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Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2015 - Amateur A

Last update 30.01.2015 14:03:07, Creator/Last Upload: Stephen Boyd ffe

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1 
1Saber Yasser0MAR -1 4b1 23w1 18w1 6b152597
2D`haluin Wim1770BEL 51b1 9b1 10w1 6w0 18b142008
3Kuenitz Klaus1680GER 31b0 48w1 20b1 23b1 19w141954
4Wright Jonathan1804ENG 41b1 1w0 16b1 29b1 13w141930
5Lopez Diaz Rafael1871ESP 47w1 26b0 35w1 39b1 7b141924
6Iglesias Fernandez Luis1735ESP 52w1 13b1 31w1 2b1 1w041865
7Bendriss Hatim0MAR 24w1 19b½ 25w1 14b1 5w03,51957
8Christophe-Hayot Romain1793FRA 37w1 29b1 14w½ 19b½ 10w½3,51948
9Szabo Gabor1885HUN 34b1 2w0 15b½ 27w1 26b13,51895
10Wilson Matthew R1840ENG 33b1 45w1 2b0 30w1 8b½3,51864
11Cramling Bellon Anna1585SWE 27b1 19w0 24b½ 35w131866
12Knudsen Jes West1888DEN 35w½ 30b½ 47w1 26b½ 14w½31823
13CMBoabaid Jorge Alberto Duardes1846BRA 16b1 6w0 45b1 21w1 4b031802
14George Lolomari Erekosima1857NGR 15b1 39w1 8b½ 7w0 12b½31792
15Villa Armenta Enrique1720ESP 14w0 50b1 9w½ 31b½ 29w+31761
16White Gary1705ENG 13w0 52b1 4w0 38b1 31w131746
17Sajjadi Kimiya1634NOR 19w0 20w0 48b1 47b1 39w131735
18Hodgson Jeremy K1816ENG 38w1 32b1 26w1 1b0 2w031701
19Irving Neil1809SCO 17b1 7w½ 11b1 8w½ 3b031692
20Martinez Rubio Felipe1806ESP 32w0 17b1 3w0 37b1 36w131691
21Collins Alan1748ENG 40w½ 36b½ 37w1 13b0 41w131676
22Longdin Michael1820ENG 42w0 46b½ 36w1 25b½ 32w131667
23Borg Flemming1834DEN 46b1 42w1 1b0 3w0 30b131650
24Gardner Phillip K1788ENG 7b0 41w1 42b½ 11w½ 33b131599
25Homer Neil S1716ENG 28b1 31w½ 7b0 22w½ 43b131594
26Tkadlecek Petr1755CZE 50b1 5w1 18b0 12w½ 9w02,51784
27Greibrokk Ingrid Andrea1758NOR 11w0 28b1 9b0 44w12,51666
28Lake Andrew N1847ENG 25w0 40b½ 27w0 49b1 42w12,51565
29Olufemi George1892NGR 49b1 8w0 34b1 4w0 15b-21764
30Aure Anders Nilsson1689NOR 12w½ 44b1 10b0 23w021762
31Murray J Stephen1841SCO 3w1 25b½ 6b0 15w½ 16b021639
32Savage Neil1628RSA 20b1 18w0 43b½ 44w½ 22b021629
33Lerider Anny-Laure1668FRA 10w0 44w0 51b1 40b1 24w021617
34Bauer Dieter1728GER 9w0 38b1 29w0 36b0 50w121602
35Opasiak Dustin Tennessee1729POL 12b½ 43w½ 5b0 46w1 11b021594
36Wasenius Thomas1556NOR 43b½ 21w½ 22b0 34w1 20b021588
37Gouait Raymond1595FRA 8b0 49w1 21b0 20w0 48w121584
38Oliva Parra Ernesto1575ESP 18b0 34w0 52b1 16w0 47w121563
39Kearsley Raymond J1741ENG 48b1 14b0 40w1 5w0 17b021553
40Pinto Carmona Angel1420ESP 21b½ 28w½ 39b0 33w0 46b121530
41Franklin Benjamin James1604ENG 4w0 24b0 50w1 45b+ 21b021508
42Poggio Freddie1637GIB 22b1 23b0 24w½ 43w½ 28b021496
43Jackson Paul R1760ENG 36w½ 35b½ 32w½ 42b½ 25w021494
44Zitan Abdelhay1835MAR 45w0 33b1 30w0 32b½ 27b01,51531
45Uphoff Juergen1656GER 44b1 10b0 13w0 41w- -011715
46Scharrer Isabel1655ITA 23w0 22w½ 49b½ 35b0 40w011467
47Hunt Caro1726WLS 5b0 51w1 12b0 17w0 38b011466
48Elishev Anton0RUS 39w0 3b0 17w0 51w1 37b011403
49Mielke Torsten1732GER 29w0 37b0 46w½ 28w0 51b½11367
50Kympergr Vojtech1462CZE 26w0 15w0 41b0 52w+ 34b01902
51Matto Gerard1563GIB 2w0 47b0 33w0 48b0 49w½0,51253
52Wasenius Anne Kari0NOR 6b0 16w0 38w0 50b- -00872

Tie Break1: Performance (variable with parameter)