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Moscow-Open 2015 A

Last update 08.02.2015 17:28:08, Creator/Last Upload: Moscow chess federation

Player overview for usa

30GMIbragimov Ildar2548USA1½1½½½½½½5,54410-7,70Open A
238Proleiko Julian1981USA½000½01½02,52264018,00Open A

Results of the last round for usa

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMIbragimov Ildar25485 ½ - ½5 FMKezin Roman2408
Payanidi Janis2167 1 - 0 Proleiko Julian1981

Player details for usa

GM Ibragimov Ildar 2548 USA Rp:2479 Pts. 5,5
1151IMSemiev Suhrab2310TKM5,5w 1102,00
2100Khanin Semen2387RUS5,5s ½10-2,10
388FMTologontegin Semetey2404KGZ5,5w 1103,10
497IMKozionov Kirill2391RUS5s ½10-2,10
574IMAtabayev Yusup2415TKM5,5w ½10-1,80
694IMSharafiev Azat2395RUS5,5s ½10-2,00
759IMKuderinov Kirill2452KAZ5,5w ½10-1,30
866IMPourramezanali Amirreza2432IRI5s ½10-1,60
983FMKezin Roman2408RUS5,5w ½10-1,90
Proleiko Julian 1981 USA Rp:2054 Pts. 2,5
1115GMYandemirov Valeri2365RUS6s ½4016,40
2103FMSorokin Aleksey2379RUS5,5w 040-3,20
3170IMAgeichenko Genadi A2269RUS4,5s 040-6,40
4101Zenin Dmitri2381RUS2w 040-3,20
5207Terekhov Konstantin2178RUS2s ½4010,00
6223Goltsev Dmitry2111RUS3w 040-12,80
7245Kruk Ivan1887MDA2,5s 14014,80
8185FMRozanov Pavel B.2241RUS3w ½4012,80
9210Payanidi Janis2167RUS3,5s 040-10,40