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Rīgas atklātās jaunatnes meistarsacīkstes (1997-2000)

Last update 31.10.2014 13:29:21, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1MKStabulnieks Klāvs2156LAT 13w1 11b1 3w1 6b1 2w1 4b1 7w½ 14b1 8w½836,54843
2IMigunovs Andrejs2094LAT 4w½ 12b1 15w1 3b1 1b0 10w1 6w½ 7b1 14w173648,534
3ISinauridze Simons2050LAT 20b1 16w1 1b0 2w0 25b1 22w1 10b1 6w1 4b17334332
4IKoļasa Pjotrs1873LAT 2b½ 17w1 10b½ 8w1 22b1 1w0 11b½ 5w1 3w05,537,548,530,5
5ISalenieks Eduards1879LAT 6w0 24b1 11w½ 7b½ 14w½ 15b1 13w1 4b0 12w15,532,540,525
6MKParhomenko Margarita2121LAT 5b1 9w1 22b1 1w0 10b0 12w1 2b½ 3b0 7w½538,549,530
7IIvanovs Igors1996LAT 17b½ 10w0 23b1 5w½ 20b1 8w1 1b½ 2w0 6b½534,545,525,5
8IEl-Haze Žans Pols1954LAT 21w1 15b0 16w1 4b0 13w½ 7b0 24w+ 17w1 1b½531,54224
9IKarcevs Ivans1908LAT 24w1 6b0 21w½ 12b½ 16w½ 14b0 19w1 13b½ 11b1529,53723
10ILimanovska Elizabete2042LAT 12w½ 7b1 4w½ 14b1 6w1 2b0 3w0 16b½ -04,53647,528
11IGrapmanis Edgars1910LAT 19w1 1w0 5b½ 13b½ 15w½ 16b1 4w½ 12b½ 9w04,53445,524,5
12ILuščenkovs Artjoms1869LAT 10b½ 2w0 19b1 9w½ 21b1 6b0 15w1 11w½ 5b04,532,54323,5
13IAvotiņš Artūrs1890LAT 1b0 19w½ 17b1 11w½ 8b½ 25w1 5b0 9w½ 16b½4,5324222
14IKaļiņičenko Maksims1909LAT 23b0 25w1 20b1 10w0 5b½ 9w1 22b+ 1w0 2b04,531,541,524,5
15IVēbers Kārlis1899LAT 18b1 8w1 2b0 22w0 11b½ 5w0 12b0 21w1 19w14,530,540,522,5
16IGrīvnieks Alberts1894LAT 26w1 3b0 8b0 23w1 9b½ 11w0 20b1 10w½ 13w½4,53038,522
17IAleksejevs Iļja1833LAT 7w½ 4b0 13w0 19b½ 18w1 24b0 25w1 8b0 26w1426,533,516,5
18IIAtte Rebeka1750LAT 15w0 21b0 24w1 25w0 17b0 26b1 23w1 19b0 20w14222815
19IKrjukovs Dmitrijs1789LAT 11b0 13b½ 12w0 17w½ 26b1 20w½ 9b0 18w1 15b03,529,53616
20IPodziņš Rihards1871LAT 3w0 26b1 14w0 21b1 7w0 19b½ 16w0 25b1 18b03,52735,518
21IBude Toms1814LAT 8b0 18w1 9b½ 20w0 12w0 23b0 26w1 15b0 24w13,52733,515,5
22IJevstefejevs Andrejs1924LAT 25b1 23w1 6w0 15b1 4w0 3b0 14w- -0 -0331,540,523
23IMiķelsons Miķelis-Emīls1785LAT 14w1 22b0 7w0 16b0 24w0 21w1 18b0 26b0 25w132430,514
24IJansone Signe1770LAT 9b0 5w0 18b0 26w½ 23b1 17w1 8b- -0 21b02,5293612
25INaumovs Aleksejs1804LAT 22w0 14b0 26w1 18b1 3w0 13b0 17b0 20w0 23b0226,53513
26IBuhanovskis Artūrs1710LAT 16b0 20w0 25b0 24b½ 19w0 18w0 21b0 23w1 17b01,52430,55

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break