Vila Carrera Jose M.2020ESP 9w1 27w½ 12b0 18b0 39w½ 19b0 28w0 45b½ -13,535,538,517,5
35Sole Monistrol Francisco1977ESP 22b½ 33w0 44b1 32w1 20w0 11b0 29w0 31b0 41w13,5343718,5
36Alba Tarradelles Jose1911ESP 4b0 30w1 7w0 45b1 19w1 6b0 17w0 27b0 32b0340,543,519
37Esparbe Grau Jaime1915ESP 1w0 42b1 10w½ 14b0 13b0 31w½ 15b½ 40w½ -03404316
38Fortes Jimenez Juan0ESP 26w1 17b0 9w½ 10b1 18w0 27b½ 25w0 28b0 -033841,520,5
39Carulla Alseda Javier1930ESP 3b0 -0 29w½ 43b1 34b½ 15w½ 22w½ 30b0 -0335,538,515,5
40Mora Amella Joan1884ESP 12b0 44w½ 18b- 42b1 10w0 29b0 46w1 37b½ 26w03323314
41Roig Sanclimens Francisco1833ESP -0 9b0 42w½ 29b½ 28w0 46w1 31b0 43w½ 35b02,530,531,511,5
42Sole Castane Jaume1944ESP 2b0 37w0 41b½ 40w0 -1 -0 44w1 33b0 -02,5303311,5
43Rodriguez Moles Julian1895ESP -0 46b1 -0 39w0 15b0 45w0 -1 41b½ -02,5293012
44Vallverdu Rebull Oscar1997ESP 16w0 40b½ 35w0 21b- -0 -1 42b0 46b- 46b12,529309
45Perez Cabas Jose1815ESP 27b0 26b0 46w1 36w0 32b0 43b1 30w0 34w½ -02,528,529,512
46Aloy Piulats Ramon1870ESP 6b0 43w0 45b0 -1 22w0 41b0 40b0 44w+ 44w0228,529,58
47Arnillas Moles Josep2045ESP 7b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -003640,50
48Palau Cabases Albert0ESP 32b0 19w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0032360

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break