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Moscow-Open 2015 A

Last update 08.02.2015 17:28:08, Creator/Last Upload: Moscow chess federation

Player overview for ned

138Seip Rien2002NED01½½10011513520-13,80Open C
293Seip Theo1609NED00010½½00231140-14,00Open C

Results of the last round for ned

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Kirillov Konstantin18004 0 - 14 Seip Rien2002
Mahova Maria02 1 - 02 Seip Theo1609

Player details for ned

Seip Rien 2002 NED Rp:1759 Pts. 5
1304Abduzhamilov Abdugafar0UZB3,5w 0
2260Malychev Roman1785RUS2s 1204,40
3274Hasanzada Vusal1706AZE4,5w ½20-7,00
4246Osipov Daniil1823RUS4,5s ½20-4,60
5208Ulyankin Igor1903RUS2- 1K
643Botoyan Smbat2192ARM5,5s 020-5,00
7206Shliakhov Ivan1911RUS5w 020-12,40
8235Iskhakov Kamil1856RUS3w 1206,00
9254Kirillov Konstantin1800RUS4s 1204,80
Seip Theo 1609 NED Rp:1456 Pts. 2
1127Knyazev Nikolay2021RUS4,5w 040-3,20
2196Kashpur Mark1921RUS4s 040-5,60
3218Zakharova Anna1886RUS2,5w 040-6,80
4322Prokhorov Ivan0RUS2s 1
5243Dmitriev Nikolay1833RUS3,5w 040-8,80
6252De Luna Butz Alberto1809ESP3s ½4010,40
7266Kumarage Vishva1741RUS3w ½407,20
8226Oganov Mikhail1872RUS3s 040-7,20
9316Mahova Maria0RUS3s 0