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Campionat de Catalunya d'escacs actius d'edats. XII Memorial Garcia Ilundain Sub 8

Darrera actualització13.12.2014 20:20:53, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Manuel Navarro Perez

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 8 rondes

OrdreNom1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Pedra Marquina Alex 11w1 40b1 5b1 2w1 3b0 6w1 4b1 18w17443441
2Torrents Busquet Foix 46w1 35b1 24w1 1b0 16w1 14b1 3w1 8b17403037
3Company Fernandez Miquel 26w1 10b1 14w1 22b1 1w1 4w1 2b0 7b0644,533,540,5
4Casares Bonals Asier 17w1 6b1 25b1 15w1 7w1 3b0 1w0 10b16443340
5Camprubi I Juanola Jordi 48w1 8b1 1w0 33b1 11w1 13b1 7w0 16b1640,53138
6Parra Ordorika Arnau 43b1 4w0 9b1 30w1 24b1 1b0 20w1 17w1639,529,536,5
7Acevedo Egido David 28b1 34w1 39b1 12w1 4b0 10w0 5b1 3w1638,529,535,5
8Asensio Berna David 50b1 5w0 54b1 25w1 15b1 22w1 10b1 2w06362734
9Año Pla Gerard 57w1 22b½ 6w0 48b1 13w0 23b1 12b1 11w15,534,52733
10Funes Ostos Aitor 19b1 3w0 49b1 28w1 31b1 7b1 8w0 4w054031,537,5
11Planella Zavala Ivan 1b0 38w1 45b1 20w1 5b0 24w1 15b1 9b05392936
12Toquero Gracia Laura 21w1 36b1 16w1 7b0 14w0 31b1 9w0 38b1538,52935
13Roura Cortada Pep 30b1 20w1 15b0 39w1 9b1 5w0 18b0 28w1537,528,534,5
14Pano Soriano Gonzalo 49b1 52w1 3b0 19w1 12b1 2w0 17b0 32w1536,527,534,5
15Masdemont Serra Nuria 42w1 27b1 13w1 4b0 8w0 45b1 11w0 22b1536,527,533,5
16Garcia Encinas Nil 29b1 37w1 12b0 53w1 2b0 28w1 26b1 5w05352633
17Subiros Martinez Biel 4b0 43w0 32w1 21b1 44w1 39b1 14w1 6b05352632
18Kurylo Bogatyreva Alexandra 27w0 32b1 22w0 49b1 19w1 37b1 13w1 1b053525,532,5
19Esquivel Luque Diego 10w0 26b1 55w1 14b0 18b0 25w1 24b1 30w1532,52631
20Puente Fernandez Lucas 56w1 13b0 29w1 11b0 27w1 41b1 6b0 33w1532,52531
21Castro Granolleras Albert 12b0 29w0 50b1 17w0 51b1 53b1 41w1 26w15282126
22Blasco Pomarol Carlos 54b1 9w½ 18b1 3w0 25b1 8b0 36w1 15w04,537,529,535,5
23Sabino Blanco Alex 34w- -0 57w1 44b0 50w1 9w0 40b1 37b14,5272025,5
24Rubies Vazquez Antoni 33b1 53w1 2b0 37w1 6w0 11b0 19w0 43b14352633
25Ferrer Coll Lluc 32w1 44b1 4w0 8b0 22w0 19b0 48w1 45b143425,531,5
26Vertut Viladrich Marc 3b0 19w0 42w1 46b1 48w1 30b1 16w0 21b0433,52531
27Kostov Krumovski Trayan 18b1 15w0 31b0 35w1 20b0 38w0 44b1 39w14332530
28Consalvo Nicolas 7w0 47b1 41w1 10b0 40w1 16b0 39w1 13b04332430
29Koshelev Kozlov Andrei 16w0 21b1 20b0 34w1 39b0 35w1 30w0 49b143224,529,5
30Shneyderis Iliya 13w0 56b1 52w1 6b0 33w1 26w0 29b1 19b0431,52430
31Shneyderis Mihael 37b- 42b1 27w1 40b1 10w0 12w0 32b0 47w1431,523,528,5
32Gili Fernandez Guillermo 25b0 18w0 17b0 56w1 54b1 34w1 31w1 14b0430,52429
33Moles Benali Joan 24w0 57b1 34b1 5w0 30b0 44w1 45w1 20b043022,528,5
34Ansón Llobet Estel 23b+ 7b0 33w0 29b0 49w1 32b0 42b1 40w143021,527,5
35Ansón Llobet Laia 47w1 2w0 37b0 27b0 42w1 29b0 52w1 41b14292027
36Marti Baules Josep 52b0 12w0 56b1 54w1 37b0 43w1 22b0 46w142417,522,5
37Pinazo Serna Queralt 31w+ 16b0 35w1 24b0 36w1 18w0 38b½ 23w03,53425,530,5
38Campos Hernandez Guillem 40w0 11b0 51w1 41b0 52w1 27b1 37w½ 12w03,527,520,525,5
39Miró Arbelaes Aleix 51w1 41b1 7w0 13b0 29w1 17w0 28b0 27b0333,52531
40Sing Marfil Balvinder 38b1 1w0 43b1 31w0 28b0 46w1 23w0 34b0333,523,530,5
41Schaefer De Eguia Aik 45b1 39w0 28b0 38w1 43b1 20w0 21b0 35w0330,522,527,5
42Jacomet Rodriguez Josep-M. 15b0 31w0 26b0 47w1 35b0 50b1 34w0 53b1328,521,526,5
43De Carvalho Altimira Guifre 6w0 17b1 40w0 55b1 41w0 36b0 53w1 24w0328,52127
44Casado Graboleda Jokin 55b1 25w0 53b0 23w1 17b0 33b0 27w0 52b1327,52126
45Bouslama Fornons Youcef 41w0 51b1 11w0 52b1 53w1 15w0 33b0 25w0327,520,525,5
46Crespo Romero Lluc 2b0 54w0 47b1 26w0 55w1 40b0 51w1 36b032718,525,5
47Sanllehi Vico Albert 35b0 28w0 46w0 42b0 57w1 56b1 50w1 31b03241822,5
48Espada Español Lledo 5b0 50w½ 58b1 9w0 26b0 49w½ 25b0 51b½2,5282127
49Hill Bosch Bernat 14w0 58b1 10w0 18w0 34b0 48b½ 56w1 29w02,527,521,526,5
50Sans Baro Maria 8w0 48b½ 21w0 57b1 23b0 42w0 47b0 55w12,527,52026
51Ojeda Pacheco Matias 39b0 45w0 38b0 58w1 21w0 55b1 46b0 48w½2,522,516,521,5
52Lobo Pereira Arami 36w1 14b0 30b0 45w0 38b0 54w1 35b0 44w0228,521,526,5
53Serrat Noguera Noa 58w1 24b0 44w1 16b0 45b0 21w0 43b0 42w02272126
54Roig Riera Marc 22w0 46b1 8w0 36b0 32w0 52b0 57w0 58w12261925
55Solanas Gelabert Inuk 44w0 -1 19b0 43w0 46b0 51w0 58b1 50b02231722
56Marin Galito Ariadna 20b0 30w0 36w0 32b0 58b1 47w0 49b0 57w½1,5251924
57Compte Auge Lluis 9b0 33w0 23b0 50w0 47b0 58w0 54b1 56b½1,524,51823,5
58Caldas Ferres Oriol 53b0 49w0 48w0 51b0 56w0 57b1 55w0 54b01161214,5

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)